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Mikrotalasno stimulisane transformacije prirodnih i sintetičkih karboksilnih kiselina i njihovih derivata / Microwave-assisted transformation of natural and synthetic carboxylic acids and their derivatives

<p>Predviđena istraživanja u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji su usmerena u pravcu&nbsp;<br />modifikacije klasičnih metoda i postupaka za transformaciju karboksilne grupe&nbsp;<br />prirodnih i sintetičkih karboksilnih kiselina. Modifikacije su rađene novim,&nbsp;<br />savremenim, ekonomski i ekolo&scaron;ki opravdanim metodama rada u&nbsp;<br />mikrotalasnom reaktoru. Modifikovanim sintetskim postupcima u&nbsp;<br />mikrotalasnom reaktoru urađena je sinteza amida, hidroksamskih&nbsp; derivata,&nbsp;<br />kao i redukcija individualnih naftnih kiselina i&nbsp; sme&scaron;e&nbsp; prirodnih naftnih kiselina&nbsp;<br />&bdquo;Velebit&ldquo; do alkohola. Prirodne naftne kiseline kori&scaron;ćene u ovom radu su prvo&nbsp;<br />izolovane iz gasne frakcije (interval destilacije 168-290 &deg;C) vojvođanske nafte&nbsp;<br />&bdquo;Velebit&ldquo; a potom preči&scaron;ćene i razdvojene na uže frakcije na osnovu različite&nbsp;<br />kiselosti. Nakon toga, izvr&scaron;ena je njihova karakterizacija GC-MS-EI analizom&nbsp;<br />(čime je potvrđeno da dolazi do strukturne diferencijacije kiselina). U radu je&nbsp;<br />takođe ispitana biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost sintetizovanih derivata. Proučavan je uticaj&nbsp;<br />prirodnih naftnih kiselina &bdquo;Velebit&ldquo; i njenih derivata na rast&nbsp; pet sojeva&nbsp;<br />Pseudomonas sp., kao i uticaj odabranih sintetisanih jedinjenja na proliferaciju&nbsp;<br />četiri ćelijske linije humanih tumora pri čemu je kao kontrola služila jedna&nbsp;<br />zdrava humana ćelijska linija.</p> / <p>The investigation of this doctoral dissertation is directed toward the modification of the &nbsp;transformation of the carboxylic group of natural and synthetic carboxylic acids. The dissertation takes into consideration the classical methods and procedures of the reaction and modifies them using microwave reactor. The synthesis of amides, hydroxamic derivatives, as well as the reduction&nbsp; of individual petroleum acids and acid mixtures of natural oil &quot;Velebit&quot; to alcohol were achieved&nbsp; by the modifications made to the synthetic methods in the microwave reactor. The natural oil acids used within this study were first isolated from the gas fraction (distillation interval 168-290 &deg;C) of the Vojvodina&#39;s crude oil &quot;Velebit&quot;, and then purified and separated by the narrow fractions under the different acidity. After that, their characterisation was made by the GC-MS-EI analysis which confirmed that the structural differentiation of&nbsp;&nbsp; acids had been achieved. Also, the biological activity of the synthesized derivatives are analysed. The impact of natural petroleum acids &quot;Velebit&quot; and its derivatives on the growth of five strains of&nbsp; Pseudomonas&nbsp; sp. was studied, as well as the impact of selected synthesized compounds on the proliferation of four human tumor cell lines wherein one healthy human cell lines used as the control.</p>
Date25 September 2014
CreatorsPavlović Ksenija
ContributorsĆirin-Novta Vera, Sakač Marija, Popsavin Mirjana, Grbović Ljubica, Kevrešan Slavko
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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