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Uticaj nanočestica punila na svojstva elastomernih materijala za specijalne namene / The influence of filler nanoparticles on the properties of elastomeric materials for special applications

<p>Strukturiranje elastomernih kompozita dodavanjem različitih vrsta nanopunila je dovelo do značajnog pobolj&scaron;anja njihovih primenskih svojstava, a samim tim i do povećanja njihove potencijalne primene kao pogodnih materijala za specijalne namene. U ovom radu, dobijene su dve grupe elastomernih hibridnih materijala za specijalne namene (na osnovu stirenbutadienskog elastomera i na osnovu termoplastičnih poliuretana).<br />U prvom delu istraživanja, veliki doprinos u razvoju industrije gume je postignut strukturiranju stirenbutadienskih nanokompozita primenom nanočestica punila silicijum(IV)oksida različitih morfolo&scaron;kih svojstava, dobijenih hidrotermičkom i termičkom obradom, primenom tri eksperimentalno modelovana punila silicijum(IV)oksida (dobijena taloženjem iz Na-vodenog stakla sa sumpornom kiselinom), kao i hibridnog punila (kombinacije čestica aktivne čađi i SiO<sub>2</sub> optimalnih svojstava). Izvr&scaron;ena je analiza uticaja strukture, povr&scaron;ine i povr&scaron;inske aktivnosti nanopunila na ojačanje elastomera, kao i provera koncepata, modela i teorija ojačanja na neumreženim i umreženim sistemima stirenbutadienskih elastomera ojačanih modifikovanim punilima SiO<sub>2</sub>. Primenom mnogobrojnih metoda karakterizacije, sveobuhvatno je ispitan uticaj nanopunila na karakteristike me&scaron;anja, reolo&scaron;ka svojstva pripremljenih hibridnih nanokompozita, sposobnost umrežavanja u neumreženom materijalu, kao i na toplotna, dinamičko-mehanička i mehanička svojstva umreženih nanokompozita, radi projektovanja i optimizovanja sastava SBR hibridnih materijala za razvoj modelnog protektora sa optimalnim svojstvima za ekolo&scaron;ke ili &quot;zelene pneumatike&quot;. Drugi deo istraživanja je bio posvećen dobijanju segmentiranih poliuretanskih elastomernih nanokompozita primenom alifatičnih polikarbonatnih diola i nanočestica bentonita, koji nalaze primenu u medicini, građevinarstvu, u industriji name&scaron;taja i sportske opreme. Primenom mnogobrojnih metoda za karakterizaciju, ispitan je složen mehanizam uticaja tvrdih segmenata, termodinamičke nekompatibilnosti i prisustva nanočestica punila bentonita na strukturu i morfologiju, kao i na toplotna i dinamičko-mehanička svojstva pripremljenih poliuretanskih termoplastičnih elastomera. Dobijeni podaci o obrazovanju vodoničnih veza, termičkoj stabilnosti i termičkoj dekompoziciji, kao i o temperaturama prelaska u staklasto stanje i oblasti raskidanja čvorova fizičkih veza, predstavljaju značajan doprinos napretku strukturiranja poliuretanskih elastomera i nanokompozita na osnovu alifatičnih polikarbonatnih diola, i omogućavaju primenu ovih materijala za specijalne namene.</p> / <p>The structuring of elastomeric composites by addition of different nanofillers has led to a significant improvement of their end-use properties, and therefore, to their potential application as suitable materials for special applications. In this work, two types of elastomeric hybrid materials for special purposes were obtained (based on styrene-bustadiene elastomer or on segmented thermoplastic polyurethanes).<br />In the first part of the study, a major contribution to the development of the rubber industry was achieved by structuring styrene-butadiene nanocomposites, applying silica nanoparticles of various morphological properties: prepared by hydrothermal or thermal treatment, three experimentally prepared SiO2 fillers (obtained by precipitation from sodium silicate with sulfuric acid), as well as a hybrid filler (combination of carbon black and SiO2 fillers with optimal properties). The analysis of the influence of the nanoparticles structure, surface and surface activity on the reinforcment of SBR elastomers, as well as the verification of concepts, models and reinforcement theories on non-cross-linked and cross-linked systems of styrene-butadiene nanocomposites was performed. Using the numerous characterization methods, the influence of nanofillers on the mixing characteristics, the rheological properties of the prepared hybrid nanocomposites, as well as the thermal, dynamic-mechanical and mechanical properties of cross-linked SBR nanocomposites was studied, in order to design and optimize the composition of SBR hybrid materials for development of environmental friendly or &quot;green&quot; tyre protector model.<br />The second part of the research was devoted to the preparation of segmented polyurethane elastomeric nanocomposites using aliphatic polycarbonate diols and bentonite nanoparticles, that have found the significant application in the medicine, construction, the furniture and sports equipment industry. Applying numerous characterization methods, a complex mechanism of the influence of the hard segments, thermodynamic incompatibility and the presence of bentonite filler on the structure and morphology, as well as on the thermal and dynamic-mechanical properties of the synthesized thermoplastic elastomers was studied. The obtained data on the hydrogen bonds formation, thermal stability and thermal decomposition, as well as the glass transition temperature and physical crosslink disruption temparature range, makes a significant contribution to the progress in structuring of polycarbonate-based polyurethane elastomers and their hybrid materials, and improves their potential applications for the special purposes.</p>
Date31 March 2018
CreatorsLazić Nada
ContributorsBudinski-Simendić Jaroslava, Pavličević Jelena, Pilić Branka, Jovičić Mirjana, Baloš Sebastian
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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