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An interpretative phenomenological analysis of five-fold apostolic leadership in conjunction with executive leadership theory and practice

<p> This study was an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) of six world-renowned, "five-fold apostolic" leaders--three from a Pentecostal/charismatic sample population and three from a Protestant/evangelical sample population. A series of lengthy, semi-structured, qualitative interviews were conducted with all the leaders, who related their life/leadership development stories and then reflected at length on the nature of apostolic leadership. IPA research methodology was then used to explore the emergent themes across the interview data for the purpose of articulating the "essence" of the phenomenon. The emergent themes/essence was then examined in relation to its possible correlations within leadership theory. Two meta-themes emerged from the data: an overall aptitude for "wise master building" that all the leaders possessed and the various, more particular aptitudes that were possessed by each individual leader--aptitudes within the overall aptitude, so to speak. Eighteen common subthemes concerning their development and leadership practices also emerged, which were divided into six sub-thematic clusters related to: calling, power, learning, building, equipping, and focus. These were analyzed in conjunction with leadership theory as well. Strong elements of charismatic, transformational, and "movemental" leadership emerged from within the phenomenon. These were discussed, along with the tension between leading movements versus leading institutions/organizations. Complexity leadership theory was then posited as a possible bridge between the two. Some of the possible implications for ministerial practitioners were discussed as well, including: the distinction between apostolic leadership and traditional understandings of pastoral leadership, the generalizablity of the research findings within a North American ministerial context, and the strong similarities between the apostolic leadership practices of both sample populations. Numerous recommendations were also provided for future research into five-fold apostolic leadership in conjunction with leadership theory and practice, including: continued and more extensive dialogue between leadership, theology, and the social sciences in relation to the phenomenon, continued utilization of the IPA research methodology in the service of both leadership and ministry, continued consideration of complexity leadership theory in conjunction with apostolic and "movemental" leadership and, finally, continued exploration into the possibility of the five-fold leadership paradigm informing general leadership theory and practice across all domains. Keywords: Five-fold apostolic leadership, apostolicity, executive leadership theory, interpretative phenomenological analysis, charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, movemental leadership, complexity leadership, church leadership, apostles, Christianity</p>
Date29 May 2014
CreatorsLee, John David
PublisherUniversity of Charleston - Beckley
Detected LanguageEnglish

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