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Two-player interaction in quantum computing : cryptographic primitives & query complexity

This dissertation studies two different aspects of two-player interaction in the model of quantum communication and quantum computation.First, we study two cryptographic primitives, that are used as basic blocks to construct sophisticated cryptographic protocols between two players, e.g. identification protocols. The first primitive is ''quantum bit commitment''. This primitive cannot be done in an unconditionally secure way. However, security can be obtained by restraining the power of the two players. We study this primitive when the two players can only create quantum Gaussian states and perform Gaussian operations. These operations are a subset of what is allowed by quantum physics, and plays a central role in quantum optics. Hence, it is an accurate model of communication through optical fibers. We show that unfortunately this restriction does not allow secure bit commitment. The proof of this result is based on the notion of ''intrinsic purification'' that we introduce to circumvent the use of Uhlman's theorem when the quantum states are Gaussian. We then examine a weaker primitive, ''quantum weak coin flipping'', in the standard model of quantum computation. Mochon has showed that there exists such a protocol with arbitrarily small bias. We give a clear and meaningful interpretation of his proof. That allows us to present a drastically shorter and simplified proof.The second part of the dissertation deals with different methods of proving lower bounds on the quantum query complexity. This is a very important model in quantum complexity in which numerous results have been proved. In this model, an algorithm has restricted access to the input: it can only query individual bits. We consider a generalization of the standard model, where an algorithm does not compute a classical function, but generates a quantum state. This generalization allows us to compare the strength of the different methods used to prove lower bounds in this model. We first prove that the ''multiplicative adversary method'' is stronger than the ''additive adversary method''. We then show a reduction from the ''polynomial method'' to the multiplicative adversary method. Hence, we prove that the multiplicative adversary method is the strongest one. Adversary methods are usually difficult to use since they involve the computation of norms of matrices with very large size. We show how studying the symmetries of a problem can largely simplify these computations. Last, using these principles we prove the tight lower bound of the INDEX-ERASURE problem. This a quantum state generation problem that has links with the famous GRAPH-ISOMORPHISM problem.
Date05 December 2011
CreatorsMagnin, Loick
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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