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PolÃtica de EducaÃÃo Integral: AvaliaÃÃo do Programa Mais EducaÃÃo e ConcepÃÃes de EducaÃÃo Integral na Escola Municipal de EducaÃÃo Infantil e Ensino Fundamental Professora Fernanda Maria de Alencar Colares / Integral Education Policy: Program Review More Education and Conceptions of Integral Education at the Municipal School of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education Teacher Maria Fernanda Alencar Necklaces

nÃo hà / O objetivo desta dissertaÃÃo à o de avaliar os resultados da implementaÃÃo do Programa Mais EducaÃÃo â PME, na Escola Municipal de EducaÃÃo Infantil e Ensino Fundamental â EMEIF Fernanda Maria de Alencar Colares por meio das concepÃÃes de educaÃÃo integral, aÃÃes do Programa e dos resultados entendidos pelos atores sociais envolvidos no processo a partir da Secretaria Municipal de EducaÃÃo â SME, Secretaria Executiva Regional â SER VI e especificamente na EMEIF Fernanda Maria de Alencar Colares. Para tanto, realizamos uma discussÃo sobre âavaliaÃÃo em profundidadeâ em que buscamos aportes teÃricos em SILVA que discute avaliaÃÃo de resultados e RODRIGUES que trata de avaliaÃÃo em profundidade, que destaca aspectos que nortearam a pesquisa, tais como: a anÃlise do material institucional sob forma de lei, portarias, documentos, dados estatÃsticos e outros; anÃlise de contexto da formulaÃÃo da polÃtica e neste aspecto construÃmos a trajetÃria polÃtica da polÃtica da educaÃÃo integral no Brasil, e a trajetÃria institucional do PME. Finalmente, realizamos um estudo de caso em que utilizamos uma pluralidade de tÃcnicas e instrumentos tais como, observaÃÃo participante, entrevistas e o grupo focal. Na coleta dos dados e confrontamos as concepÃÃes de representantes da SME, SER VI e da escola com os seguintes atores a gestÃo, coordenador do PME, coordenadores pedagÃgicos, professores, pais e estudantes. Por Ãltimo na anÃlise confrontamos essas concepÃÃes com os aportes teÃricos que deram sustentabilidade ao trabalho quando apresentamos trÃs pressupostos teÃricos. O primeiro aborda a educaÃÃo integral na perspectiva de trabalhar o homem na sua integralidade independente da expansÃo da jornada escolar. O segundo discute educaÃÃo integral na perspectiva da proteÃÃo integral e, por Ãltimo, aborda a educaÃÃo integral, como meio de levar o homem a construÃÃo da autonomia e da emancipaÃÃo, confrontando a lÃgica do capital que à a polÃtica neoliberal. E diante da nossa trajetÃria da pesquisa avaliativa verificamos que as concepÃÃes de educaÃÃo integral que encontramos tÃm vÃrias roupagens. EducaÃÃo integral como possibilidade de garantir proteÃÃo aos estudantes e educaÃÃo integral como direito que devem ser ofertado como instrumento de garantir o desenvolvimento pleno por meio do acesso aos bens culturais de forma que viabilize sua integralidade. E por Ãltimo a concepÃÃo de educaÃÃo integral incutida pelo discurso ideolÃgico que enxerga o PME e a escola como a redentora e instrumento para resolver os problemas sociais como a violÃncia, as drogas. Outros aspectos avaliados na pesquisa avaliativa foram Ãs aÃÃes executadas e os resultados do PME na escola e verificamos que os resultados segundo o entendimento dos atores envolvidos no processo sÃo positivos desde os gestores, professores e coordenadores que justificam e explicam a importÃncia das aÃÃes do PME e, as oportunidades dos estudantes poderem ter acesso aos bens culturais caso contrÃrio nÃo teriam. Os pais compreendem como um espaÃo que podem deixar seus filhos e vÃo poder aprender mais e estarem seguros e livres da violÃncia e os estudantes entendem como um avanÃo significativo na vida deles na escola como fora dela. / The goal of this dissertation is to assess the implementation of the Program More
Education (PME) on Municipal School of early childhood education and elementary
school Municipal Fortaleza by means of conceptions of integral education, the
actions of the program and the results seen by the social actors involved in the PME,
of the Municipal Secretary of Education (SME), the Regional Executive Secretariat
(SER-VI). To this end, we held a discussion on "in-depth review", in which we seek
theoretical on Silva, who discusses evaluation of results, and in Rodrigues, who
comes to in-depth assessment and highlighting aspects which guided the research,
such as: institutional material analysis in the form of law, ordinances, documents,
statistical and other data; analysis of the context of the formulation of policy with the
construction of the political career of politics of integral education in Brazil; and the
institutional history of PME, specifically in Fortaleza. Finally, we performed a case
study where we use a number of techniques and instruments, such as participant
observation, interviews and the focus group. In data collection, face the conceptions
about PME, representatives of PME, SER-VI and the school with the following actors:
management, Coordinator of the PME, pedagogical coordinators, teachers, parents
and students. Finally, in the analysis, face these conceptions with the theoretical
work sustainability that when we present three theoretical assumptions: the first deals
with the integral education in the perspective of the human being in its entirety, rather
than the idea of expanding the school day; the second discusses integral education
as a right and with a view to full protection; and the third discusses integral education
as a means to bring the man to the construction of the autonomy and emancipation,
that is, confronting the logic of capital under neo-liberal policies. Soon, our evaluative
research trajectory, we note several conceptions of integral education, such as:
integral education as a possibility to ensure protection to students and integral
education full-time as a right which should be offered as an instrument to ensure the
full development through access to cultural assets, so that they, in turn, enable its
completeness. Finally, we will work to design integral education, which sees the PME
and the school as the Redeemer and the instrument to solve social problems such as
violence and involvement with drugs. In the survey, other dimensions evaluated were
the actions and results of the implementation of PME in school, the point from which
we find that the results according to the understanding of the actors involved are
positive. This happens since the managers, teachers and coordinators, which justify
and explain the importance of PME and the opportunities for students to have access
to cultural goods which, otherwise, would not. Parents understand the program as a
space in which they can leave their children so they can learn more and be safe and
free from violence. Finally, students understand how a significant advance in their
lives, both in and outside school. The conclusion we have reached is that there are
several ways of thinking integral education and PME, primarily within the school,
because, in our view, these various forms of thinking are other tones in the
implementation of the PME. Why as the conceptions are different, the positions are.
Therefore, regardless of the conceptions of each actor involved, everyone
understands and advocate the importance of PME within the school as an instrument
that provides access to cultural goods to students and as a means of providing more
opportunities which, otherwise, students would not have.
Keywords: Conceptions of integral education. Evaluation of public policies. More
Education Program.
Date30 January 2013
CreatorsSolange Maria Colares Garcia
ContributorsAlcides Fernando Gussi, Francisco Ari de Andrade, Francisco Josà Rodrigues, Jean Mac Cole Tavares Santos
PublisherUniversidade Federal do CearÃ, Programa de PÃs-GraduaÃÃo em AvaliaÃÃo de PolÃticas PÃblicas, UFC, BR
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFC, instname:Universidade Federal do Ceará, instacron:UFC

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