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Pracovněprávní následky porušování pracovních povinností zaměstnancem / Labour-law consequences of violation of employment duties by employee

The aim of this thesis is to present a systematic overview of the legal instruments that the Labour Code provides to employers against employees who breach their duties. It is the societal interest that the obligations have been followed, and so it is in the labour process. By each breach of working obligations undesirable loss may arise to employers, notwithstanding on a possible overall decrease in the labor moral on the workplace. The Labour Code does not contain a definition of violations of duties, therefore a large role in its evaluation plays a judicial practice. Therefore much of this thesis is based on case-law. The thesis consists of four chapters, which are further divided into subchapters and parts. The first chapter describes the various sources from which duties of employees during the working process can occur - legislation, contracts, internal regulations of employer and instructions of the employer or the employer's senior staff. The second chapter deals with the obligations of employees that are required to comply with. At first, attention is paid to the obligations that apply to all employees without exception, then further there are discussed specific responsibilities of senior employees and employees who provide state administration and self-government. From the very specific...
Date January 2013
CreatorsŠpanvirtová, Nikol
ContributorsPichrt, Jan, Štangová, Věra
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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