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Comportamento de prog?nies de pinh?o-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) em casa de vegeta??o e no campo quanto ? vari?veis morfoagron?micas / Behaviour progenies of physic-nut (Jatropha curcas L.) in a green house and field regarding morphoagronomic variables

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2013 - Nath?lia Virg?nia da Silva Ribeiro.pdf: 1961349 bytes, checksum: 43e989102153b88ad17a4eefb1e37f9e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-07-24 / CAPES / The species Jatropha curcas, popularly known as physic nut, belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae, is currently regarded as one of the greatest potential of oil seeds for biodiesel production in the world. However, the knowledge of available genetic variability and productive behavior of the species are still scarce. This work is part of the Breeding Program of Jatropha curcas developed in UFRRJ, and its objective was know some morphological and productive aspects of 10 progenies of physic nut (Jatropha curcas), grown in greenhouse and camp up to 17 months old, selected from female parents belonging to the Germplasm Collection of physic nut (Jatropha curcas) of the Department of Plant Science at the Institute of Agronomy of UFRRJ. It is expected this study provide important information for the continued Breeding Program of the species in UFRRJ. The experiment was installed in October 2011 in greenhouse, and consisted of 10 progenies of physic nut arranged in experimental design randomized blocks with 3 repetitions, and 15 plants by experimental parcel. After 4 evaluation in greenhouse, the plants were transferred to the camp, here were done 6 evaluation, the last being in April 2013. In the greenhouse it was evaluated aspects related to the germination of the progeny and the behavior of young plants. In the first case, it was estimated germination itself progenies and the index of germination speed (IGS), and at the second, the size of the petiole (SMP), number, width and length of fully developed leaves, respectively, discriminated as NDL, WDL and LDL, insertion angle of the leaf (IALs), length relationship and width of leaf (LWL), height of young plants (HYP), stem diameter (SDI) and branches number (BNU). The obtained data were submitted to analysis of variance, mean test via DMS-t and correlation analysis. The coefficient of genotypic determination (H2), of genotypic variation (CVg) and experimental variation (CVe) were also estimated, and variation index (VIg). The mean germination percentage for Jatropha curcas species was 68,23%, and the mean index germination speed was of 8,60 seeds germinated per day. The progeny that reached higher percentage of gemination and higher germination speed were UFRRJ/PM05 (83,33 and 3,12) and UFRRJ/PM01 (83,33 and 3,38). Whereas the progenies UFRRJ/PM10 and UFRRJ/PM04 were the ones with the lowest percentage of germination and germinated more slowly. In the greenhouse was no statistically significant difference between treatments for the variables SMP, NDL, SDI, HYP, BNU, LDL, WDL. Only for LWL and IALs not statistical difference was detected signficativa. In the camp, it was evaluated variables related to morphological and productive. The morphological variables were: insertion angle of the leaf (IALs), height of young plants (HYP), stem diameter (SDI), of branches number (BNU) and the size of the petiole (SMP). Variables related to aspects of production were: fruit number (FNU), average fruit weight (AFW), fruit length (FRL), fruit width (FRW), weight of fruit of the crop (WFC), weight of dries seeds (WDS), seeds number per fruit (SNF=SNU/FNU), seeds number (SNU), seed length (SEL), seed width (SEW), average seed weight (ASW=GPR/SNU) and grain production (GPR= SNUxASW). All data obtained for each stage of treatment in this study were submitted to analysis of variance, mean test way DMS-t and correlation analyzes. Only for the variables related to morphological aspects considered the effect of season in the ANOVA. Were also estimated the coefficient of genotypic determination (H2), genotypic variation (CVg) and experimental variation (CVe), and the variation index (IVg). All variables (morphological and production) were subjected to regression analysis over the 6 collection periods. Was also estimated genetic the following parameters: genetic variance (?2g), additive variance (?2a), heritability of family means, within family, stratified mass and mass in the experiment. The estimation of genetic parameters was based on the last review performed in the experiment, not