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Revitaliza??o do Rio Golandim (RN/Brasil) ap?s d?cadas de contamina??o por efluentes industriais e dom?sticos: este rio est? recuperado?

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Previous issue date: 2012-05-31 / Environmental pollution causes the loss of the quality of aquatic resources and also affects the
health of human beings. The Golandim River is located in S?o Gon?alo do Amarante (RN
Brazil) and had its water recovered seven years ago by measurements of parameters of the
water s quality analyses physicochemistry, microbiological and heavy metals. However, it
is not well established if this river is truly recovered, so this study provides a wide knowledge
about the quality of these waters. Therefore, this investigation was accomplished by assays of
ecotoxicology utilizing Ceriodaphnia dubia and of genotoxicity of the river s water using a
biomarker Tradescantia Pallida (Trad-MCN). In set, it carried through a study of
environmental perception through questionnaires that approached questions related to the
profile of the interviewed one, knowledge on the environment and of the river Golandim with
the community that lives in the neighborhoods of the river to diagnosis as they perceive the
environment where live and its problems. The assays of the water had been carried out by
collecting samples in three different sites of the Golandim River. They were collected
between the periods of December 2010 (dry season in the northeast of Brazil) and July 2011
(rainy season in the northeast of). The analysis of the data allowed observing that the majority
of the inhabitants are adult and presents a global vision of what it is part of the environment,
the majority mentions the pollution of the river as one of the problems of the city, considering
it serious. The ecotoxicology assay showed that there was not acute toxicity in all three
samples collected. Meanwhile, all these three samples demonstrated significant chronic
toxicity. The results from the Trad-MCN assay presented an increase in the frequency of
micronucleus in one of the sites analyzed (S3) (p<0.01), in both seasons collected. On the
other hand, the sites S1 and S2 did not presented a significant increase of micronucleus using
this bioassay. The analyses of chemicals detected an increase in the levels of some metals, in
different seasons and samples, which can be associates with some compounds found in urban
and industrial areas. On the other hand, the physicochemistries parameters demonstrated that
the Golandim River is recouped, when compared with the values presented at the
CONAMA s legislation. However, these results indicate the presence of compounds capable
of inducing chromosomal mutation in plants. On the other hand, the parameters physicistchemistries
demonstrate that the river Golandim is if recouping, since when compares the
values observed with the legislation of the CONAMA. All these results point to the fact that
the Trad-MCN assay was sensitive and efficient biomarker for chromosomal instability and
the C. dubia ecotoxicology assay was as though an efficient biomarker of toxicity of water s
quality. The results from Trad-MCN associated with the ecotoxicology demonstrates that
these analyses are important for environmental monitoring, once the first bioassay described
above indicates alterations at the standards of cells and the other one indicates alterations at
the standards of organisms. This study alerts for the necessity to carry out biological assays
for the analyses of the water s quality / A ?gua ? essencial para a manuten??o da vida, entretanto, a polui??o ambiental vem causando
a perda da qualidade dos recursos h?dricos, afetando assim a sa?de humana. Este estudo
avaliou a qualidade da ?gua do Rio Golandim no munic?pio de S?o Gon?alo do
Amarante/RN/Brasil ap?s a realiza??o do plano de recupera??o atrav?s de medi??es de
par?metros de qualidade de ?gua - an?lises f?sico-qu?micas, de metais pesados e
microbiol?gicos al?m de incluir ensaio de ecotoxicidade com Daphnia dubia e teste que
detecta a presen?a de compostos mutag?nicos em Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MCN). Em
conjunto, foi realizado um estudo de percep??o ambiental atrav?s de question?rios que
abordou quest?es relacionadas ao perfil do entrevistado, conhecimentos sobre o meio
ambiente e do rio Golandim, com a comunidade que vive nas proximidades deste rio para
diagnosticar como eles percebem o ambiente em que vivem e seus problemas. Os
experimentos foram realizados a partir de amostras de ?gua coletadas em dezembro de 2010
(esta??o do ano seca) e em julho de 2011 (esta??o das chuvas) em tr?s pontos diferentes do rio
Golandim. A an?lise dos dados de percep??o ambiental permitiu observar que a maioria dos
moradores s?o adultos e apresentam uma vis?o global do que ? meio ambiente e a maioria
menciona a polui??o do rio como um dos problemas do munic?pio, considerando-o grave. Os
dados resultantes do ensaio ecotoxicol?gico n?o indicou efeito de toxicidade aguda, entretanto
demonstrou toxicidade cr?nica para a m?dia de reprodu??o dos clad?ceros nas esta??es do
ano seca e chuvosa, em todos os pontos amostrados, os resultados provenientes do ensaio
Trad-MCN para a ?gua bruta mostrou resposta positiva, representada pelo aumento na
frequ?ncia de micron?cleos, para um dos pontos analisados (P3) em ambas as esta??es de
coleta. As an?lises qu?micas detectaram um aumento nos n?veis de alguns metais nos
diferentes per?odos e amostras, que podem estar associados ainda ? presen?a de compostos de
origem urbana e industrial. Contudo, os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos demonstram que o rio
Golandim est? se recuperando, j? que quando se compara os valores observados com a
legisla??o brasileira do CONAMA. Nossos resultados apontam para a presen?a na ?gua de
compostos capazes de induzir muta??es, podendo gerar s?rios agraves ? sa?de da popula??o
que utiliza e reside nas proximidades do Golandim, a qual ainda se sente insegura quanto a
utiliza??o do mesmo. Desta forma, este estudo alerta para a necessidade de realizar ensaios
biol?gicos al?m de empregar apenas as an?lises provenientes das medi??es f?sico-qu?micas
para atestar a qualidade de um corpo d ?gua, como tamb?m da realiza??o de trabalhos de
educa??o ambiental com a comunidade ribeirinha
Date31 May 2012
CreatorsCosta, Aline Rocha de Paiva
ContributorsCPF:91206359072,, Medeiros, S?lvia Regina Batistuzzo de, CPF:32398336468,, Dihl, Rafael Rodrigues, CPF:96184914049,, Amaral, Viviane Souza do
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa Regional de P?s-Gradua??o em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente PRODEMA, UFRN, BR, Meio Ambiente, Cultura e Desenvolvimento
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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