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Comparison of different methods by means of which water holding capacity of soil is determined and the prediction of water holding capacity from soil texture in coarse-textured soil

Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Irrigation scheduling is one of the most important cultural practices in irrigated vineyards. Water holding
capacity of soil is arguably therefore one of the most important characteristics of a soil as it determines
how much water can be made available to the plant. The measurement of water holding capacity of
soils is time consuming and costly. In situ determinations are often impractical to determine.
For routine determinations, water holding capacity is therefore determined on disturbed samples. Such
a method for example is the rubber ring method. A great deal of criticism surrounds this rubber ring
method and results are often questioned.
The objectives of this study were therefore to determine what the relationship was between undisturbed
and disturbed samples and to determine whether compacted samples could give a more accurate
representation of the water holding capacity of soil. Soil textural factors influencing the volumetric water
content of undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples at 5, 10 and 100 kPa were investigated. In
addition, soil textural properties influencing water holding capacity of the respective samples between 5
and 100 kPa and 10 and 100 kPa were investigated. The final objective of the study was to develop
simple models to predict the volumetric water content and water holding capacity of soil.
Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were taken at various localities to ensure a wide range of
textures. Water holding capacity of undisturbed and disturbed samples was determined at ARC
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij using the standard air pressure and ceramic plate technique and the routine rubber
ring method respectively. Soil samples were also compacted to a bulk density of approximately 1.5 as a further treatment for determination of water holding capacity using the air pressure and
ceramic plate technique.
To investigate aspects of soil texture that could possibly influence volumetric water content of the soil,
correlations were done between different texture components and volumetric water content of
undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples at 5, 10 and 100 kPa. In order to determine the effect
of texture on water holding capacity of the soil, correlations were drawn between texture components
and water holding capacity of undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples between matric potential
ranges 5 and 100 kPa and 10 and 100 kPa. The results from this study were used to develop models to
predict volumetric soil water content and water holding capacity of soils for a range of soils.
Volumetric water content of rubber ring samples at 5 kPa was more than the volumetric water content of
undisturbed samples at 5 kPa. The volumetric water content of rubber ring samples at 5 kPa and the
volumetric water content of undisturbed samples at 5 kPa was correlated by 87%. Volumetric water content of compacted samples at 5 kPa had a 85% degree of correlation with the volumetric water
content of undisturbed samples. At 10 kPa, the correlation between volumetric water content
determined using rubber ring samples and undisturbed samples was 77%. This was identical to the
correlation between volumetric water content of compacted samples at 10 kPa and undisturbed
samples. At 100 kPa, most of the rubber ring samples' volumetric water content fell below the 1:1 line of
volumetric water content of undisturbed samples. The volumetric water content of all the compacted
samples was higher than that of the undisturbed samples.
Water holding capacity of all the rubber ring samples between 5 and 100 kPa was greater than the
water holding capacity of the undisturbed samples between 5 and 100 kPa. Rubber ring samples
therefore generally overestimated the water holding capacity of the soil. The water holding capacity of
most of the rubber ring samples between 10 and 100 kPa was greater than the water holding capacity of
the undisturbed samples. In contrast, the water holding capacity of compacted samples between 5 and
100 kPa was less than the water holding capacity of undisturbed samples between 5 and 100 kPa.
Water holding capacity of compacted samples was therefore underestimated.
The results from this study confirmed that the influence of clay and silt content on volumetric water
content of undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples increased as the suction on the respective
samples is increased. The influence of fine sand content on volumetric water content of undisturbed,
rubber ring and compacted samples decreased with an increase in matric potential to 100 kPa. Medium
sand content of undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples had the greatest influence of all the
textural components on the volumetric water content of the respective samples at 5 kPa and 10 kPa.
Water holding capacity of undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples between 5 and 100 kPa was
greatly influenced by the fine sand content of the samples. Medium sand content of the samples also
had an influence on the water holding capacity thereof.
To predict the volumetric water content of undisturbed samples at 5, 10 and 100 kPa, the independent
variables were fine sand content, square root of medium sand content and In of medium sand content.
In the case of models to predict the volumetric water content of rubber ring samples at 5, 10 and 100
kPa, the same variables were used as independent variables. Additional variables such as silt content,
the In of silt content, square root of clay plus silt content and the medium sand content. To predict the
volumetric water content of compacted samples at 5, 10 and 100 kPa the terms used were silt content,
clay plus silt content, the e-clay
plus silt content. medium sand content and the square root of medium sand
content. The models to predict volumetric water content of rubber ring samples gave the best
correlation with the actual volumetric water content of rubber ring samples. The final models to predict the water holding capacity of all the samples between 5 and 100 kPa and 10
and 100 kPa used only fine and medium sand parameters as independent variables.
