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Die invloed van die veranderende samelewing op die psigiese lewe van die kind-in-opvoeding = The influence of the changing society on the psychic life of the child in education

Verhandeling voorgele ter nakoming van die vereistes vir die graad
UNIVERSITEIT van ZOELOELAND. = Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF EDUCATION in the Department of Educational Psychology of the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand, 1995. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of die veranderende samelewing die psigiese Iewe van die kind-in-opvoeding — met spesifieke verwysing na die adolessent — beinvloed.

Uit die literatuurstudie het dit geblyk dat die hedendaagse samelewing deurstroom word met skadelike apvaedingsbelemmerende faktore, soos byvoorbeeld gesinsverbrokketing, kontakinflasie, massafikasie, bewussynsmanipulasie, vertegnisering, verpolitisering en verseksualisering — om maar net enkeles te noem. Snefle veranderinge vind ook plaas op die terreine van die demografie, ekonomie, poiitiek, ekologie, beroepsbeoefening, rekreasie en sosiaal-maatskapiike verhoudinge.

Die adoiessent befeef hierdie veranderende leefwerefd deur homself tot die totale werktikheid te orienteer. Deur sy belewing stig hy ‘n netwerk van verhoudinge met homself,. betekenisvoile ander in sy Iewe, dinge/idees en God.

Dit is die taak van die opvoeder om aan die nog-nie-volwasseopvoedeltng, te midde van die veranderende samelewing wat opvoedingsbelemmerend op beide inwerk, 'n veilige ruimte as !eefwere!d te skep waarvandaan hy relasies kan stig.

Ten etnde die aard van die adoiessent se belewing van sy veranderende leefwereid te bepaal, is *n empiriese andersoek deur middel van 'n selfgestruktureerde vraelys onderneem.
Uit die ondersoek het dit geblyk dat die veranderende samelewing die adolessent wel ten opsigte van bykans al sy verhoudinge beTnvloed.

Op grand van hierdie bevindinge is sekere aanbevelings rakende die kerngesin, die ouer- en skoolgemeenskap en die kerk gemaak.

Met hierdie navorsing is daar gepoog om meer te wete te kom aangaande die adolessent se relasies in "n veranderende samelewing. Die hoop word uitgespreek dat dit tot beter verhoudinge tussen opvoedelinge en opvoeders sal lei. = Eng:

The aim of this study was to determine whether the changing society has an
influence on the psychic life of the child in education - with specific reference to
the adolescent.
From the literature study it became clear that the southern African society of the
twenty-first century will probably be characterized and controlled by technological
advancements to such an extent that it will justifiably be labelled as technocratic.
Changes can be expected. in fields of demography, economy, ecology, value
orientations, labour. recreation and societal relationships and politics. In many
ways society has also become sexualized.
The adolescent experiences this changing life-world through a network of relations
- with himself, his parents, his teachers, his peer-group, with ideas/things and with
The young person of today and tomorrow will have to be educated in such a way
that he can participate in the social life within such a technocratic society in a
morally self-determining, constructive and decent way.
After the literature study an empirical investigation was done by means of a self structured
questionnaire. During the discussion of the research design. the
questionnaire, pilot study and statistical methods were discussed in detail. This
questionnaire was administered to the standard 9 pupils of three high schools.
Subsequently, the results of the investigation were analyzed. It was found that the
changing society has a definite influence on almost all of the adolescent's relations.
In the light of the findings certain recommendations were made regarding the
family, school and church.
With this research an effort was made to establish certain recommendations in
order to improve the relation between educands and educators.
Date January 1995
CreatorsBecker, Martha Elizabeth.
Contributorsvan der Merwe, A., Urbani, G.
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish

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