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A study of social services rendered by The Urban League in Englewood, New Jersey.

Significance of Study
During the world World War II years, it was shown how the races could successfully fight together for a common cause. There wes conflict in some instance, but on the whole, the composite picture contained facts which proved that men of different colors could overcome race prejudice and become friends, When the war was over, most of these same men returned to their homes; some of them remained liberal in their beliefs, while others reverted to their pre-war habit of denouncing people of different nationalities and refraining from cooperating. In order to further race relations in a community, It has been desirable to approach the job on a cooperative basis. The Urban League in Englewood, New Jersey has based its rendering of social services on interracial cooperation In planning. The National Urban League has been an organization which has believed that cooperation between the Negro and white races could lead to the social and economic Improvement of Negroes. Specifically, the purpose of the National Urban League has been "To promote interracial organization and action to improve economic and social conditions among Negro populations in cities, to conduct social research and planning in behalf of the Negro population; to promote specific social work activities among Negroes until other agencies are found to accept responsibility for such programs; to promote the occupational advancement of Negroes by carrying on programs of Industrial relations, vocational guidance, and public education, and to encourage the training of Negro social workers through fellowships in accredited schools of social work.
Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study will be to present the social services rendered by the Englewood Urban League, These social services will be analyzed in relation to the needs of the Negroes in the Englewood community.
Method of Procedure
The information for this study has been collected chiefly from the published and unpublished material of the Englewood Urban League, Interviews were held with Mrs. Marion Forrester and Mrs. Consuella Giles. In making this study, much valuable information was gained through the material of such authors as Wayne McMillen, Jesse teiner, E.C. Lindeman, Adeline Sterling and others.
Summary and Conclusions
The purpose of this study has been to present and analyze the social services of the Englewood Urban League in relation to the needs of the Negroes in the community. As a result of this study, the author has concluded!
1. Englewood was a residential community and was located four miles from New York City, It was protected by a Master flan, a Zoning Code, and a Building Code. The fourth Ward was where the Lincoln school was located and this was where the majority of the Negro population re sided. Three Negro teachers were placed in this school by the Englewood Urban League during the past two years.
2. Since 1930, the population had grown consistently, The attitudes of the whites toward the Negroes had tended to be peternalistic. The principal employment of Negroes in Englewood had been domestic while those engaged in the various professions usually worked in New York City.
3. The Englewood Urban League had been Incorporated in 1943 and in 1944, a permanent home had been established for the League and an Executive Secretary and Office Secretary employed.
4. Englewood Urban League had served as a medium through which the Negroes could verbalize their problems and through cooperative methods. seek ways of solving them. The Board of Directors had been composed of thirty lay persons who had been elected at the annual meeting of the League. The League had operated through its ten active committees which had been made up from the membership.
5. The educational activities of the League had been directed toward cementing better relationships between the school and the Negro community.
6.The Englewood Urban League had made use of the Credit Union plan which had encouraged thri.ft and made loans for orovident ourposes.
7.The Englewood Urban League had realized that the effectiveness of Its social services could be furthered through cooperating with other organizations.
8. The EnglewOod Urban Loa-ue had been an important organization In Englewood. It had attempted to meet the needs of the Negroes through its varied and stimulating program of activity, The Negro community had awakened to the fact that in order for the League to continue to be successful, cooperation between the races should be continued.
Date01 June 1948
CreatorsWhitley, Elsie Hermoine
PublisherDigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center
Source SetsAtlanta University Center
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceETD Collection for Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center

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