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Mikološki i mikotoksikološki aspekti pojave plesni u začinima / MycologicaI and Mycotoxicological Aspects of Mould Incidence in Spices

<p>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR)</p><p>Ispitano je prisustvo plesni u začinskim sme&scaron;ama (za proizvodnju mortadele, mesnog nareska, srpske Ijute kobasice, alpske i tirolske salame, vir&scaron;le i &scaron;unkarice), crnom biberu u zrnu i mlevenoj začinskoj paprici. Intenzitet kontaminacije bio je najveći u začinskim sme&scaron;ama (46,13%), zatim crnom biberu (28,95%) i začinskoj paprici (24,92%).<br />Uočena je dominacija grupe kserofilnih plesni iz rodova Aspergillus, Emericella, Eurotium, Paecilomyces, Penicillium i Xeromyces. Konstatovano je da su u začinskim sme&scaron;ama i crnom biberu najbrojniji bili predstavnici rodova Aspergillus i Penicillium, ali su po zastupljenosti u uzorcima (100%) dominirale plesni roda Eurotium {E. herbariorum). U uzorcima začinske paprike najče&scaron;će su detektovane plesni roda Rhizopus (R. stolonifer) (87,5%).<br />Od ukupno 45 vrsta identifikovanih tokom mikolo&scaron;kih ispitivanja začina, 55,5% je bilo potencijalno toksigenih. Prisustvo aflatoksina B1 nije konstatovano ni ujednom od začina, ohratoksin A je pronađen kod dva uzorka crnog bibera (u tragovima; 32,00 &mu;g/kg), a zearalenon kod tri uzorka crnog bibera (192,00 do 288,00 &mu;g/kg).<br />Sposobnost sinteze ohratoksina A utvrđena je kod 4 od 5 testiranih sojeva Aspergillus ochraceus (20,00 do 340,00 &mu;g /1). Većina sojeva A. versicolor i 50% E. herbariorum sintetisali su sterigmatocistin u značajnim količinama (100,00 do 1600,00 &mu;g /1, odnosno l60,00 do 400,00 &mu;g /l).<br />A. versicolor se pokazao prilično tolerantnim na uzlaganje visokim temperaturama, preživev&scaron;i toplotni tretman na 800C (5 i 10 min), ali je naru&scaron;ena fiziolo&scaron;ka aktivnost rezultovala smanjenjem proizvodnje sterigmatocistina.</p><p>Koncentracijom kalijum sorbata od 0,5% u potpunosti je inhibiran rast A. versicolor na čvrstoj hranljivoj podlozi, ali ne i u tečnoj; proizvodnja sterigmatocistina registrovana je samo pri nižim koncentracijama (0,05 i 0,1%).</p> / <p>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR)</p><p>The presence of moulds in spice mixtures (for production of mortadella, luncheon meat, &quot;serbian&quot; hot sausage, &quot;alpine&quot; and &quot;tirol&quot; salami, Frankfurter and ham sausage) was investigated. The highest intensity of contamination was in spice mixtures (46,13%), then in black pepper (28,95 %) and in ground red pepper (24,92%).<br />The group of xerophyllic moulds of genera Aspergillus, Emericella, Eurotiiim, Paecilomvces, Penicillium and Xeromyces was dominant. It was found out that the representatives of genera Aspergillus and Penicillium were the most numerous, but considering the incidence in samples (100%) the moulds of genus Eurotium (E. herbariourum) were dominant. In samples of ground red pepper the moulds of the genus Rhizopus (R. stolonifer) (87,5%) were the most frequently detected. Among 45 species identified during mycological investigation of spices, 55,5% were possibly toxicogenic. The presence of aflatoxin B1 was not observed in any of spices tested, ochratoxin A was found in two samples of black pepper (from traces to 32,00 &mu;g/kg), and zaeralenone in three samples of black pepper (192,00 to 288,00 &mu;g/kg).<br />The ability for synthesis of ochratoxin A was observed in 4 of 5 tested strains of Aspergillus ochraceus (20,00 to 340,00 &mu;g/1). The majority of A. versicolor strains and 50% of E. herbariorum synthesized sterigmatocystin in significant quantities (100,00 up to 1600,00 &mu;g/1, and l60,00 up to 400,00 &mu;g/l, respectively).</p><p>A. versicolor showed to be rather tolerant to exposure to high temperatures by surviving the heat treatment at 800C (5 and 10 min), but the disturbed physiological activity resulted in reduced production of sterigmatocystin.<br />By concentration of potassium sorbate of 0,5% the growth of A. versicolor on solid medium was totally inhibited, but not on liquid medium; the production of sterigmatocystin was registered only at lower concentrations (0,05 and 0,1%).</p>
Date28 February 2000
CreatorsDimić Gordana
ContributorsŠkrinjar Marija, Petrović Ljiljana, Govedarica Mitar
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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