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'Belief' and 'Logos' in the prologue of the Gospel of John : an analysis of complex parallelism

Thesis (DTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research aims to give an answer to the correlation between ‘Belief’ and the ‘Logos’,
which are the fundamental themes of the Prologue, by using a ‘complex parallelism’ and to
understand the literary style that is found in the Prologue and to combine previous literary
methods thereby making them useful for the interpretation of the Prologue to the Gospel of
John. Our hypothesis is that the Prologue should be read in line with the broader theological
viewpoint of the Gospel of John, viz. the Prologue aims that all readers should believe in the
Chapter 2 describes how various previous approaches presented and detected the theme and
structure of the Prologue, viz. sequence reading (or a thematic approach) and literary reading
(or a structural approach). The former reading presents the ‘Logos’ as the fundamental theme
of the Prologue; the latter reading describes various literary figures, viz. parallelism, chiasm,
and alternative/complementary literary models, and various pivotal themes of the Prologue.
Their research illustrates the possibility of identifying varied and deep structures within the
Prologue and suggests that the Prologue could be read from multiple angles.
Chapter 3 discusses various types of parallelism and patterns of chiastic structure which
constitute the basic elements of complex parallelism and the criteria for identifying the
chiastic structure as an adequate methodology for the analysis of the Prologue. Among the
various types of parallelism which were proposed and advanced by the previous scholars,
synonymous parallelism, antithetic parallelism, synthetic parallelism, staircase parallelism,
and inverted parallelism are employed and the chiastic structure, including various extended
figures of chiasm, is classified into three patterns: the A-B-A' pattern, the A-B-B'-A' pattern
and the A-B-C-B'-A' pattern. In addition, four criteria for identifying the chiastic structure are
selected and modified for this research, among the criteria applied by the previous scholars.
We discuss some textual-critical issues in Chapter 4, before embarking on analysis of the
structure of the Prologue. Among them, we argue that only in the case of three verses textual
variants raise debatable issues: e.g., the textual variants of punctuation of verse 3, the textual
variants of the number of the relative pronoun and of the verb in verse 13, and the textual
variants with regard to monogenh.j qeo,j in verse 18.
Chapter 5 explores the structure of the Prologue with complex parallelism in order to reveal
both ‘Belief’ and ‘Logos’ as the fundamental themes of the Prologue. In complex parallelism,
complex chiastic structure and complex inverted parallelism combine structurally and
semantically. Both complex structures have surface and deep structures: In complex chiastic
structure, the surface structure is formulated with macro chiastic structure and each parallel
section is described as various types of parallelism and chiastic patterns. This complex
chiastic structure focuses on the theme of ‘Belief’. On the other hand, in complex inverted
parallelism, the surface structure is formulated with macro inverted parallelism and each
parallel section is illustrated as various chiastic patterns. All concepts and themes regarding
the ‘Logos’ are described in the complex inverted parallelism.
The final chapter sets out to reveal the correlation between ‘Belief’ and the ‘Logos’ in the
concluding summary of our research. In complex parallelism, the complex chiastic structure
reveals that ‘Belief’ is the pivotal theme of the Prologue, whereas, the complex inverted
parallelism presents the ‘Logos’ as the only object of ‘Belief’. In other words, the former
describes that the readers should believe; the latter describes what/whom they should believe
in. Therefore, the Prologue focuses on both the theme of ‘Belief’ and the ‘Logos’. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om die verband te ondersoek tussen ‘Geloof’ en die ‘Logos’,
as kernbegrippe in die Proloog van die Johannes Evangelie, deur gebruikmaking van ‘n
‘kompleks-parallellisme’, en om die literêre styl wat in die Proloog aangetref word te verstaan,
en om deur literêre metodes wat voorheen in hierdie verband gebruik is te kombineer en so
bruikbaar te maak vir die interpretasie van die Proloog. Die hipotese is dat die Proloog saam
met die breër teologiese bedoeling van die Evangelie volgens Johannes gelees moet word,
naamlik dat die Proloog lesers tot geloof in die ‘Logos’ wil oproep.
