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Didactic strategies for the use of lyrics in religious education

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to identify didactic strategies for the use of lyrics in
children's religious education. This is done to enhance and facilitate children's
spiritual growth by means of singing lyrics.
The study pays particular attention to the recognition of the role of lyrics in Christian
religious education as a maturing agent. Lyrics help to provide children with the
opportunity to communicate with God by revealing God's characteristics through
theoretical and doctrinal content in an artistic form. Lyrics enrich children's religious
development by helping them to express their joy and praise of God. Lyrics can also
help children to experience a special quality of fellowship when they sing together.
Lyrics ease the stiffness which can occur during the process of education.
The survey of lyrics in Christian history also reveals that lyrics played an essential
role in the lives of Christians throughout history. Lyrics have been used for worship,
education, evangelisation and fellowship. Lyrics have functioned as a medium in
which people have conversations with God and worship Him. They have also been a
delightful source through which people learn about God through joyful experiences.
Lyrics have helped Christians to establish true fellowship in their faith by singing
The study reveals, however, that lyrics today do not seem to be effective in supporting
people, including children, in their encounters with God. As much as lyrics can help
children, they can also be obstacles to children's spiritual growth because of their
inappropriate contents or improper ways of presentation. Children might
misunderstand religious concepts by acquiring "unfamiliar" doctrine from lyrics. It
seems that children can also develop inappropriate ideas and attitudes about
worshipping under the influence of self-oriented or fun-seeking styles of lyrics.
This potential of lyrics to influence children either positively or negatively is often
overlooked. The question that may be raised is: what should be done to facilitate the
lyric's maturing role and to keep it from being a hindrance in children's religious
education? This study attempts to identify systematic and scientific didactic
approaches of teaching lyrics as a way of heightening the positive role of lyrics in
children's spiritual growth.
For the identification of didactic strategies which are best suited for children's
spiritual growth, the study presents approaches in which systems of coherent ideas,
findings, activities and views concerning instruction and learning are performed. The
didactic strategies are illustrated in three main phases, i.e. introductory, executive and
assessment phases. Essential characteristics of the instruction-learning phenomenon in
all its facets are absorbed into the theory as an overall guide for every teaching
The study makes an effort to apply these didactic strategies to the practical situation
of teaching lyrics. Korean children are chosen as the subjects for the teaching oflyrics
and their religious development is empirically investigated as the basic research on
the understanding of the learner in the didactic situation. The application of the
general approaches to the definite and specific situation of teaching Korean children is explained. Didactic approaches are redesigned, taking the specific didactic situation of
Korea, including Korean children's specific religious characteristics, into
consideration. These programmes can be effectively applied to other didactic
situations, keeping them flexible in the light of the uniqueness of each lesson.
The ultimate aim of this study - the recognition of systematically organised didactic
strategies and exemplification of their practical application to the detailed situation of
teaching lyrics - is to maximise the effectiveness of lyrics for children's spiritual
goodness, particularly in enriching children's religious knowledge and experience. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om didaktiese strategieë te identifiseer vir die gebruik
van lirieke in kinders se religieuse opvoeding. Dit word gedoen om leerders se
sprituele groei deur middel van die sing van liedjies te fasiliteer.
Die studie fokus in die besonder op die herkenning van die rol wat lirieke, in
hoofsaaklik Christelike religieuse onderrig, in die proses van volwassewording speel.
Lirieke verskaf aan kinders die geleentheid om met God te kommunikeer deurdat God
se eienskappe deur middel van teoretiese en dogmatiese inhoud as 'n vorm van kuns
openbaar word. Lirieke verryk kinders se religieuse ontwikkeling deurdat dit hulle
help om hul blydskap en eer vir God uit te druk. Lirieke kan kinders ook help om 'n
besondere kwaliteit van gemeenskap ("fellowship") te ervaar wanneer hulle saam
sing. Deur die gebruik van lirieke kan die stramheid wat dikwels met die
opvoedingsproses gepaard gaan, in 'n groot mate verlig word.