considering, therefore, the season effect. From previously mentioned analysis it was observed that all the variables related to morphological aspects showed statistically significant differences between treatments. As for variables related to production only FRW, AFW, SEL and ASW no statistically significant difference. Characters related to leaf morphology showed low coefficients of determination and variation index, while the latter parameters were higher for the variables HYP (83,24 e 0,64) e BNU (80,92 e 0,59), respectively, evaluated in plants in a greenhouse. Progenies with the highest mean branches number were UFRRJ/PM07 (0,49) and UFRRJ/PM08 (0,47). In the camp, the BNU variable had the highest coefficient of genotypic determination (84,16) and variation index (0,54) again. Variables SDI, HYP, IALs and BNU showed a linear behavior over the following months, only exception to IALs variable studied in the progeny UFRRJ/PM 10. Variable SMP proved oscillating in all progenies during the months evaluated. Regarding the variables related to production, the progeny had a different behavior between them. Therefore, the selection of these variables are not indicated when you want to increase grain production in physic nut. Only when considering the quantitative variables is that selection for increased production becomes more effective, for example, the selection of the seeds number. The variable branches number (BNU) was positively correlated with almost all variables in the greenhouse and all related to the production characteristics analyzed in the camp, therefore, this variable can be used in precocious selection for increased production in physic nut. The progenies UFRRJ/PM08 and UFRRJ/PM01 were the most promising in respect of seed production, but, evaluation over the years are still needed, as the plants of the experiment were evaluated in still too early to age, and then, physiological and experimental aspects may be being even more important than genetic factors. / A esp?cie Jatropha curcas, popularmente conhecida como pinh?o manso, pertencente ? fam?lia Euphorbiaceae, ? considerada atualmente como uma das oleaginosas de maior potencial para a produ??o de biodiesel no mundo. No entanto, o conhecimento da variabilidade gen?tica dispon?vel e o comportamento produtivo da esp?cie ainda s?o escassos. O presente trabalho ? parte do Programa de Melhoramento Gen?tico de Jatropha curcas desenvolvido na UFRRJ, e teve como objetivo conhecer alguns aspectos morfol?gicos e produtivos de 10 prog?nies de pinh?o-manso (Jatropha curcas), cultivadas em casa de vegeta??o e campo at? aos 17 meses de idade, selecionadas a partir de genitores femininos pertencentes ? Cole??o de Germoplasma de pinh?o-manso (Jatropha curcas) do Departamento de Fitotecnia do Instituto de Agronomia da UFRRJ. Espera-se com este trabalho fornecer informa??es importantes para a continuidade do Programa de Melhoramento da esp?cie na UFRRJ. O experimento foi instalado em outubro de 2011 em casa de vegeta??o, e foi composto por 10 prog?nies de pinh?o-manso dispostas em delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 3 repeti??es, e 15 plantas por parcela experimental. Ap?s 4 avalia??es em casa de vegeta??o, as plantas foram transferidas para o campo, onde foram realizadas 6 avalia??es, sendo a ultima no m?s de abril de 2013. Em casa de vegeta??o avaliou-se aspectos relacionados ? germina??o das prog?nies e o comportamento das plantas jovens. No primeiro caso, estimou-se a germina??o propriamente dito das prog?nies e o ?ndice de velocidade de germina??o (IVG), e no segundo, o tamanho do pec?olo (TMP), n?mero, largura e comprimento de folhas completamente desenvolvidas, respectivamente, discriminados como NFD, LAF e COF, ?ngulo de inser??o da folha (AIFc), rela??o comprimento e largura de folha (CLF), altura de plantas (APJ), di?metro de caule (DIC) e n?mero de ramos (NDR). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a an?lises de vari?ncia, teste de m?dia via DMS-t e an?lise de correla??o. Tamb?m foram estimados os coeficientes de determina??o genot?pico (H2), de varia??o genot?pico (CVg) e de varia??o experimental (CVe), e o ?ndice de varia??o (IVg). A porcentagem m?dia de germina??o para a esp?cie Jatropha curcas foi de 68,23%, e o ?ndice m?dio de velocidade de germina??o foi de 8,60 sementes germinadas por dia. As prog?nies que atingiram maiores percentuais de gemina??o e maior velocidade de germina??o foram a UFRRJ/PM05 (83,33 e 3,12) e UFRRJ/PM01 (83,33 e 3,38). Enquanto que as prog?nies UFRRJ/PM10 e UFRRJ/PM04 foram as que apresentaram os percentuais de germina??o mais baixos e