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The Role Of The Young Ottomans In The Transformation Of Mentality In The Ottoman Empire

The main topic of this study is determining the role of the Young Ottomans in mentality transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the traditional one to a modern one. Their proposals aim to change three patterns of the Ottoman state and society. The relation between state and the individual is the first issue. They tried to create an Ottoman citizenry, enhanced with freedom and political rights, from a reaya. In the second step they imagined a modern society. Their proposals, which imply a secular system, aim to secure the people from the yoke of the tradition and some religious bonds. Nationalism is also important for the abolition of the traditional stratification of the Ottoman society. As a last point, the individual, himself, is tried to be changed into an active, enthusiastic, this-worldly, and rational being. However what is interesting is that while their main concern had been the survival of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic order, their proposals had the potential to undermine these very institutions. This study will try to find the traces of these contradictions and the beginning of a mental transformation.
Date01 April 2007
CreatorsKaplan, Ferhat
ContributorsErtugrul, Kursat
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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