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Caracteriza??o e sele??o de bact?rias fluorescentes promotoras do crescimento de couve

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Previous issue date: 2011-09-23 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / A collection of 189 bacterial isolates, obtained from organic system of vegetable production,
was characterized aiming to selection of cabbage growth promoting strains. Isolatings were
performed from rhizosphere of vegetables and soil after harvest of cultivated species. The vast
majority of the strains showed biochemical profiles identical to Pseudomonas (fluorescent
group). While profiles identical to Burkholderia, Stenotrophomonas and Acinetobacter
constituted other groups of representatives. Characterization of isolates took into account the
capacity for synthesis of compounds possibly involved in mechanisms to stimulate plant
growth, namely: biofilms, siderophores, acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), indole-3-acetic
acid (IAA) and indole related compounds, as well as solubilization of calcium phosphate. A
total of 94 isolates were evaluated in the greenhouse for their ability to promote the growth of
cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) in pots containing unsterilized loam soil. In
addition, consortia were evaluated between components of the collection and rhizobia for the
same purpose. In addition, it compared the effects of application of certain producing IAA
isolates and the application of synthetic IAA on the growth of cabbage. Laboratory
experiments showed that in vitro, 100% of the isolates formed biofilm, 71% synthesized
siderophores, 31% produced AHLs, 95% produced IAA and 74% solubilized P. However,
bioassays in the greenhouse showed that only 12% of the isolates induced significant
responses to promote the growth of cabbage. Of these, a subgroup composed of 10 strains of
rhizobacteria given increments in growth parameters of both the biomass and the root system
of vegetables. Biofilms, siderophores, IAA and solubilization of P were common
characteristics of the subgroup. No synergistic effect was observed among isolates in
consortia, although it was found that the two strains of rhizobia consortium promoted the
growth of inoculated plants. The isolates R1132 and S311 were higher than the application of
synthetic IAA. The results suggested the potential of 12 bacteria to promote plant growth and
increase production of cabbage / Uma cole??o de 189 isolados bacterianos, provenientes de sistema org?nico de produ??o de
hortali?as, foi caracterizada com vistas ? sele??o de estirpes promotoras do crescimento de
couve. Os isolamentos foram realizados a partir da rizosfera de hortali?as e do solo ap?s
colheita das esp?cies cultivadas. A grande maioria das estirpes apresentou perfil bioqu?mico
id?ntico a Pseudomonas (grupo fluorescente). Enquanto perfis id?nticos a Burkholderia,
Acinetobacter e Stenotrophomonas constitu?ram outros grupos de representantes. A
caracteriza??o dos isolados levou em conta a capacidade de s?ntese de compostos
possivelmente envolvidos em mecanismos de est?mulo ao crescimento de plantas, a saber:
biofilmes, sider?foros, acil-lactonas homoserinas (ALHs), ?cido indol-3-ac?tico (AIA) e
compostos ind?licos relacionados, al?m da solubiliza??o de fosfato de c?lcio. Um total de 94
isolados foi testado na casa de vegeta??o quanto ? capacidade de promover o crescimento de
couve (Brassica oleraceae var. acephala) em vasos contendo solo distr?fico n?o esterilizado.
Paralelamente, foram avaliados cons?rcios entre componentes da cole??o e riz?bios para igual
finalidade. Em adendo, foram comparados os efeitos da aplica??o de determinados isolados
produtores de AIA e da aplica??o de AIA sint?tico sobre o crescimento da couve. Os
experimentos de laborat?rio indicaram que, in vitro, 100% dos isolados formaram biofilme,
71% sintetizaram sider?foros, 31% produziram AHLs, 95% produziram AIA e 74%
solubilizaram P. No entanto, os bioensaios na casa de vegeta??o evidenciaram que apenas
11% dos isolados bacterianos induziam respostas significativas de promo??o do crescimento
da couve. Desses, um subgrupo formado por 10 estirpes de rizobact?rias conferiu incrementos
nos par?metros de crescimento, tanto da biomassa a?rea quanto do sistema radicular da
hortali?a. Biofilmes, sider?foros, AIA e solubiliza??o do P foram caracter?sticas comuns do
subgrupo. N?o foi observado efeito sin?rgico entre os isolados em cons?rcios, embora tenha
sido verificado que as duas estirpes de riz?bios consorciadas promoveram o crescimento das
plantas inoculadas. Os isolados R1132 e S311 foram superiores ? aplica??o do AIA sint?tico.
Os resultados obtidos sinalizaram o potencial de 12 bact?rias que promover o crescimento das
plantas e incrementar a produ??o de couve.
Date23 September 2011
CreatorsDias, Anelise
ContributorsRumjanek, Norma Gouv?a, Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Fitotecnia, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Agronomia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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