Die opname wat van lirieke in die Christelike geskiedenis gedoen is toon aan dat
lirieke dwarsdeur die geskiedenis 'n baie belangrike rol gespeel het in die lewens van
Christene. Lirieke is deur die eeue gebruik vir aanbidding, opvoeding, evangelisasie
en geloofsgemeenskap. Lirieke funksioneer as 'n medium waardeur mense in gesprek
tree met God en Hom aanbid. Dit dien ook as 'n bron waardeur mense deur
vreugdevolle ervaring van God leer. Lirieke help Christene om ware
geloofsgemeenskap deur hul samesang te bewerkstellig.
Dit blyk uit die studie dat lirieke vandag nie meer effektief is om mense, insluitende
kinders, in hulontmoeting met God te ondersteun nie. Alhoewel lirieke kinders kan
help, kan hulle in dieselfde mate struikelblokke wees in kinders se sprituele groei
weens onaanvaarbare inhoud of onvanpaste aanbieding. Kinders kan religieuse
konsepte misverstaan deurdat hulle met "vreemde" dogmas vanuit lirieke
gekonfronteer word. Dit blyk dat kinders ook onaanvaarbare idees en houdings oor
aanbidding kan ontwikkel weens die invloed van die selfgeoriënteerde of
pretsoekende styl van sommige lirieke.
Die potensiaal van lirieke om kinders óf positief óf negatief te beïnvloed word
dikwels misgekyk. Die vraag wat ontstaan is: Wat moet gedoen word om die lirieke
se rol in die verwerwing van volwassenheid te fasiliteer en te verhoed dat dit 'n
hindernis in kinders se religieuse opvoeding word? Hierdie studie poog om
sistematiese en wetenskaplik-didaktiese benaderings te identifiseer om die onderrig
van lirieke te bevorder ten einde die positiewe rol van lirieke in kinders se spritiuele
groei te versterk.
Om didaktiese strategieë te identifiseer wat die beste by kinders se spirituele groei
pas, bied die studie benaderings aan wat stelsels van samehangende idees, bevindinge,
aktiwiteite en sieninge betreffende onderrig en leer behels. Die didaktiese strategieë
word in drie hooffases geïllustreer, nl. die inleidende fase, die uitvoerende fase en die
assesseringsfase. Essensiële kenmerke van die onderrig-leerverskynsel in alle fasette
daarvan is in die teorie opgeneem as 'n allesomvattende riglyn vir elke leersituasie.
Die studie poog voorts om hierdie didaktiese strategieë toe te pas in 'n praktiese
lirieke-onderrigsituasie. Koreaanse kinders is gekies as proefpersone vir die onderrig van lirieke, en hul religieuse ontwikkeling is empmes ondersoek as die basiese
navorsing ten opsigte van die begrip van die leerder in die didaktiese situasie. Die
toepassing van die algemene benaderings tot die bepalende en spesifieke situasie van
onderrig aan Koreaanse kinders word verduidelik. Didaktiese benaderings word
herontwerp met inagneming van die spesifieke didaktiese situasie in Korea.
Koreaanse kinders se besondere religieuse karaktertrekke word tegelykertyd in
aanmerking geneem. Hierdie plooibare programme kan ook effektief op ander
didaktiese situasies toegepas word, wat beteken dat hulle by elke unieke les aangepas
kan word.
Die uiteindelike doel van hierdie studie - die erkenning van sistematies
georganiseerde didaktiese strategieë en die toeligting van hul praktiese aanwending in
die onderrig van lirieke - is om die effektiwiteit van lirieke vir kinders se sprituele
welsyn te optimaliseer en veralom leerders se religieuse kennis en ervaring te verryk.
Date01 1900
CreatorsKim, Young-Mi
ContributorsRoux, C. D., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxviii, 300 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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