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Performance Evaluation of Future Internet Applications and Emerging User Behavior / Leistungsbewertung von zukünftigen Internet-Applikationen und auftretenden Nutzerverhaltens

In future telecommunication systems, we observe an increasing diversity of access networks. The separation of transport services and applications or services leads to multi-network services, i.e., a future service has to work transparently to the underlying network infrastructure. Multi-network services with edge-based intelligence, like P2P file sharing or the Skype VoIP service, impose new traffic control paradigms on the future Internet. Such services adapt the amount of consumed bandwidth to reach different goals. A selfish behavior tries to keep the QoE of a single user above a certain level. Skype, for instance, repeats voice samples depending on the perceived end-to-end loss. From the viewpoint of a single user, the replication of voice data overcomes the degradation caused by packet loss and enables to maintain a certain QoE. The cost for this achievement is a higher amount of consumed bandwidth. However, if the packet loss is caused by congestion in the network, this additionally required bandwidth even worsens the network situation. Altruistic behavior, on the other side, would reduce the bandwidth consumption in such a way that the pressure on the network is released and thus the overall network performance is improved. In this monograph, we analyzed the impact of the overlay, P2P, and QoE paradigms in future Internet applications and the interactions from the observing user behavior. The shift of intelligence toward the edge is accompanied by a change in the emerging user behavior and traffic profile, as well as a change from multi-service networks to multi-networks services. In addition, edge-based intelligence may lead to a higher dynamics in the network topology, since the applications are often controlled by an overlay network, which can rapidly change in size and structure as new nodes can leave or join the overlay network in an entirely distributed manner. As a result, we found that the performance evaluation of such services provides new challenges, since novel key performance factors have to be first identified, like pollution of P2P systems, and appropriate models of the emerging user behavior are required, e.g. taking into account user impatience. As common denominator of the presented studies in this work, we focus on a user-centric view when evaluating the performance of future Internet applications. For a subscriber of a certain application or service, the perceived quality expressed as QoE will be the major criterion of the user's satisfaction with the network and service providers. We selected three different case studies and characterized the application's performance from the end user's point of view. Those are (1) cooperation in mobile P2P file sharing networks, (2) modeling of online TV recording services, and (3) QoE of edge-based VoIP applications. The user-centric approach facilitates the development of new mechanisms to overcome problems arising from the changing user behavior. An example is the proposed CycPriM cooperation strategy, which copes with selfish user behavior in mobile P2P file sharing system. An adequate mechanism has also been shown to be efficient in a heterogeneous B3G network with mobile users conducting vertical handovers between different wireless access technologies. The consideration of the user behavior and the user perceived quality guides to an appropriate modeling of future Internet applications. In the case of the online TV recording service, this enables the comparison between different technical realizations of the system, e.g. using server clusters or P2P technology, to properly dimension the installed network elements and to assess the costs for service providers. Technologies like P2P help to overcome phenomena like flash crowds and improve scalability compared to server clusters, which may get overloaded in such situations. Nevertheless, P2P technology invokes additional challenges and different user behavior to that seen in traditional client/server systems. Beside the willingness to share files and the churn of users, peers may be malicious and offer fake contents to disturb the data dissemination. Finally, the understanding and the quantification of QoE with respect to QoS degradations permits designing sophisticated edge-based applications. To this end, we identified and formulated the IQX hypothesis as an exponential interdependency between QoE and QoS parameters, which we validated for different examples. The appropriate modeling of the emerging user behavior taking into account the user's perceived quality and its interactions with the overlay and P2P paradigm will finally help to design future Internet applications. / Applikationen im heutigen Internet werden immer mehr durch intelligente Endknoten bereitgestellt, deren Kommunikation in logischen, virtuellen Netzwerken, (Overlays) realisiert wird. Die verstärkte Diensterbringung durch solche Overlays, wie zum Beispiel bei Peer-to-Peer Dateitauschbörsen oder Telefonie über das Internet, wird durch einen Paradigmenwechsel von Multi-Service Networks zu Multi-Network Services beschrieben. Während in einem Multi-Service Network verschiedene Dienste innerhalb eines Netzes angeboten werden, beschreibt ein Multi-Network Service die Diensterbringung über verschiedene Netze und Netzzugangstechnologien, wie es im Internet der Fall ist. Dadurch kann die technische Güte des Telekommunikationsdienstes (Quality of Service, QoS) nicht mehr die alleinige Metrik für die Qualität eines Dienstes sein. Stattdessen ist die vom Nutzer erfahrene Dienstgüte (User Perceived Quality of Experience, QoE) zu betrachten. Diese QoE muss entsprechend modelliert werden, um die Performanz von heutigen oder auch zukünftigen Internetapplikationen zu beurteilen. Die Berücksichtigung der QoE beinhaltet unter anderem auch neuartige Verhaltensweisen der Teilnehmer, die ebenfalls modelliert werden müssen. Ein Beispiel ist der Dienstabbruch durch ungeduldige Nutzer beim Herunterladen von Filmen oder bei nicht ausreichender Qualität bei Internet-Telefonie. Durch die Verschiebung der Intelligenz von Applikationen in Richtung Endknoten entstehen neu aufkommende Verhaltensweisen der Teilnehmer und sich ändernde Charakteristika des Netzwerkverkehrs, die sie von klassischen Client-Server-Anwendungen unterscheiden. Beispiele hierfür sind egoistisches oder altruistisches Nutzerverhalten bei der Einbringung von Endnutzer-Ressourcen zur Diensterbringung oder auch bösartiges Nutzerverhalten bei der gezielten Störung eines Dienstes (Pollution). In beiden Fällen sind die zeitdynamischen Verhaltensmuster (Churn, Flash Crowds) zu berücksichtigen. Um die ausgedehnten Overlay. Netze zu planen und zu evaluieren, sind überdies auch neue Leistungsbewertungsmodelle notwendig, damit zum Beispiel die Simulation skaliert oder aber auch zeitdynamische Nutzerverhalten in analytischen Modellen abgebildet wird. Diese Doktorarbeit arbeitet diese Aspekte an drei Anwendungsbeispielen auf: Verteilernetz für Dateiinhalte (Content Distribution Network), Netzwerk-basierte Videorekorder (Online TV Recorder) und Sprachtelefonie über P2P (VoP2P). Die Ergebnisse und Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit gliedern sich entsprechend dieser Anwendungsbeispiele.
Date January 2009
CreatorsHoßfeld, Tobias
Source SetsUniversity of Würzburg
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typedoctoralthesis, doc-type:doctoralThesis

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