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La motivación del docente universitario para ejercer su labor y formarse continuamente

En la presente investigación se planteó como objetivo identificar las motivaciones de
profesores universitarios para ejercer la docencia y para participar en capacitaciones que mejoren
su labor docente, así como comparar si estas difieren entre los que culminaron y los que
abandonaron dichos programas de capacitación. Los participantes fueron profesores de una
universidad privada de Lima, que se inscribieron en cursos de capacitación docente, ya sea
respondiendo a la oferta planteada en la universidad o porque la buscaron voluntariamente. Se
utilizó una metodología cualitativa fenomenológica en la que se recabó información a través de
entrevistas semiestructuradas sobre el proceso personal del profesor en su motivación, toma de
decisiones y compromiso con los programas de capacitación docente en los que se inscribió, no
sin antes haber firmado un consentimiento informado explicando los objetivos de la
investigación. Las transcripciones de las entrevistas fueron analizadas con el apoyo del Atlas-ti.
Los resultados muestran que existe una diferenciación entre el tipo de motivación de los docentes
y cómo es que perciben su labor dentro del aula. A partir de ella es que consideran iniciar y
continuar con las capacitaciones a las que se han inscrito, además de la constancia que tienen en
las mismas. / The main aim of this research is identify how University professors are being motivated to take
part in training process that help them to improve their teaching skills, furthermore, to compare
and contrast between those who have finished with others that left their training program.
The target group were professors from a private university of Lima, who were enrolled in teacher
training courses, either in response to the offer that was made to the university or because they
sought it voluntarily. We applied a phenomenological qualitative methodology in which
information was gathered through in depth interviews to ensure a real coverage about the
teacher's personal process in their motivation, decision-making and commitment to the teacher
training programs in which they were enrolled, but not before signing an informed consent that
explain the main objectives of the research. The transcripts of the interviews were analyzed with
the support of Atlas-ti. The results evidenced that there is a difference between the type of
teacher’s motivation and how they perceive their work in the classroom. As a result of it, they
consider to start and go ahead with the trainings in which they have registered, in addition to the
constancy that they have in them; creating a profile for each group of participants that have
motivation, perception of teaching work and training programs as determining factors.
Likewise, the discussion shows the impact, limitations and suggestions of the study based of the
analysis carried out.
Date10 April 2019
CreatorsDíaz Castillo, Rashell de Belén
ContributorsClaux Alfaro, Mary Louise
PublisherPontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PE
Source SetsPontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Detected LanguageEnglish

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