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Reliability Analysis of Degrading Uncertain Structures - with Applications to Fatigue and Fracture under Random Loading

In the thesis, the reliability analysis of structural components and structural details subject to random loading and random resistance degradation is addressed. The study concerns evaluation of the probability of failure due to an overload of a component or structural detail, in consideration of random (environmental) loads and their combination, uncertain resistance parameters, statistical and phenomenological uncertainty and random resistance degradation mechanisms. Special attention is devoted to resistance degradation, as it introduces an additional level of difficulty in the solution of time variant reliability problems. The importance of this study arrives from the ageing of existing infrastructure in a world wide scale and from the lack of standards and codes for the ongoing safety management of general structures past their original design lives. In this context, probabilistic-based risk assessment and reliability analysis provide a framework for the safety management of ageing structures in consideration of inherent load and resistance uncertainty, current state of the structure, further resistance degradation, periodic inspections, in the absence of past experience and on an individual basis. In particular, the critical problem of resistance degradation due to fatigue is addressed. The formal solution of time variant reliability problems involves integration of local crossing rates over a conditional failure domain boundary, over time and over random resistance variables. This solution becomes very difficult in the presence of resistance degradation, as crossing rates become time dependent, and the innermost integration over the failure domain boundary has to be repeated over time. Significant simplification is achieved when the order of integrations is changed, and crossing rates are first integrated over the random failure domain boundary and then over time. In the so-called ensemble crossing rate or Ensemble Up-crossing Rate (EUR) approximation, the arrival rate of the first crossing over a random barrier is approximated by the ensemble average of crossings. This approximation conflicts with the Poisson assumption of independence implied in the first passage failure model, making results unreliable and highly conservative. Despite significant simplification of the solution, little was known to date about the quality of the EUR approximation. In this thesis, a simulation procedure to obtain Poissonian estimates of the arrival rate of the first up-crossing over a random barrier is introduced. The procedure is used to predict the error of the EUR approximation. An error parameter is identified and error functions are constructed. Error estimates are used to correct original EUR failure probability results and to compare the EUR with other common simplifications of time variant reliability problems. It is found that EUR errors can be quite large even when failure probabilities are small, a result that goes against previous ideas. A barrier failure dominance concept is introduced, to characterize those problems where an up-crossing or overload failure is more likely to be caused by a small outcome of the resistance than by a large outcome of the load process. It is shown that large EUR errors are associated with barrier failure dominance, and that solutions which simplify the load part of the problem are more likely to be appropriate in this case. It is suggested that the notion of barrier failure dominance be used to identify the proper (simplified) solution method for a given problem. In this context, the EUR approximation is compared with Turkstra’s load combination rule and with the point-crossing formula. It is noted that in many practical structural engineering applications involving environmental loads like wind, waves or earthquakes, load process uncertainty is larger than resistance uncertainty. In these applications, barrier failure dominance in unlikely and EUR errors can be expected to be small. The reliability problem of fatigue and fracture under random loading is addressed in the thesis. A solution to the problem, based on the EUR approximation, is constructed. The problem is formulated by combining stochastic models of crack propagation with the first passage failure model. The solution involves evaluation of the evolution in time of crack size and resistance distributions, and provides a fresh random process-based approach to the problem. It also simplifies the optimization and planning of non-destructive periodic inspection strategies, which play a major role in the ongoing safety management of fatigue affected structures. It is shown how sensitivity coefficients of a simplified preliminary First Order Reliability solution can be used to characterize barrier failure dominance. In the fatigue and fracture reliability problem, barrier failure dominance can be caused by large variances of resistance or crack growth parameters. Barrier failure dominance caused by resistance parameters leads to problems where overload failure is an issue and where the simplified preliminary solution is likely to be accurate enough. Barrier failure dominance caused by crack growth parameters leads to highly non-linear problems, where critical crack growth dominates failure probabilities. Finally, in the absence of barrier failure dominance, overload failure is again the issue and the EUR approximation becomes not just appropriate but also accurate. The random process-based EUR solution of time-variant reliability problems developed and the concept of barrier failure dominance introduced in the thesis have broad applications in problems involving general forms of resistance degradation as well as in problems of random vibration of uncertain structures. / PhD Doctorate
Date January 2003
CreatorsBeck, Andre Teofilo
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights, Copyright 2003 Andre Teofilo Beck

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