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Музичко образовање као сегмент културног развоја града Ниша 1827-1940 / Muzičko obrazovanje kao segment kulturnog razvoja grada Niša 1827-1940 / Music education as a segment of cultural development of Nish from 1827 to 1940

<p>Istraživanja su predstavljena u pet poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju Muzičko obrazovanje u ni&scaron;koj regiji pod Otomanskom vla&scaron;ću, prikazano je &scaron;kolstvo u okviru Otomanske carevine, dolazak prvog srpskog učitelja Spiridona Jovanovića u Ni&scaron; (1927), osnivanje srpske &scaron;kole i razvoj muzičkog obrazovanja u njoj. Drugo poglavlje Muzičko obrazovanje u Kneževini i Kraljevini Srbiji (1878-1914), donosi razvoj muzičkog obrazovanja i opismenjavanja u osnovnim &scaron;kolama, gimnazijama i učiteljskim &scaron;kolama, i doprinos &scaron;kolskih ansambala&nbsp; muzičkom životu grada Ni&scaron;a. U trećem poglavlju Muzičko obrazovanje za vreme bugarske opkupacije (1914-1918), govori se o ukidanju srpskih &scaron;kola, formiranju bugarske osnovne &scaron;kole i gimnazije i izvođenju muzičke nastave u njima. Čevrto poglavlje Kulturni uspon u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji (1918-1940), sadrži planove i programe za osnovne &scaron;kole, gimnazije i učiteljske &scaron;kole, govori o muzičkom obrazovanju učitelja, sadržaju i značaju muzičkih predmeta, formiranju horova i orkestara i izvođenju javnih koncerata. U petom poglavlju Nastavne metode i metodičari (1870-1940), prikazani su elementi nastavnog rada: obrada pesme po sluhu, notalno pevanje, primena intervalske i asocijativne metode. Govori se o prvim metodičarima nastave pevanja, Vladimiru R. Đorđeviću &ndash; poborniku notnog pevanja, prvim muzičkim udžbenicima i njihovim autorima.</p> / <p>The research work is presented in five chapters. The first chapter, Music education in lower region under the control of the Ottomans, is about the educational system as a part of the Ottoman Empire, the arrival of the first Serbian teacher Spiridon Jovanovic at Nish (1927), the founding of the Serbian school and development of musical education. The second chapter, Musical education in Principality and Kingdom of Serbia (1878-1914), is about the development of musical education and teaching in elementary schools, grammar schools and teachers&rsquo; academies and the contribution of the school ensembles to music life of the town of Nish. The third chapter, Musical education during the Bulgarian occupation (1914-1918), talks about the abolishing of Serbian schools, founding of Bulgarian elementary schools and grammar schools, as well as&nbsp; the teaching music in them. The fourth chapter, The cultural rise in The Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918-1940), contains the curriculums of the elementary schools, grammar schools and teachers&rsquo; academies, facts about the musical education of the teachers, subject matter and the significance of the music subjects, forming of the choirs and orchestras and public performances. In the fifth chapter, Teaching methods and methodologists (1870-1940), some elements of the teaching process are shown: musical arrangement of a song by hearing ( perception by sound), singing from notes, the application of the interval and associational method. It is about the first methodologists of teaching singing, about Vladimir R. Djordjevic-a supporter of singing from notes, about the first textbooks and their authors.</p> / <p>The research work is presented in five chapters.<br />The first chapter, Music education in lower<br />region under the control of the Ottomans, is<br />about the educational system as a part of the<br />Ottoman Empire, the arrival of the first Serbian<br />teacher Spiridon Jovanovic at Nish (1927), the<br />founding of the Serbian school and development<br />of musical education. The second chapter,<br />Musical education in Principality and Kingdom<br />of Serbia (1878-1914), is about the development<br />of musical education and teaching in elementary<br />schools, grammar schools and teachers<br />academies and the contribution of the school<br />ensembles to music life of the town of Nish.<br />The third chapter, Musical education during the<br />Bulgarian occupation (1914-1918), talks about<br />the abolishing of Serbian schools, founding of<br />Bulgarian elementary schools and grammar<br />schools, as well as the teaching music in them.<br />The fourth chapter, The cultural rise in The<br />Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918-1940), contains<br />the curriculums of the elementary schools,<br />grammar schools and teachers academies, facts<br />about the musical education of the teachers,<br />subject matter and the significance of the music<br />subjects, forming of the choirs and orchestrasand public performances. In the fifth chapter, Teaching methods and methodologists (1870-<br />1940), some elements of the teaching process<br />are shown: musical arrangement of a song by<br />hearing ( perception by sound), singing from<br />notes, the application of the interval and<br />associational method. It is about the first<br />methodologists of teaching singing, about<br />Vladimir R. Djordjevic-a supporter of singing<br />from notes, about the first textbooks and their<br />authors.</p>
Date18 June 2013
CreatorsGavrilović Marina
ContributorsPetrović Danica, Prodanov-Krajišnik Ira, Ivanović Nada
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Akademija umetnosti u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Academy of Arts at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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