germinaram mais lentamente. Em casa de vegeta??o houve diferen?a estat?stica significativa entre os tratamentos para as vari?veis TMP, NFD, DIC, APJ, NDR, COF, LAF. Apenas para CLF e AIFc n?o se detectou diferen?a estat?stica signficativa. No campo, avaliou-se vari?veis ligadas aos aspectos morfol?gicos e produtivos. As vari?veis morfol?gicas analisadas foram: ?ngulo de inser??o da folha (AIFc), altura de plantas (APJ), di?metro de caule (DIC), n?mero de ramos (NDR), tamanho m?dio de entren? (MECc). As vari?veis relacionadas aos aspectos de produ??o foram: n?mero de frutos (NFR), peso m?dio do fruto (PFR), comprimento do fruto (CFR), largura do fruto (LFR), peso de frutos da colheita (PFC), peso de sementes secas (PMSs), n?mero de sementes por fruto (NSF = NSE/NFR), n?mero de sementes (NSE), comprimento da semente (CMS), largura da semente (LSE), peso m?dio de sementes (PMS=PSP/NSE) e produ??o de gr?os (PGP=NSExPMS). Todos os dados obtidos para cada tratamento nesta etapa do trabalho foram submetidos ?s an?lises de vari?ncia, teste de m?dia via DMS-t e an?lises de correla??o. Apenas para as vari?veis ligadas aos aspectos morfol?gicos considerou-se o efeito de ?poca na anova. Foram estimados tamb?m os coeficientes de determina??o genot?pico (H2), de varia??o genot?pico (CVg) e de varia??o experimental (CVe), e o ?ndice de varia??o (IVg). Todas as vari?veis (morfol?gicas e de produ??o) foram submetidas a an?lises de regress?o ao longo das 6 ?pocas de coleta. Estimou-se tamb?m os seguintes par?metros gen?ticos: vari?ncia gen?tica (?2g), vari?ncia aditiva (?2a), herdabilidades entre m?dias de fam?lias, dentro de fam?lia, massal estratificada e massal no experimento. A estimativa dos par?metros gen?ticos foi com base na ?ltima avalia??o realizada no experimento, n?o considerando, portanto, o efeito de ?poca. A partir das an?lises anteriormente citadas observou-se que todas as vari?veis ligadas aos aspectos morfol?gicos apresentaram diferen?a estat?stica significativa entre os tratamentos. Quanto as vari?veis relacionadas ? produ??o apenas LFR, PFR, CMS, e PMS n?o apresentaram diferen?a estat?stica significativa. Caracteres relacionados ? morfologia da folha apresentaram baixos coeficientes de determina??o e ?ndice de varia??o, enquanto que estes mesmos par?metros foram altos para as vari?veis APJ (83,24 e 0,64) e NDR (80,92 e 0,59), respectivamente, avaliados em plantas em casa de vegeta??o. As prog?nies que apresentaram as maiores m?dias do n?mero de ramos foram as UFRRJ/PM07 (0,49) e UFRRJ/PM08 (0,47). No campo, a vari?vel NDR apresentou novamente o maior coeficiente de determina??o genot?pico (84,16) e ?ndice de varia??o (0,54). As vari?veis DIC, APJ, AIFc e NDR apresentaram um comportamento linear ao passar dos meses, exce??o apenas para a vari?vel AIFc estudada na prog?nie UFRRJ/PM 10. A vari?vel MECc mostrou-se oscilante em todas as prog?nies durante os meses avaliados. Em rela??o ?s vari?veis ligadas ? produ??o, as prog?nies tiveram um comportamento diferenciado entre si. Todas as vari?veis ligadas aos aspectos morfol?gicos da semente (largura, comprimento e peso m?dio) apresentaram baix?ssima ou nenhuma variabilidade gen?tica entre as prog?nies estudadas. Portanto, a sele??o sobre estas vari?veis n?o s?o indicadas quando se deseja o aumento da produ??o de gr?os em pinh?o-manso. Apenas quando se considera vari?veis de natureza quantitativa ? que a sele??o para o aumento de produ??o torna-se mais efetiva, como por exemplo, a sele??o sobre o n?mero de sementes. A vari?vel n?mero de ramos (NDR) se correlacionou positivamente com quase todas as vari?veis analisadas em casa de vegeta??o e com todos os caracteres relacionados ? produ??o analisados no campo, assim sendo, essa vari?vel pode ser utilizada em sele??o precoce visando o aumento da produ??o em pinh?o-manso. As prog?nies UFRRJ/PM08 e UFRRJ/PM01 foram as mais promissoras no que se refere a produ??o de sementes, por?m, avalia??es ao longo dos anos ainda s?o necess?rias, visto que as plantas do experimento foram avaliadas em idade ainda muito precoce, e portanto, aspectos fisiol?gicos e experimentais podem estar sendo at? mais importantes do que aspectos gen?ticos.
Date24 July 2013
CreatorsRIBEIRO, Nath?lia Virg?nia da Silva
ContributorsDamasceno Junior, Pedro Corr?a, Fiorini, Cibele Vilela Andrade, Damasceno Junior, Pedro Corr?a, Pereira, Maur?cio Ballesteiro, Donagemma, Guilherme Kanguss?
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Fitotecnia, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Agronomia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ

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