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Razvoj postupka sinteze polimernih mreža i linearnih polimera na osnovu siloksana / Development of the synthesis process of polymeric networks and linear polymer based on siloxane

<p>Istraživanja u okviru teze imaju za cilj dobijanje polimernih mreža kod kojih se regulacijom sirovinskog sastava i uslova sinteze mogu menjati svojstva siloksanskih materijala u skladu sa krajnjom primenom. Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove teze je razvoj novih postupaka sinteze hibridnih siloksanskih nanokompozita na osnovu različitih prekursora mreža. Takođe, ispitan je i uticaj različitih tipova funkcionalizacije povr&scaron;ina nanopunila silicijum(IV) oksida (sa hidrofobnom i hidrofilnom povr&scaron;inom) na svojstva kompozitnih materijala za specifične namene. Nanokompoziti na osnovu polimernih mreža se uglavnom koriste u onim primenama gde tradicionalne polimerne mreže ne mogu da zadovolje potrebe koje se pred njih stavljaju. Zato je potrebno razviti postupak koji bi omogućio dobijanje materijala na osnovu polimernih mreža sa pobolj&scaron;anim mehaničkim, elastičnim i toplotnim svojstvima. Motivacija je vođena potrebom razvoja novih kompozitnih materijala koji imaju jedinstvena mehanička, toplotna, termomehanička svojstva sa mogućno&scaron;ću da pomognu u re&scaron;avanju problema okoline, kao &scaron;to su problem sa prostorom, sa automobilima, u elektronici i infrastrukturi, i naravno, oni će biti veliki izazov u nauci materijala i industriji.<br />Siloksanske mreže su dobijene od &alpha;, &omega;-divinil poli(dimetilsiloksana) i poli(metil-hidrogen<br />siloksana) u odnosu 60/40; 50/50 i 40/60. Nanokompoziti su sintetisani dodavanjem različitih sadržaja nanopunila silicijum(IV) oksida (1, 2, 5, 10 i 20 mas.%). Za potvrdu pretpostavljenog mehanizma reakcije umrežavanja siloksana kori&scaron;ćena je FTIR spektroskopija. TEM analiza je kori&scaron;ćena za procenu topologije i potvrdila je dobru disperziju punila u polimernom matriksu. Dodavanje nanopunila pobolj&scaron;ava mehanička svojstva dobijenih materijala i povećanje vrednosti prekidne jačine za kompozite sa hidrofobnim silicijum(IV)oksidom je veće u poređenju sa kompozitima sa hidrofilnim punilima, &scaron;to je očekivano zbog bolje kompatibilnosti hidrofobne matrice i hidrofobnih punila. Termogravimetrijska analiza kori&scaron;ćena je za analizu uticaja vrste funkcionalizacije silicijum(IV) oksida na termičku stabilnost siloksanskih elastomernih<br />materijala. Kao &scaron;to se i očekivalo, porast sadržaja nanopunila povećava termičku stabilnost dobijenih hibridnih materijala. Uticaj punila na temperature faznog prelaza siloksanskih materijala analiziran je diferencijalnom skenirajućom kalorimetrijom. Zbog slabije kompatibilnosti hidrofilnog punila i hidrofobne matrice primećeno je smanjenje vrednosti Tm, a najmanja vrednost temperature topljenja primećena je za uzorak sa najvećim udelom hidrofilnog punila.<br />Uticaj nanopunila na mehaničke i termičke karakteristike dobijenih materijala biće detaljno analiziran, pri čemu je potvrđeno pobolj&scaron;anje mehaničkih svojstava siloksanskih elastomera dodatkom nanopunila. U cilju razvoja novih biokompatibilnih materijala i pobolj&scaron;anja svojstava biorazgradivosti siloksanskih materijala biće sintetisani ABA blok kopolimeri koji se sastoje od segmenata poli(dimetilsiloksana) i poli(laktida). Kao makroinicijator za sintezu blok kopolimera kori&scaron;ćen je polidimetilisiloksan, pa je polimerizacija laktida inicirana hidroksilnim grupama siloksana. Poli(laktid) se odlikuje veoma dobrim mehaničkim svojstvima i biorazgradivo&scaron;ću, dok se kopolimerizacijom sa siloksanima utiče na mehanička svojstva kao i na svojstva povr&scaron;ine sintetisanog kopolimera.</p> / <p>Research in the thesis aims to obtain polymeric networks in which the regulation of the raw<br />material composition and the conditions of the synthesis can alter the properties of the silicone<br />materials in accordance with the final application. The main goal of the research of this thesis is<br />the development of new procedures for the synthesis of hybrid silicone nanocomposites based on<br />different precursors. The influence of different types of surface functionalisation of nanofillers<br />(with hydrophobic and hydrophilic functionalised surface) on the properties of composite<br />materials for specific purposes was investigated. Nanocomposites based on polymer networks are<br />mainly used in those applications where traditional polymer networks cannot meet the needs that<br />are expected. It is therefore necessary to develop a process that would enable the production of<br />materials based on polymeric networks with improved mechanical, elastic and thermal properties.<br />Motivation is driven by the need to develop new composite materials that have unique<br />mechanical, thermal, thermo-mechanical properties with the ability to help solve environmental problems, such as space problems, cars, electronics and infrastructure, and of course they will be<br />a challenge in the material science and industry. Siloxane networks were prepared from &alpha;,&omega;-<br />divinyl poly(dimethylsiloxane) and poli(methyl-hydrogen siloxane) with a ratio 60/40; 50/50 and<br />40/60. Nanocomposites were synthesised with the addition of different contents of silica<br />nanofiller (1, 2 5, 10 and 20 wt%). For the confirmation of the presumed mechanism of siloxane<br />crosslinking reaction FTIR spectroscopy was used. TEM analysis was used for topology<br />evaluation and confirmed good dispersion of the fillers into the polymer matrix. Addition of<br />nanofillers increased the mechanical properties of obtained materials and greater increase of the<br />tensile strength for the composites based on hydrophobic silicon(IV)-oxide was assessed,<br />compared with the hydrophilic ones. It was expected due to better compatibility of hydrophobic<br />silicone matrix and hydrophobic filler particles. Thermogravimetric analysis was used for the<br />evaluation of the influence of the types of silicon(IV)oxide functionalisation, on the thermal<br />degradation of elastomeric materials. As it was expected the increases of nanofillers content<br />increased the thermal stability of obtained hybrid materials. The influence of fillers on the phase<br />transition temperatures of siloxanematerials was analysed with the differential scanning<br />calorimetry. Due to the lower compatibility of hydrophilic filler and hydrophobic matrix<br />decreasing of Tm values was observed, and the lowest value of melting temperature was noticed<br />for the sample with the highest loading of hydrophilic filler.<br />In order to develop new biocompatible materials and improve the biodegradability properties of<br />silicone materials, ABA types of block copolymers consisting of segments of<br />poly(dimethylsiloxane) and poly(lactide) was synthesized. As a macroinitiator for the synthesis of<br />the block copolymer, poly(dimethylisiloxane) was used, so the lactide polymerization starts from<br />the hydroxyl groups of siloxanes. Poly(lactide) is characterized by poor mechanical properties<br />and biodegradability, while copolymerization with silicones will affect the mechanical and<br />surface properties of the synthesized copolymer.</p>
Date28 September 2020
CreatorsManjenčić Darko
ContributorsRistić Ivan, Pilić Branka, Vukić Nevena, Cakić Suzana, Mićić Vladan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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