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An inverse method for the synthesis of timing parameters in concurrent systems

This thesis proposes a novel approach for the synthesis of delays for timed systems, in particular in the framework oftimed automata, a model for verifying real-time systems. Our approach relies on the following inverse method: given a reference valuation of the parameters, we synthesize a constraint on the parameters, guaranteeing the same timeabstract linear behavior as for the reference valuation. This gives a criterion of robustness to the system. By iterating this inverse method on various points of a bounded parameter domain, we are then able to partition the parametric space into good and bad zones, with respect to a given property one wants to verify. This gives a behavioral cartography of the system. This method extended to probabilistic systems allows to preserve minimum and maximum probabilities of reachability properties. We also present variants of the inverse method for directed weighted graphs and Markov Decision Processes. Several prototypes have been implemented; in particular, IMITATOR II implements the inverse method and the cartography for timed automata. It allowed us to synthesize parameter values for several case studies such as an abstract model of a memory circuit sold by the chipset manufacturer ST-Microelectronics, and various communication protocols.
Date08 December 2010
CreatorsAndré, Etienne
PublisherÉcole normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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