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Musik och kommunikation - en kursutvärdering

ABSTRACTBjelkenbrant, Pernilla, 2007: Musik och kommunikation – en kursutvärdering (Music and communication – a course evaluation) The purpose of this study is to do a quality assurance of the course “Music and communication” (MUPR1205) as it was implemented in a class of music students at the program of Arts and Culture at Törnströmska upper secondary school in Karlskrona during 2006/2007. The overall question is to what extent the shaping of the course involves the attainment of the values and goals formulated in the national school documents. The study includes an interpretation of course goals related to overall goals, and a suggestion of how theories of the relationship music – society can be applied to those goals to make a successful course structure. The questions upon which the evaluation is done, tell us whether the students understand the theories and consider them relevant to their future music making, i.e., to which extent course goals are achieved. The investigation displays a successful result. Even though the basis of the study does not allow for any general conclusions when it comes to the quality of course structure in relation to course goals, it clearly shows a successful model where students had the opportunities to achieve excellent results, and where I, as a teacher, got to be creative and self reflecting. Through this self-evaluation, carried out on an individual teacher basis, there is presented several options of improvement and development of interdisciplinary collaborative projects with other teachers and programmes – options that hopefully serve as inspiration for other teachers interested in developing and improving their teaching.
Date January 2007
CreatorsBjelkenbrant, Pernilla
PublisherMalmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), Malmö högskola/Lärarutbildningen
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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