Hoofstuk 2 beskryf hoe verskillende benaderings die tema en struktuur van die Proloog
ontdek en voorgestel het, naamlik ‘n opeenvolgende lees (‘n tematiese benadering) en ‘n
literêre lees (‘n strukturele benadering). Die eerste leesstrategie stel die ‘Logos’ voor as die
kerntema van die Proloog, terwyl die tweede leesstrategie verskillende literêre stylfigure soos
parallellismes, chiasmes en alternatiewe komplementêre literêre modelle, asook sleuteltemas
van die Proloog, beskryf. Sulke navorsing illustreer die moonltikheid om verskillende en diep
strukture binne die Proloog te identifiseer, en suggereer dat die Proloog uit verskillende hoeke
gelees kan word.
Hoofstuk 3 bespreek die verskillende tipes parallellismes en patrone van chiastiese strukture
wat die basiselemente uitmaak van kompleks-parallellisme en die kriteria vir die
identifisering van chiastiese struktuur, as voldoende metodologie vir die analise van die
Proloog. Die verskillende tipes parallellisme wat al geïdentifiseer is, sluit in sinonieme
parallellisme, antitetiese parallellisme, sintetiese parallellisme, trap-parallellisme en
omgekeerde parallellisme; chiastiese strukture word gewoonlik in drie vorme geklassifiseer:
die A-B-A' patroon, die A-B-B'-A' patroon, en die A-B-C-B'-A' patroon. Verder word vier
kriteria vir die identifisering van chiastiese strukture geselekteer uit die kriteria wat in die
verlede aangewend is, en aangepas vir hierdie navorsingsondersoek.
In Hoofstuk 4 word ‘n aantal teks-kritiese sake in die Proloog bespreek, voordat ‘n analise
van die struktuur gedoen word. Van al die verskillende teks-kritiese sake, word daar
aangevoer dat slegs drie daarvan debat ontlok: bv. die teks-kritiese variante vir die punktuasie
in vers 3; die tekstuele variante vir die getal van die betreklike voornaamwoord en die
werkwoord in vers 13; en, die tekstuele variante met betrekking tot monogenh.j qeo,j in vers 18.
Hoofstuk 5 ondersoek die struktuur van die Proloog met behulp van kompleks-parallellisme
om sodoende beide ‘Geloof’ en ‘Logos’ as kernbegrippe in die Proloog aan te toon. In
kompleks-parallellisme word kompleks-chiastiese struktuur en kompleks-omgekeerde
parallellisme struktureel en semanties gekombineer. Beide kompleks-strukture het oppervlaken
dieptestrukture: in kompleks-chiastiese struktuur word die oppervlakstruktuur met makrochiastiese
struktuur geformuleer en elke parallelle afdeling word beskryf as verskillende tipes
parallellisme en chiastiese patrone. Hierdie kompleks-chiastiese struktuur fokus op die tema
‘Geloof’. Aan die ander kant, in kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme, word die
oppervlakstruktuur geformuleer met makro omgekeerde parallellisme en elke parallelle
afdeling word as verskillende chiastiese patrone geïllustreer. Al die konsepte en temas met
betrekking tot die ‘Logos’ word beskryf in die kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme.
Die finale hoofstuk het ten doel om die verband tussen ‘Geloof’ en die ‘Logos’ in ‘n
slotbeskouing bloot te lê. In kompleks-parallellisme, lê kompleks-chiastiese struktuur
‘Geloof’ as sleutelbegrip in die Proloog bloot, terwyl kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme die
‘Logos’ as die enigste voorwerp van ‘Geloof’ oorhou. Met ander woorde, die eersgenoemde
beklemtoon dat die lesers moet glo; die laasgenoemde beklemtoon in wie of wat hulle moet
glo. Die Proloog fokus dus op beide die temas ‘Geloof’ en die ‘Logos’.
Date12 1900
CreatorsGo, Byung Chan
ContributorsPunt, Jeremy, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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