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Packaging of table grapes for exports from SA : a comparative study

Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Table grapes are the second-largest contributor to the perishable product export in
South Africa. The table grape industry also experienced considerable growth in the
past ten years. The industry contributes toward employment in South Africa. The
South African table grape industry experiences quality-related problems with
exporting table grapes to the European market. Examples of quality related problems
can range from chemical damage, chilling injury/freezing damage, heavy bruising
and decay. A great amount of table grapes is basically wasted. The postharvest loss
of table grapes during transportation can range from 1%-25% per day depending on
the degree of temperature fluctuation. Therefore, it is important to minimize waste
and increase the export volumes in order to utilise the potential profit possibilities.
Based on data analysis for this case, results indicated that packaging is preventing
cool air from flowing through the pallet during transportation and preventing the table
grapes to cool evenly. The fluctuation in temperature contributes to the qualityrelated
problems of these table grapes. The primary research goal is to identify
packaging-related problems and propose possible solutions to improve the
packaging-related conditions in which table grapes arrive at the destination. This
study therefore investigated and evaluated the performance of the current packaging
system of table grapes within a South African context for exporting to Europe for a
specific case. Further analyses of the data received from Dole South Africa, a fruit
marketing and distribution company, revealed that the following two types of
packaging showed serious quality-related problems:
1) A04I: The 4.5kg box with the grapes in plastic bags.
2) A05E: The 5kg box with 500g punnets (10 x 500g punnets).
A questionnaire combining with the Packaging Portfolio Evaluation Model and the
Packaging Scorecard was developed and used to evaluate the two identified
packaging systems in the following stages:
Stage 1: Development of a new questionnaire by combining the Packaging Portfolio
Evaluation Model and the Packaging Scorecard.
Stage 2: Survey with the questionnaire developed in Stage 1. The identified types of
packaging were evaluated with a new questionnaire with specific criteria. Members of
the table grape supply chain from the farmer in South Africa to consumer in Sweden
were used during the evaluation process.
Descriptive statistics were calculated for each criteria or question in order to describe
the performance and importance of the different packaging criteria. Data were also
analysed with the use of box plots. The box plots and data visualisation methods
were used to make conclusions and recommendations regarding the different
categories of each type of packaging. It was clear that the major problem areas of
both packaging systems involved were related to the environmental aspect of the
packaging. The marketing and the logistics of the plastic bag also underperformed.
However, individual criteria regarding the other business areas can also be improved.
Possible solutions to these problem areas are also suggested in this thesis. The
possible solutions include the Tali Grape Basket, Perforated Plastic Liners, New Generation Pack (NGP), Vinguard TM
, Easypunnet and the Sulphur Dioxide Liner
Bag. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tafeldruiwe is die tweede grootste bydraende faktor tot bederfbare produkuitvoere in
Suid-Afrika. Die tafeldruifindustrie het ook aansienlike groei die afgelope tien jaar
beleef. Die industrie dra tot werkskepping in Suid-Afrika by. Die Suid-Afrikaanse
tafeldruifindustrie ervaar kwaliteitsverwante probleme met die uitvoer van tafeldruiwe
na die Europese mark. Voorbeelde van hierdie kwaliteitsverwante probleme kan
wissel van chemiese skade, koueskade / vries skade, swaar kneusing en bederf. ‘n
Groot hoeveelheid tafeldruiwe word vermors. Die oes verlies van tafeldruiwe tydens
vervoer kan wissel van 1% -25% per dag, afhangende van die mate van temperatuur
verandering. Daarom is dit belangrik om vermorsing te beperk en
uitvoerhoeveelhede te verhoog om sodoende potensiële winsmoontlikhede te benut.
Volgens data-analise blyk dit dat huidige verpakking tans verhoed dat koel lug tydens
die vervoer van die produk deur die palet vloei, en dit veroorsaak dat die tafeldruiwe
nie eweredig afkoel nie. Die wisseling in temperatuur dra grootliks tot die
kwaliteitsverwante probleme van die tafeldruiwe by. Die primêre navorsingsdoelwit is
om die verpakkingsverwante probleme te identifiseer en moontlike oplossings voor te
stel om sodoende die toestand te verbeter waarin tafeldruiwe by die eindbestemming
aankom. Daarom ondersoek en evalueer hierdie studie die prestasie van die huidige
verpakkingsisteem van tafeldruiwe binne ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse konteks vir uitvoere na
Europa; met betrekking tot ʼn spesifieke situasie.
Verdere analise van data soos ontvang vanaf Dole Suid-Afrika, ‘n vrugtebemarkingsen
verspreidingsmaatskappy, het getoon dat ernstige kwaliteitsverwante probleme
veral by die volgende twee tipes verpakkingsisteme voorkom:
1) A04I: Die 4.5kg karton met druiwe in plastieksakkies.
2) A05E: Die 5kg karton met 500g bakkies (10 x 500g bakkies).
ʼn Vraelys, gebaseer op die kombinasie van die Verpakkingportefeulje
Evalueringsmodel model en die Verpakkingstelkaart, is ontwikkel en gebruik om die
bogenoemde verpakkingsisteme te evalueer en wel in die volgende fases:
Fase 1: Ontwikkeling van ʼn gekombineerde Verpakkingsportefeulje
Evalueringsmodel en die Verpakkingstelkaart tot ʼn nuwe vraelys. Fase 2: Opname met die vraelys soos ontwikkel in Fase 1. Die twee geïdentifiseerde
tipes verpakking is geëvalueer met die nuwe vraelys met spesifieke kriteria. Die lede
van die tafeldruiwe voorsieningsketting van die boer in Suid-Afrika tot die verbruiker
in Swede is gebruik tydens die evaluasieproses.
Beskrywende statistiek vir elke kriteria of vraag was bereken sodat die prestasie en
belangrikheid van die verskillende verpakkingskriteria beskryf kan word. Data was
ook beskryf met behulp van ‘n houer-en-puntstipping. Data visualiseringmetodes en
die houer-en-puntstippings was gebruik om gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings
rakende die verskillende kategorieë van die tipes verpakking te maak. Dit was
duidelik dat die omgewingsaspek van beide tipes verpakking ‘n groot probleem was.
Die bemarking en logistiek van die plastieksakkie het ook onderpresteer. Individuele
kriteria van ander besigheidsareas kan egter ook verbeter word. Moontlike
oplossings vir hierdie probleem-areas word ook in hierdie tesis aangedui. Die
moontlike oplossings sluit die “Tali Grape Basket”, “Perforated Plastic Liners”, “New
Generation Pack (NGP)”, “Vinguard TM
”, “Easypunnet” en die “Sulphur Dioxide Liner
Bag” in
Date04 1900
CreatorsNieuwoudt, Tania
ContributorsLouw, Johannes Jacobus, Louw, Johannes Jacobus, Nel, Johanna Helena, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Logistics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format93 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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