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Efekat akutnog izlaganja peroralno unetog akrilamida na histološke strukture želuca pacova soja Wistar / The effect of acute exposure to orally ingested acrylamide on histological structure of stomach in Wistar rats

<p>Akrilamid je toksična hemijska supstanca koja ima vrlo &scaron;iroku primenu u hemijskoj industriji, a 2002. godine otkriveno je njegovo prisustvo u namirnicima bogatim skrobom koje se pripremaju na visokim temperaturama. U poslednjh desetak godina primećen je veliki porast gastrointestinalnih tegoba u ljudskoj populaciji. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati patohistolo&scaron;ke promene u tkivu želuca pacova soja Wistar izazvanih peroralnim aplikovanjem akrilamida i na taj način povući paralelu sa mogućim gastrointestinalnim tegobama nastalim kao posledica konzumiranja hrane bogate akrilamidom. U istraživanju je ispitivano 6 grupa od po 5 eksperimentalnih životinja (pacovi soja Wistar). Dve kontrolne grupe kojima je peroralno aplikovana destilovana voda i koje su žrtvovane posle 24h i 72h; dve eksperimentalne kojima je peroralno aplikovan akrilamid u dnevnoj dozi od 25 mg/kg i koje su žrtvovane posle 24h i 72h; dve eksperimentalne grupe kojima je peroralno aplikovan akrilamid u dnevnoj dozi od 50 mg/kg i koje su žrtvovane posle 24h i 72h. Na histolo&scaron;kom materijalu tkiva želuca primenjena je kvalitativna histolo&scaron;ka analiza pod svetlosnim mikroskopom, semikvantitativna procena tipa mucina u epitelnim ćelijama sluznice želuca, prisustvo limfocita i granulocita u sluznici želuca, stereolo&scaron;ka merenja pojedinih kompartmana zida želuca, linearna merenja broja i veličine ganglijskih ćelija u Maissner-ovom i Auerbach-ovom nervnom pleksusu, kao i broj mastocita u lamini propriji sluznice i podsluznici želuca. Dobijene vrednosti merenih parametara su potom statistički obrađene. Nastale promene na tkivu želuca pacova soja Wistar se ogledaju u vidu blagog direktnog o&scaron;tećenja povr&scaron;nog epitela sa propratnom blagom inflamatornom reakcijom i blagom degranulacijom mastocita. U Maissner-ovom i Auerbach-ovom nervnom pleksusu su smanjene volumenske gustine nervnih vlakana i ganglijskih ćelija, kao i broj i veličina ganglijskih ćelija. Direktno toksično delovanje na epitel dovodi do posledične obnove epitela, te je potvrđeno prisustvo nezrelijih oblika mukoproduktivnih ćelija koje sadrže kisele, AB pozitivne mucine. Ispitani inflamatorni i degenerativni parametri pokazuju pozitivnu korelaciju u odnosu na dozu i/ili dužinu ekspozicije akrilamidu. Primena akrilamida peroralno pokazala je da postoje patohistolo&scaron;ke promene na tkivu želuca u vidu direktnog toksičnog o&scaron;tećenja epitela, inflamatorne reakcije i o&scaron;tećenja nervnih pleksusa. Poznavanjem mehanizma delovanja ove toksične materije moguće je primeniti adekvatnu prevenciju u ishrani i izvr&scaron;iti odgovarajući izbor terapijskih metoda.</p> / <p>Acrylamide is a toxic chemical substance with wide implementation in chemical industry. In 2002 it was discovered the presence of acrylamide in foods rich in starch which are prepared at high temperatures. In the last ten years there is a large increase in gastrointestinal illnesses in human population. The aim of this study was to investigate the histopathological changes in the gastric tissue in Wistar rats induced with injection of oral acrylamide and thus draw a parallel with possible gastrointestinal problems arising as a result of the consumption of foods rich in acrylamide. The research was carried out 6 groups of 5 experimental animals (Wistar rats). Two control groups that are orally concomitant application of distilled water and which were sacrificed after 24h and 72h; two experimental groups which are orally administrated acrylamide in a daily dose of 25 mg / kg and that were sacrificed after 24h and 72h; two experimental groups which were orally administrated acrylamide in a daily dose of 50 mg / kg and that were sacrificed after 24h and 72h. On histological gastric tissue material is applied qualitative histological analysis by light microscopy, semi-quantitative assessment of the type of mucin in epithelial cells of the stomach lining, the presence of lymphocytes and granulocytes in gastric mucosa, stereological measurements of individual compartments of the stomach wall, linear measuring the number and size of ganglion cells in the Maissner and Auerbach&#39;s nerve plexus, and the number of mast cells in the lamina propria of the mucosa and in the submucosis of the stomach. Obtained values of measured parameters were statistically processed. Histological changes in the stomach tissue of Wistar rats are seen as a direct slight damage of the surface epithelium, with accompanynig mild inflammatory reaction and the degranulation of mast cells. The Meissner&#39;s and Auerbach&#39;s nerve plexus decreased volume density of nerve fibers and ganglion cells, as well as the number and size of the ganglion cells. Directly toxic effect on epithelium leads to the result of the reconstruction of the epithelium, which is confirmed by the presence of immature form of mucoproductive cells which contain acid, AB positive mucins. Examined inflammatory and degenerative parameters show a positive correlation with respect to dose and / or a time of exposition to acrylamide. Acrylamide oral application revealed that there are histologic changes in the stomach tissue in the form of a direct toxic damage to the epithelium, inflammatory reaction and damage to the nerve plexus. Knowing the mechanism of action of these toxic substances allows to apply adequate prevention in nutrition and make an appropriate choice of therapeutic methods.</p>
Date04 July 2016
CreatorsIlić Sabo Jelena
ContributorsĐolai Matilda, Lalošević Dušan, Erić Mirela, Samojlik Isidora, Naumović Nada, Matavulj Milica
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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