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Growth Responses of Zoysiagrass Influenced by Different Rates of Bio-Turf-Pro

Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.), cv. El Toro was used in this experiment to evaluate its shoot growth in terms of length and dry weight under control and different levels of Bio-Turf-Pro applications in a pot study. Four treatments [Control (no Bio-Turf-Pro), 8 Fl Oz/Gal (½ the recommended rate) per 1000 ft², 16 Fl Oz/Gal (recommended rate) per 1000 ft², and 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the recommended rate) per 1000 ft² of Bio-Turf-Pro], and six replications of each treatment were used in a RCB design in this investigation. Plants were allowed to grow under the above treatment conditions for eight weeks. Plant shoots (clippings) were harvested bi-weekly for the evaluation of the dry-matter production. At each harvest, shoot lengths were measured and recorded and the visual growth was also evaluated before the harvest was made. The harvested plant materials were oven dried at 60o C and dry weights were measured and recorded. The shoot growth (length) was stimulated under any levels of Bio-Turf- Pro application rates compared with the control. Among the treatment rates, the 16 Fl Oz/Gal (the recommended rate) per 1000 ft²] numerically stimulated the shoot length the most. However in most cases, there was not statistically significant differences detected among the 8 (½ the recommended rate) per 1000 ft², 16 Fl Oz/Gal (the recommended rate) per 1000 ft²] and the 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the recommended rate) per 1000 ft²] application rates of the compound on the shoot length of the grass. The shoot (clippings) dry weights of the plants followed essentially the same pattern as the shoot lengths. The visual evaluation of the grass supported the measured parameters.
Date02 1900
CreatorsPessarakli, Mohammed, Kopec, David M., Berry, Sarah C
ContributorsKopec, David M.
PublisherCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typetext, Article
RelationSeries P-141, AZ1359

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