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Quantitative Micro-PIXE Analysis Using the GEOPIXE Software

<p> Particle Induced X-ray emission (PIXE) technique was employed for analysis of major and trace elements in two biomedical materials and one petrochemical material. The PIXE experiments were carried out using a 1.7 MeV Pelletron Accelerator and an MeV ion microprobe at the Louisiana Accelerator Center, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA. Data was acquired using an Oxford triplet conguration with OMDAQ2007 software and analyzed offline using the Dynamic Analysis technique on the GeoPIXE software. A proton beam of 2 MeV energy and a Si X-ray detector were used for PIXE measurements. Relative concentrations and elemental maps in the irradiated targets were subsequently determined. This thesis reports work on the overview of the micro-PIXE technique, its applications and investigation of dental amalgams, a petrochemical catalyst, and snail shells.</p><p>
Date12 April 2019
CreatorsUdeogu, Henry E.
PublisherUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayette
Detected LanguageEnglish

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