Soil textural components do play an important role in determining the volumetric water content of
undisturbed, rubber ring and compacted samples at 5, 10 and 100 kPa. The magnitude of the water
holding capacity between 5 and 100 kPa and 10 and 100 kPa is also influenced by soil texture. The
models developed to predict the volumetric water content of samples at 5, 10 and 100 kPa and the
magnitude of the water holding capacity between 5 and 100 kPa and 10 and 100 kPa could be very
useful. Both time and money can potentially be saved. Models that can be highly recommended are
the models generated for the undisturbed samples.
These are:
At 5 kPa, VWCu = 0.47259 - 0.04712 medium sando.s
At 10 kPa, VWCu = 0.41292 - 0.04221 medium sandos
At 100 kPa, VWCu = 0.48080 - 0.00254 fine sand - 0.0865 In medium sand
Between 5 and 100 kPa, WHCu = -29.523 + 3.394 fine sand
Between 10 and 100 kPa, WHCu = -891.794 + 232.326 In fine sand + 38.006 In medium sand / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besproeiingskedulering is een van die belangrikste wingerdverbouingspraktyke. Waterhouvermoë
bepaal hoeveel water beskikbaar gestel kan word aan die plant en daarom is dit een van die
belangrikste eienskappe van 'n grond. Die meting van waterhouvermoë van grond is tydsaam en duur.
Boonop is in situ bepalings dikwels onprakties om te bepaal.
Waterhouvermoë word dus bepaal op versteurde monsters vir roetine ontledings. 'n Voorbeeld van so
'n metode is die rubberring metode. Daar bestaan groot kritiek teenoor hierdie rubberring metode en
resultate word dikwels betwyfel deur die landboubedryf.
Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om te bepaal wat die verwantskap is tussen onversteurde monsters
en rubberring monsters asook om te bepaal of gekompakteerde monsters 'n meer akkurate aanduiding
sou gee as onversteurde monsters van die waterhouvermoë van die grond. Grondtekstuur faktore wat
die volumetriese waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en gekompakteerde
monsters by 5, 10 and 100 kPa beïnvloed, was ondersoek. Grondtekstuur faktore wat waterhouvermoë
van die onderskeie monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa en tussen 10 en 100 kPa beïnvloed, was ook
ondersoek. Die finale doelwit van die studie was om eenvoudige modelle te ontwikkel vir die
voorspelling van volumetriese waterinhoud en waterhouvermoë van grond.
Onversteurde grond monsters en grond vir versteurde monsters is by verskeie lokaliteite geneem om 'n
wye reeks teksture te verkry. Waterhouvermoë van onversteurde monsters is bepaal by LNR Infruitec-
Nietvoorbij met die standaard drukplaat tegniek. Waterhouvermoë van versteurde grond is bepaal met
die roetine rubberring metode van LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. Grond was ook gekompakteer tot 'n
bulkdigtheid van ongeveer 1.5 en daarna is die waterhouvermoë bepaal by die LNR Infruitec-
Nietvoorbij met die standaard drukplaat tegniek.
Om aspekte van grondtekstuur, wat moontlik die volumetriese waterinhoud van grond kan beïnvloed te
ondersoek, is korrelasies tussen verskeie tekstuur komponente en die volumetriese waterinhoud van
onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en gekompakteerde monsters by 5, 10 en 100 kPa bepaal.
Om te bepaal watter tekstuur komponente waterhouvermoë van die grond kan bepaal, is korrelasies
getrek tussen tekstuur komponente en waterhouvermoë van onversteurde monsters, rubberring
monsters en gekompakteerde monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa en tussen 10 en 100 kPa. Die data is
verwerk met die SAS uitgawe 6.12 (SAS, 1990) om modelle vir die voorspelling van volumetriese
waterinhoud en waterhouvermoë van grond met behulp van maklik kwantifiseerbare grondtekstuur
veranderlikes te ontwikkel. Die volumetriese waterinhoud van rubberring monsters by 5 kPa was meer as die volumetriese
waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters by 5 kPa. Die volumetriese waterinhoud van rubberring
monsters by 5 kPa en die volumetriese waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters by 5 kPa is
gekorreleerd met 87%. Die volumetriese waterinhoud van gekompakteerde monsters by 5 kPa het 'n
korrelasie van 85% met volumetriese waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters getoon. By 10 kPa, was
die graad van korrelasie tussen volumetriese waterinhoud bepaal met rubberring monsters en
onversteurde monsters, 77%. Dit was omtrent dieselfde as die graad van korrelasie tussen
volumetriese waterinhoud van gekompakteerde monsters en onversteurde monsters by 10 kPa. By 100
kPa het die meeste van die rubberring monsters se volumetriese waterinhoud onderkant die 1:1 lyn van
die volumetriese waterinhoud by 100 kPa van al die onversteurde monsters. Die volumetriese
waterinhoud van al die gekompakteerde monsters was hoër as die van die onversteurde monsters.
