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Atomic scale structural modifications in irradiated nuclear fuels

This thesis work reports in depth analyses of measured µ-XRD and µ-XAS data from standard UO2, chromia (Cr2O3) doped UO2 and MOX fuels, and interpretation of the results considering the role of chromium as a dopant as well as several fission product elements. The lattice parameters of UO2 in fresh and irradiated samples and elastic strain energy densities in the irradiated UO2 samples have been measured and quantified. The µ-XRD patterns have further allowed the evaluation of the crystalline domain size and sub-grain formation at different locations of the irradiated fuel pellets. Attempts have been made to determine lattice parameter and next neighbor atomic environment in chromia-precipitates found in fresh chromia-doped fuel pellets. The local structure around Cr in as-fabricated chromia-doped UO2 matrix and the influence of irradiation on the state of chromium in irradiated fuel matrix have been addressed. Finally, for a comparative understanding of fission gases behavior and irradiation induced re-solution phenomenon in standard and chromia-doped UO2, the last part of the present work tries to clarify the fission gas Kr atomic environment in these irradiated fuels. The work performed on Kr, by micro-beam XAS, comprises the determination of Kr next neighbor distances, an estimation of gas atom densities in the aggregates, and apparent internal pressures in the gas bubbles.
Date11 April 2014
CreatorsMieszczynski, Cyprian
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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