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Model za donošenje odluka u procesima prepoznavanja tipa funkcije pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja / The Model for Decision Making in Recognition Process of Reliabilitu Funcition Type in Ship Facilities

<p style="text-align: justify">Doktorska disertacija se bavi aktuelnom problematikom dono&scaron;enja odluka u procesu prepoznavanja tipa funkcije pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja. U uvodnom delu doktorata obja&scaron;njeni su motivi za rad na doktorskoj disertaciji. Motivacija je proiza&scaron;la iz nastojanja da se unapredi teorija i praksa dono&scaron;enja odluka u prepoznavanju tipa funkcije pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja, koja se zasniva na analitič kim i matematič ko-statistič ikim metodama. Pristup za re&scaron;avanje tog problema, koji je predložen u doktoratu, svodi se na teorijsku analizu radova i tehnologija, kao i na primenu sistemske dinamike i simulacione tehnologije u eksploatacionom istraž ivanju, a koje se bave problematikom klasifikacije signala sa pragom za dono&scaron;enje odluka o pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja. To je uzrokovalo da se autor ove disertacije bavi istraživanjem novih metoda koje se mogu primeniti u oblasti pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja. U doktoratu su razvijeni matematički i verbalni modeli pona&scaron;anja sistema pomoću signala na izlazu sistema za nekoliko slučajeva. U zaključku disertacije sistematično se interpretiraju rezultati istraživanja, potvrđuju hipoteze i komentari&scaron;u teorijska i praktična re&scaron;enja, daje se pregled mogućnosti daljih istraživanja re&scaron;enja koja su predložena disertacijom. Na primeru merenih i separiranih signala eksperimentalno, pomoću simulacione metodologije i sistemske dinamike, verifikovana je hipoteza statistič ke nezavisnosti izvornih signala. Sintezom teorijskih i analitičkih saznanja i numerički potkrepljenim praktič nim rezultatima (simulacijama), težilo se osmi&scaron;ljavanju preporuka za usklađivanje procesa dono&scaron;enja odluka na bazi prepoznavanja oblika pouzdanosti sa ukupnom sigurno&scaron;ću brodskih postrojenja, na način kako se do sada nije činilo.</p> / <p>This doctoral thesis deals with up-to-date problems related to decision making in the<br />process of recognizing forms of reliability of marine plants. Marine propulsion plant is very<br />complex and includes a set of interrelated and dependent subsystems with a large number of<br />components. The reliability and availability of such complex system depends on reliability of its<br />all components.<br />In the introductory part motives for work on this thesis are explained. Motivation has<br />come out of intention to develop the theory and practice of decision making in recognizing forms<br />of reliability of marine plants based on analytical and mathematical-statistical methods. The<br />approach to solving the problem, that is proposed in the thesis, corresponds to the theoretical<br />analysis of works and technologies as well as to the application of system dynamics and<br />simulation technology in exploitation research that again deal with the problems of classification<br />of signals with the level of decision making on the reliability of marine plants. The above<br />mentioned has lead the author to devote himself to researching new methods that can be applied<br />in the field of reliability of marine plants. The thesis presents developed mathematical and verbal<br />models of system behaviour with the use of signals observed at the system output for several<br />cases. In the conclusion of the thesis results of the research are systematically interpreted,<br />hypotheses are proved and theoretical and practical solutions commented on. Furthermore, a<br />range of possibilities for further research of solutions proposed in the thesis are presented. On the<br />example of measured and separated signals the hypothesis of statistical independence of original<br />signals has been verified experimentally using simulation methodology and system dynamics.<br />Synthesis of theoretical and analytical newly gained knowledge and numerically supported<br />practical results (simulations) have been used with the aim to reach reccomendations for<br />matching the process of decision making based on recognizing forms of reliability with total<br />safety of marine plants in a manner not used so far.</p>
Date03 July 2007
CreatorsTomašević Marko
ContributorsAdamović Živoslav, Bjelica Momčilo, Ćosić Ilija, Furman Timofej, Hotomski Petar
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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