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Genetic enhancement of pearl millet

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was toe stablish a reliable protocol for the production 0 f transgenic
pearl millet as this will open new avenues for augmenting the gene pool of this crop. This
was achieved by identifying a highly regenerabie genotype and optimisation of a tissue
culture system, and biolistic protocol f or stable integration of selected transgenes. Both a
negative, herbicide resistance selectable marker gene, bar, and a positive selectable marker
gene, manA, were individually introduced in order to identify and establish a reliable
transformation protocol. The optimised transformation protocol was then used to introduce an
antifungal gene in the genome of pearl millet to enhance resistance to the biotrophic fungus
Sclerospora graminicola. S. graminicola, an obligate oomycetous fungal phytopathogen, is
the causal agent of downy mildew in pearl millet plants and a major constraint in the
production of pearl millet. A single component of antifungal resistance was introduced into
the genome of pearl millet, as preliminary work towards determining its role in the total plant
defence system. The approach chosen was to introduce a hydrolytic enzyme, 13-1,3-
glucanase, from Trichoderma atroviride (formerly T. harzianum), a soil-borne filamentous
fungus, capable of parasitizing several plant pathogenic fungi. It was anticipated that
introducing this glucanase gene from T. atroviride which degrades glucan in the fungal cell
walls, would significantly contribute to the improvement of resistance against downy mildew.
Constructs were prepared containing the gene (gluc78) encoding a 78 kDa beta-1,3-
glucanase. The constructs were prepared containing the gluc78 gene driven either by a
strong constitutive promoter (ubiquitin promoter, exon and intron) or a wound inducible
promoter, the potato proteinase inhibitor ilK gene promoter. The wound inducible promoter
includes either an AMV leader' sequence or the rice Act1 intron to obtain higher expression
levels in the monocotyledonous plant. The transformation efficiency using the particle inflow
gun and the herbicide resistance gene, bar, was improved from 0.02% on a MS based
medium, to 0.19 or 0.72% with manA as selectable marker gene on MS or L3 based
medium, respectively. However, individual experiments, introducing manA as selectable
marker gene, resulted in frequencies of 1.2 and 3%. This translated to one transformation
event per plate, which contains on average 31-35 pre-cultured immature zygotic embryos.
This is the first report of t he successful introduction and expression of a 13-1,3-glucanase
encoding gene from a biocontrol fungus not only under constitutive expression but also under
wound inducible expression in a plant. Optimisation of genetic engineering of pearl millet, a
cereal crop recalcitrant to transformation, and the introduction of an antifungal transgene,
was accomplished in this study. Initial results hint that expression of this transgene enhances
resistance to S. graminicola. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om 'n betroubare genetiese transformeringsprotokol vir pêrel
manna te ontwikkel. Hiervoor moes eerstens 'n regenereerbare genotipe geidentifiseer
word. Twedens moes 'n betroubare weefselkultuur en biolistiese transformeringssisteem
ontwikkel word. Beide die onkruiddoder bestandheidsgeen, bar, en 'n positiewe selektiewe
geen, manA, is vir die doel van die projek onafhanklik in die genoom van pêrel manna in
gekloneer. Die optimale sisteem is vervolgens aangewend om 'n geen wat potensieël
verbeterde bestandheid teen die biotrofiese swam Sclerospora graminicola wat donsige
meeldou by plante veroorsaak, in pêrel manna in te kloneer. 'n Enkele komponent van
bestandheid is in die genetiese material van pêrel manna in gekloneer as inleidende werk
om die rol van hierdie geen in die totale verdedigingsisteem te bepaal. Die benadering wat
gekies was, behels die klonering van 'n hidrolitiese ensiem 13-1,3-glukanase, van
Trichoderma atroviride (voorheen T. harzianum), 'n grondgedraagde swam, wat op 'n aantal
ander plantpatogene fungus kan parasiteer. Die verwagting is dat klonering van hierdie 13-
1,3-glukanase geen van T. atroviride wat die glukaan verteer in die selwande van swamme,
'n groot verbetering tot die bestandheid teen donsige meeldou sal meebring. Konstrukte is
voorberei wat die gluc78 geen bevat wat kodeer vir die 78 kDa beta-1,3-glukanase protein.
Die konstrukte wat voorberei is bevat die gluc78 geen geinduseer deur of 'n sterk konstituwe
promoter (ubiquitin promoter, exon en intron) of deur 'n wond geinduseerde promoter, die
aartappel proteinase inhibeerder ilK geen promoter. Hierdie promoter word gevolg deur of 'n
AMV leier volgorde of die rys Act1 intron om verhoogde uitdruk vlakke in monokotiele plante
te verseker. As die partikel invloei geweer in kombinasie met die
onkruiddoderbestandheidsgeen gebruik word, was die doeltreffendheid van transformasie
0.02% op 'n MS gebasseerde groeimedium. 'n Transformasie doeltreffendheid van
onderskeidelik 0.19 en 0.72% is verkry wanneer die manA as selektiewe geen gebruik is op
MS of L3 gebasseerde medium. Twee individual eksperimente, waar die manA geen as
selektiewe geen gebruik is, het gelei tot 'n transformasie doeltreffendheid van 1.2 of 3%. Dit
gee 'n gemiddelde van een transformasie per plaat wat 31 tot 35 voorafgekweekte
onvolwasse embrios bevat. Hierdie is d ie eerste verslag van d ie suksesvolle klonering en
uitdrukking van 'n 13-1,3-glukanasekoderende geen van 'n swam wat as 'n biologiese
beheeragent gebruik word. Hierdie is nie alleenlik onder konstitutiewe uitdrukking nie, maar
ook 0 nder wond g einduseerde u itdruk in' n p lant. In hierdie studie is die 0 ptimisering van
genetiese verbetering van pêrel manna, 'n graan gewas wat gehard is teen transformasie,
deur die klonering van 'n bestandheidsgeen in die genoom van hierdie gewas gedoen.
Aanvanklike resultate dui daarop dat die uitdruk van hierdie geen lei tot verbeterde
bestandheid teen S. graminicola.
Date03 1900
CreatorsO'Kennedy, Martha Margaretha
ContributorsBotha, F. C., Burger, J. T., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Genetics. Institute for Plant Biotechnology (IPB).
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format118 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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