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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Eclipsing Binaries

Relatively massive B-type stars with closely orbiting stellar companions can evolve to produce Type Ia supernovae, X-ray binaries, millisecond pulsars, mergers of neutron stars, gamma ray bursts, and sources of gravitational waves. However, the formation mechanism, intrinsic frequency, and evolutionary processes of B-type binaries are poorly understood. As of 2012, the binary statistics of massive stars had not been measured at low metallicities, extreme mass ratios, or intermediate orbital periods. This thesis utilizes large data sets of eclipsing binaries to measure the physical properties of B-type binaries in these previously unexplored portions of the parameter space. The updated binary statistics provide invaluable insight into the formation of massive stars and binaries as well as reliable initial conditions for population synthesis studies of binary star evolution.

We first compare the properties of B-type eclipsing binaries in our Milky Way Galaxy and the nearby Magellanic Cloud Galaxies. We model the eclipsing binary light curves and perform detailed Monte Carlo simulations to recover the intrinsic properties and distributions of the close binary population. We find the frequency, period distribution, and mass-ratio distribution of close B-type binaries do not significantly depend on metallicity or environment. These results indicate the formation of massive binaries are relatively insensitive to their chemical abundances or immediate surroundings.

Second, we search for low-mass eclipsing companions to massive B-type stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy. In addition to finding such extreme mass-ratio binaries, we serendipitously discover a new class of eclipsing binaries. Each system comprises a massive B-type star that is fully formed and a nascent low-mass companion that is still contracting toward its normal phase of evolution. The large low-mass secondaries discernibly reflect much of the light they intercept from the hot B-type stars, thereby producing sinusoidal variations in perceived brightness as they orbit. These nascent eclipsing binaries are embedded in the hearts of star-forming emission nebulae, and therefore provide a unique snapshot into the formation and evolution of massive binaries and stellar nurseries.

We next examine a large sample of B-type eclipsing binaries with intermediate orbital periods. To achieve such a task, we develop an automated pipeline to classify the eclipsing binaries, measure their physical properties from the observed light curves, and recover the intrinsic binary statistics by correcting for selection effects. We find the population of massive binaries at intermediate separations differ from those orbiting in close proximity. Close massive binaries favor small eccentricities and have correlated component masses, demonstrating they coevolved via competitive accretion during their formation in the circumbinary disk. Meanwhile, B-type binaries at slightly wider separations are born with large eccentricities and are weighted toward extreme mass ratios, indicating the components formed relatively independently and subsequently evolved to their current configurations via dynamical interactions. By using eclipsing binaries as accurate age indicators, we also reveal that the binary orbital eccentricities and the line-of-sight dust extinctions are anticorrelated with respect to time. These empirical relations provide robust constraints for tidal evolution in massive binaries and the evolution of the dust content in their surrounding environments.

Finally, we compile observations of early-type binaries identified via spectroscopy, eclipses, long-baseline interferometry, adaptive optics, lucky imaging, high-contrast photometry, and common proper motion. We combine the samples from the various surveys and correct for their respective selection effects to determine a comprehensive nature of the intrinsic binary statistics of massive stars. We find the probability distributions of primary mass, secondary mass, orbital period, and orbital eccentricity are all interrelated. These updated multiplicity statistics imply a greater frequency of low-mass X-ray binaries, millisecond pulsars, and Type Ia supernovae than previously predicted. / Astronomy
Date04 December 2015
CreatorsMoe, Maxwell
ContributorsGrindlay, Jonathan, Di Stefano, Rosanne
PublisherHarvard University
Source SetsHarvard University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis or Dissertation, text

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