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Methodological aspects of the mapping of disease resistance loci in livestock/Aspects méthodologiques de la cartographie de gènes intervenant dans la résistance aux maladies chez les animaux d'élevage

The incidence of infectious diseases in livestock is a major concern for animal breeders as well as for consumers. As a alternative approach to the use of prophylactic measures or therapeutic agents, infectious diseases can be contended by increasing the disease resistance of animals by genetic improvement. Animals can be selected either on a measure of their resistance (indicator trait) or on the presence or absence of some specific resistance genes in their genotype. A prerequisite to the latter approach is the identification of the genes, or QTL for quantitative trait loci, underlying the trait of interest. By means of sophisticated statistical tools, the QTL mapping strategy combines the information from genetic markers and phenotypic values to dissect quantitative traits into their individual genetic components. Some of the methodological aspects of this strategy are studied in the present thesis in the context of disease resistance in livestock.
Indicator traits of the resistance (such as bacteria or parasites counts) are not always satisfying the normality assumption underlying most of the QTL mapping methods. In this context, the ability of statistical tests to identify the underlying genes (i.e. the statistical power) can be considerably reduced. We show that compared to the use of a non-parametric method, the use of the least-squares-based parametric method on mathematically transformed phenotypes gives always the best results. In the context of high number of ties (equal values) as observed when measuring resistance to bacterial or parasitic diseases, the non-parametric test is a good alternative to this approach, as far as midranks are used for ties instead of random ranks. The efficiency of QTL mapping methods can also be increased by use of simple combinations of repeated measurements of the same trait.
As a result of analyses performed on real data sets in chicken and sheep, we show that much attention should be paid to obtaining good quality measurements, reflecting at best differences in terms of resistance between animals, before performing a QTL search. The appropriate choice of resistance traits as well as of the time of their measurement are, beside the choice of the method and the quality of marker information, among the most preponderant factors to guarantee satisfying results.
Date19 September 2003
CreatorsTilquin, Pierre
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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