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Tourettesindroomlyer se kognitiewe funksionering : 'n sielkundig-opvoedkundige perspektief / The cognitive functioning of Tourette syndrome sufferers : a psychological educational perspective

In hierdie studie is daar gefokus op Tourettesindroomlyers se leefwereldstigting, met
spesifieke verwysing na hulle kognitiewe funksionering. Tourettesindroom is 'n
neuropsigiatriese versteuring wat gewoonlik tydens die kinderjare 'n aanvang neem en wat
deur motoriese en/of vokale tics gekenmerk word. Tourettesindroomlyers kan 'n
verskeidenheid aanverwante versteurings manifesteer, byvoorbeeld Obsessief-kompulsiewe
Versteuring, Aandaggebrekversteuring, met of sander hiperaktiwiteit, fobies en ander
affektiewe afwykings. Aangesien die werklike oorsake van T ourettesindroom steeds 'n
onbekende faktor is, is die behandeling van hierdie chroniese toestand nie 'n gewaarborgde
sukses nie. Dit wil voorkom asof die insidensie van Tourettesindroom, wat heelwat hoer onder
manlikes as vroulikes is, hoer is as wat aanvanklik vermoed is.
Al ses die fasette van menswees kan deur Tourettesindroomlyers negatief beleef word. Op
fisiese gebied toon navorsing verskillende abnormaliteite in die brein, byvoorbeeld by die
afskeiding van die neurosenders soos dopamien en serotonien, 'n reduksie in die volume van
die basale ganglia, 'n kleiner linker globus pallidus en versteurings in die frontale lobbe, die
corpus callosum en die basale ganglia se senuweebane. Hulle konatiewe faset kan oorheers
word deur hulle ongemotiveerdheid op kognitiewe gebied. Die normatiewe faset word dikwels
weens verslawende gedrag belemmer. Die Tourettesindroomlyers se sosialisering kan swak
wees weens hulle gedragsprobleme. Hierdie navorsing bevestig vorige ondersoeke
wereldwyd wat toon dat depressie, slaapprobleme, angsversteurings en die onvermoe om
stres te hanteer by sommige Tourettesindroomlyers kan bydra tot uitputting wat hulle
kognitiewe funksionering belemmer.
Tourettesindroomlyers presteer op kognitiewe gebied 6f uitstekend 6f uiters swak. Groot
uiteenlopendhede word in die neuropsigologiese gedrag van Tourettesindroomlyers
gemanifesteer, met 'n vermindering in hulle uitvoerende kognitiewe funksionering weens
tekorte in hulle kognitiewe prosesseringsvermoens. Dit het verarmende gevolge vir hulle
kognitiewe inhoud, struktuur en uiteindelik kognitiewe produkte. Algemene en spesifieke
leerprobleme is die gevolg.
Dit is dus te begrype dat Tourettesindroomlyers se betrokkenheid, belewing en
betekenisgewing by die skoolsituasie en leerstof negatief beleef kan word. Saam met hulle
vernederende simptome, fluktuasie van hulle punte en belemmerde leefwereldstigting, is die
logiese gevolg ontwrigte selfbeelde. Tourettesindroomlyers benodig daadwerklike
ondersteuning in hulle selfaktualisering ten einde waardevolle mensepotensiaal vir SuidAfrika
te behou. / The focus of this study is the life-world formation of Tourette syndrome sufferers, with specific
reference to their cognitive functioning. Tourette syndrome is a neuropsychological disorder which
usually has its inception during childhood and is characterised by motor and/or vocal tics.
Tourette syndrome sufferers may also exhibit a variety of related disorders, for example Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, with or without hyperactivity, phobias and various
affective disorders. The cause of Tourette syndrome is still unknown, therefore treatment cannot
be guaranteed to be successful. The incidence of Tcurette syndrome is higher than was initially
suspected and is more prevalent among men.
Tourette syndrome sufferers can negatively experience all six facets of humanity. In the physical
area research indicates various abnormalities in the brain, for example the secretion of
neurotransmitters, a reduction in the volume of the basal ganglia, a smaller left globus pallidus
and disorders in the frontal lobes, the corpus callosum and the nerve circuitry of the basal
ganglia. The conative facet may be dominated by their lack of motivation in the cognitive
area. The normative facet is often hampered due to addictive behaviour. Socialisation can be poor
due to behaviour problems. This research confirms
previous investigations world-wide which indicated that depression, sleep and anxiety

disorders and the inability to handle stress contributes to exhaustion, which impedes cognitive

In the cognitive area Tourette syndrome sufferers perform either extremely well or
extremely poorly. There are great discrepancies in the neuropsychological behaviour of Tourette
syndrome sufferers and a reduction in their executive cognitive functioning due to shortages in
their cognitive processing abilities. This has impoverishing consequences for their cognitive
content, structure and eventually cognitive products resulting in general and specific learning

It is therefore understandable that Tourette syndrorne sufferers' involvement with, experiences of
and attribution of meaning to the school situation and study material are negatively influenced.
Add their humiliating symptoms, fluctuation of marks and hampered life-world formation and the
logical result is disrupted self-images. Tourette syndrome sufferers need crucial support in
their self-actualisation in order to be able to offer South Africa worthy human potential. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed.(Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)
Date11 1900
CreatorsMoller, Hendrina Cecilia
ContributorsStrydom, I. (Irene)
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 online resource (xxii, 377 leaves)

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