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Edukativni i opšti model kritičnih protoka materijala PD - Precedence Diagramming Structure / The Educative and General Model of the Critical Material Flows, PDM-Precedence Diagramming Structure

<p>Rad,Edukativni i op&scaron;ti model kritičnih protoka materijala PD - Precedence Diagramming Structure, predstavlja integralni deo teorijskih i eksperimentalnih istraživanja vezanih za razvoj stohastičkih mreža PD-modela iz operacionih istraživanja, kao i modela za odgovarajuću edukaciju kadrova iz oblasti mrežnog upravljanja tokovima materijala u ma&scaron;inogradnji. U tom smislu u radu su razvijeni i re&scaron;avani, putem analitičkih i numeričkih metoda, sledeći modeli:</p><ul><li>Mrežni PD-model sa jednim kritičnim tokom.</li><li>Mrežni PD-model sa isključivo autonomnim (paralelnim) kritičnim tokovima.</li><li>Op&scaron;ti model sa varijantom kritičnih tokova autonomno-unijatnog tipa.</li><li>Edukativni model za efikasno re&scaron;avanje postavljenih problema upravljanjatokovima materijala u pojedinačnoj proizvodnji.</li><li>Modeli za vrednovanje metoda i postupaka iz ovih oblasti operacionih istraživanja, kao i samog edukativnog modela, na bazi razvijenih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih kriterijuma.</li></ul><p>Ovim istraživanjem stvorene su određene podloge za dalji rad u predmetnom području, posebno sa stanovi&scaron;ta neinvesticionog povećanja efekata materijalne proizvodnje, putem primene razvijenih opercionih modela i edukativnih metoda za njihovo re&scaron;avanje.</p> / <p>The paper &quot;THE EDUCATIVE AND GENERAL MODEL OF THE CRITICAL MATERIAL FLOWS, PD-PRECEDENCE DIAGRAMMING STRUCTURE&quot; makes the integral part bof the theoretical and experimental researches connected for the development of the stochastic network PD - models of the opertions research, as well the models for the appropriote personal cadres edu cation in the field of network control of materijal flows in production of machinery. In the paper are also developed and solved, by analytic and numeric methods, the next models:</p><p>* The network PD-model with one critical flow.</p><p>* The network PD-model with excusively autonomus (parallel) critical flows.</p><p>* The general model with the variant of the critical flows of the autonomus -uniate type.</p><p>* The educative model for the effective solving of the stated problems of the material flows control in isolated production.</p><p>* The models and methods valuation of these fields of the operations researches, as well the educative model itself on the basic of the developed quantative and qualitative criteria.</p><p>With these researches are created the defined bases for further work in the subject field, particularly from the attitude of the noninvestment increasing of the effects of the materijal production, using the developed operations models and the educative models for their solving.</p>
Date06 May 1996
CreatorsLetić Duško
ContributorsLipovac Dušan, Ristić Dušan, Kun Ladislav, Ćosić Ilija, Sotirović Velimir
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, University of Novi Sad, Mihajlo Pupin Technical Faculty at Zrenjanin
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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