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étude de la turbulence plasma par réflectométrie à balayage ultra rapide sur le tokamak tore supra

Plasma turbulence limits the performance of fusion reactors. Measuring and character- izing the turbulence properties is therefore a crucial issue in order to understand such phenomena. The goal of this thesis is to study the properties of plasma turbulence from ultrafast sweeping reflectometry measurements performed on the Tore Supra Tokamak. Reflectometry is a radar technique that is used to measure the electron density and its fluctuations. In the first part, we compare Langmuir probe and reflectometer data and discuss the possibility to characterize turbulence properties from the reconstructed fluctuating density profiles. Then, we show that the radial variation of the time and spatial scales of the turbulence as well as its radial velocity can be estimated from a cross-correlation analysis applied to the raw reflectometer signals. The modifications of the turbulence properties observed during a parametric scan are interpreted in the light of TEM and ITG turbulence. Finally, we show that the additional heating leads to a significant increase of the radial velocity in the plasma close to the tokamak wall.
Date02 October 2013
CreatorsHornung, Grégoire
PublisherAix-Marseille Université
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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