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Hegemonic masculinity and intimate partner abuse: A qualitative psychological study.

Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / The year 1994 has important historical meaning for South African citizens. The 1994 election
marked the beginning of a new nation and a time of freedom and democracy. As part of the change
to a democratic society, the rights to gender equality and women's rights were incorporated in the
development of the new constitution. However, although our constitution provides a clause on
women's fundamental rights, women abuse is still a pervasive problem of enormous magnitude in
South Africa. South Africa has a strongly entrenched patriarchal system, which makes men in terms
of gender dominant and women subordinate.
Date January 2002
Creatorsvan Sitters, Janine
ContributorsRatele, Kopano
PublisherUniversity of Western Cape
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Western Cape

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