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Market and product assessment of probiotics and prebiotics and probiotic strains for commercial use

Thesis (MSc Nutrition Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Probiotics (live microbes) and prebiotics (non-digestible food-ingredients) are rapidly gaining interest
worldwide as supplements and functional food ingredients but little South African information in this
regard is available. Furthermore, the availability of South African produced probiotic concentrates for
commercial use is also very limited. The aims of this study therefore were to complete a market and
product assessment of probiotic and prebiotic containing products in South Africa and to evaluate
probiotic strains for commercial use in South Africa.
For the purposes of market and product assessment probiotic and/or prebiotic containing products
manufactured in South Africa were identified. The scientific and legal correctness of health and
content claims made on the labels of the products were assessed. An exploratory survey was
conducted to determine the awareness of South African consumers of probiotics and prebiotics. For
the evaluation of probiotic strains for potential commercial use in South Africa, a panel of twelve
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were screened for inhibitory activity against two porcine pathogens and
indicator strains from the LMG-panel isolated from the faeces of patients diagnosed with AIDS. The
five LAB with the best inhibitory activity were tested for growth in soymilk-base and for the effect of
lyophilization on the inhibitory activity thereof. The effect of prebiotics on the growth and inhibitory
activity of the strains was tested in vitro.
A range of products containing probiotics and prebiotics available on the South African market was
identified. Irregulatories concerning health claims on the labels were found, but content claims
seemed to be less of a problem. The results also indicate that the proposed South African regulations
for the labelling of probiotic and prebiotic containing products need to be revised to include the
probiotic and prebiotic related health claims for which sufficient scientific evidence is available. The
probiotic strains with potential for commercial use in South Africa that were identified, include
Lactobacillus plantarum 423, Lactobacillus casei LHS, Lactobacillus salivarius 241, Lactobacillus
curvatus DF38 and Pediococcus pentosaceus 34. These strains were grown successfully in soymilkbase
and lyophilization did not have a negative effective on the inhibitory activity thereof. The growth
and inhibitory activity of the five LAB were promoted when combined with 1% (w/v)
Raftilose® Synergyl .
It is concluded that although a variety of probiotic and prebiotic containing products are available on
the South African market, the scientific and legislative correctness of especially health related claims
is not satisfactory and that South African consumer awareness of these products is low. It is also
concluded that a combination of at least three of the five identified LAB and 1% Raftilose® Synergy can be used by South African manufacturers for the production of probiotic and
prebiotic containing supplements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangstelling in probiotika (lewendige mikrobe) en prebiotika (onverteerbare
voedselbestanddele) as supplemente en funksionele voedselbestanddele is besig om wêreldwyd toe te
neem, alhoewel weinig Suid-Arikaanse inligting in hierdie verband beskikbaar is. Die beskikbaarheid
van Suid-Afrikaans geproduseerde probiotika konsentrate vir kommersïele gebruik is ook baie beperk.
Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was dus om 'n mark- en produkevaluering van probiotika- en
prebiotika-bevattende produkte in Suid-Afrika uit te voer en om probiotiese stamme te evalueer vir
uiteindelike kommersiële gebruik in Suid-Afrika.
Vir die doel van die mark- en produkevaluering is probiotika- en prebiotika-bevattende produkte wat
in Suid-Afrika vervaardig word geïdentifiseer. Die wetenskaplike en wetlike korrektheid van die
gesondheids- en inhoudsaansprake op die etikette van die produkte is evalueer. 'n Markopname is
uitgevoer om die bewustheid van Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers van probiotika en prebiotika vas te stel.
Vir die evaluering van probiotiese stamme vir potensïele kommersiële gebruik in Suid-Afrika is 'n
paneel van twaalf melksuurbakteriëe getoets vir inhibitoriese aktiwiteit teen twee patogene geïsoleer
uit varke asook teen indikator stamme van die LMG-paneel. Die vyf melksuurbakteriëe met die beste
inhibitoriese aktiwiteit is getoets vir groei in sojamelk-basis en ook vir die effek van vriesdroging op
die groei en inhibitoriese aktiwiteit van die stamme daarvan. Die effek van prebiotika op die groei en
inhibitoriese aktiwiteit van die stamme is in vitro getoets.
'n Reeks van probiotika- en prebiotika-bevattende produkte wat beskikbaar is op die Suid-Afrikaanse
mark, is geidentifiseer. Ongeruimdhede met die gesondheidsaansprake op die etikette is gevind, maar
inhoudsaansprake was minder problematies. Die resultate dui ook daarop dat die voorgestelde Suid-
Afrikaanse regulasies vir die etikettering van probiotika- en prebiotika-bevattende produkte hersien
moet word om al die probiotika- en prebiotika-verwante gesondheidsaansprake waarvoor voldoende
wetenskaplike bewyse beskikbaar is in te sluit. Die probiotiese stamme met potensiaal vir
kommersiële gebruik in Suid-Afrika sluit die volgende in: Lactobacillus plantarum 423, Lactobacillus
casei LHS, Lactobacillus salivarius 241, Lactobacillus curvatus DF 38 en Pediococcus pentosaceus
34. Hierdie stamme is suksesvol gekweek in sojamelk-basis en vriesdroging het nie' n negatiewe
effek op die groei en inhibitoriese aktiwiteit daarvan gehad me. Die kombinasie van die vyf
melksuurbakteriëe met 1% Raftilose® Synergy het die groei en inhibitoriese aktiwiteit daarvan
Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak word is dat alhoewel 'n varrasie van probiotika- en prebiotikabevattende
produkte beskikbaar is op die Suid-Afrikaanse mark, die wetenskaplike en wetlike
korrektheid van spesifiek die gesondheids-verwante aansprake op die etikette daarvan nie bevredigend
is nie en dat die bewustheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikers van hierdie produkte laag is. Die gevolgtrekking kan ook gemaak word dat 'n kombinasie van ten minste drie van die vyf
geïdentifiseerde melksuurbakteriëe en 1% Raftilose® Synergy deur Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigers
gebruik kan word vir die vervaardiging van produkte wat probiotika en prebiotika bevat.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBrink, Marelize
ContributorsSenekal, M., Dicks, L. M. T., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format136 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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