Die waterhouvermoë van al die rubberring monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa was groter as die van die
onversteurde monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa. Die rubberring monsters het dus oor die algemeen die
grootte van die waterhouvermoë oorskry. Die waterhouvermoë van die meeste van die rubberring
monsters tussen 10 en 100 kPa was groter as die waterhouvermoë van die onversteurde monsters. Die
waterhouvermoë van gekompakteerde monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa was minder as die
waterhouvermoë van die onversteurde monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa. Die waterhouvermoë van
gekompakteerde grondmonsters is dus onderskat.
Die resultate van hierdie studie het die invloed van klei- en slik- inhoud op die volumetriese waterinhoud
van onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en gekompakteerde monsters bevestig. Die invloed
van klei en sand op die volumetriese waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en
gekompakteerde monsters het toegeneem soos die matriks potensiaal op die onderskeie monsters
toegeneem het. Die invloed van fynsand op die volumetriese waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters,
rubberring monsters en gekompakteerde monsters was die grootste by 5 kPa en het afgeneem tot by
100 kPa. Die mediumsand inhoud van onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en
gekompakteerde monsters het van al die tekstuur komponente die grootste invloed op die volumetriese
waterinhoud van al die monsters by 5 kPa en 10 kPa gehad.
Die waterhouvermoë van onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en gekompakteerde monsters
tussen 5 en 100 kPa is grootliks beinvloed deur die fynsand inhoud van die monsters. Die mediumsand
inhoud van die monsters het ook 'n invloed gehad op die waterhouvermoë daarvan.
Om die volumetriese waterinhoud van onversteurde monsters by 5, 10 en 100 kPa te voorspel, is
onafhanklike veranderlikes soos fynsand inhoud, vierkantswortel van mediumsand inhoud en In van
mediumsand inhoud bepaal. In die geval van modelle om die volumetriese waterinhoud van rubberring
monsters by 5, 10 en 100 kPa te voorspel, is dieselfde veranderlikes gebruik as onafhanklike veranderlikes. Addisionele veranderlikes soos slik inhoud, In van slik inhoud, die vierkantswortel van die
klei plus slik inhoud en die mediumsand inhoud is ook gebruik. Om die volumetriese waterinhoud van
gekompakteerde monsters by 5, 10 en 100 kPa te voorspel, is die terme slik inhoud, klei plus slik
inhoud, e-klei
plus slik inhoud, mediumsand inhoud en vierkantswortel van mediumsand inhoud gebruik. Die
modelle om volumetriese waterinhoud van rubberring samples te voorspel het die akkuraatste
voorspellings gegee.
Die finale modelle, om waterhouvermoë van alle monsters tussen 5 en 100 kPa en tussen 10 en 100
kPa te bepaal, het slegs fyn en mediumsand as onafhanklike veranderlikes gebruik.
Grondtekstuur komponente speel dus 'n belangrike rol in die volumetriese waterinhoud van
onversteurde monsters, rubberring monsters en gekompakteerde monsters by 5, 10 en 100 kPa. Die
grootte van die waterhouvermoë tussen 5 en 100 kPa en tussen 10 en 100 kPa is ook beinvloed deur
die grondtekstuur. Die modelle wat ontwikkel is om die volumetriese waterinhoud van monsters by 5, 10
en 100 kPa en die grootte van die waterhouvermoë tussen 5 en 100 kPa en tussen 10 and 100 kPa te
voorspel, kan baie waardevol wees. Tyd en geld kan potensieel bespaar word. Die modelle wat hoogs
aanbevole is, is die modelle vir onversteurde monsters.
Die modele is:
By 5 kPa, VWlo = 0.47259 - 0.04712 rnedlumsand?"
By 10 kPa, VWlo = 0.41292 - 0.04221 mediumsando.s
By 100 kPa, VWlo = 0.48080 - 0.00254 fynsand - 0.0865 In mediumsand
Tussen 5 en 100 kPa, WHVo = -29.523 + 3.394 fynsand
Tussen 10 en 100 kPa, WHVo = -891.794 + 232.326 In fynsand + 38.006 In mediumsand
Date12 1900
CreatorsHowell, C. L. (Carolyn Louise)
ContributorsHoffman, J. E., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Soil Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format125 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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