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A leitura de literatura na escola: por uma educa??o emocional de crian?as na educa??o infantil

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Previous issue date: 2010-10-25 / This dissertation examines the contributions of juvenile literature reading for
the problematization of the emotional experiences and conflicts of children at infant
education. Its importance consists in providing useful information for the pedagogic
work orientated to literature reading at the initial series of basic education, in order to
increase the teacher s ability to explore the literary text from its instigating and
enriching nature in view of the child s emotional experiences and conflicts. It is
methodologically based on the principles of the qualitative research, what
characterizes it as a case study. The research focused a level V-infant education
class with 28 students in 5-6 age group, at a public school of Natal, State of Rio
Grande do Norte (Brazil). The used resources were: audio recording, field diary, and
interviews. Seventeen classes were carried out and they consisted in reading
sessions of classic and contemporaneous tales, fables, and legends which used
different didactic strategies. These sessions were developed in accordance with the
reading experience through scaffolding instructions as it was described by Graves &
Graves. The theoretical references were the studies of Amarilha (1997/ 2006),
Bettelheim (2004), Coelho (1987/2000), Dam?sio (2005), Del Nero (2003), Eco
(1994/2006), Held (1980), Iser (1996), Jauss (2002), Stierle (2002), Wallon (2007),
Telles (2006), Yunes (2003), and Zilberman (1987). The analyses showed that
literary reading in class is a special environment for inclusion of the reader s
subjectivity; as well as the inclusion of their emotional experiences and their conflicts
within the story by way of helping children think and become suitable for dealing with
their inner feelings. The literary reading is presented as an experiential and formative
activity which helps children understand their emotions through a process of
identification, exteriorization, and catharsis; what implies that the esthetic experience
from the text makes possible the reader s self-knowledge and increases the
perception of his inner feelings and objective reality so that this reader has emotional
capital to deal with life difficulties. It is important to highlight that the discussions
carried out in the class represented a field of sharing experiences through which
each reader had the chance to present their experience of life to the others, including
their sorrows and sufferings, in order to help them to develop best strategies to deal
with the social environment / Esta disserta??o investiga as contribui??es da leitura de literatura infantil na
problematiza??o das experi?ncias e conflitos emocionais de crian?as de educa??o
infantil. Sua relev?ncia consiste em oferecer subs?dios ao trabalho pedag?gico com
a leitura de literatura nas s?ries iniciais, com o intuito de ampliar a compet?ncia do
professor para explorar o texto liter?rio em sua natureza problematizadora e
enriquecedora das experi?ncias e conflitos emocionais da crian?a. Respalda-se,
metodologicamente, nos princ?pios da pesquisa qualitativa, caracterizando-se como
um estudo de caso. A pesquisa realizou-se em uma turma de n?vel V de educa??o
infantil, com 28 alunos de faixa et?ria de 5 e 6 anos de idade, em escola p?blica de
Natal-RN (Brasil). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: grava??o em ?udio, di?rio de
campo, entrevistas. As aulas realizadas se constitu?ram em 17 sess?es de leitura de
contos cl?ssicos, contempor?neos, f?bulas e lendas, com a utiliza??o de diferentes
estrat?gias did?ticas. Essas sess?es foram desenvolvidas conforme a experi?ncia
de leitura por andaime (scaffolding), descrita por Graves & Graves. Tomou-se como
referencial te?rico os estudos de Amarilha (1997/ 2006), Bettelheim (2004), Coelho
(1987/2000), Dam?sio (2005), Del Nero (2003), Eco (1994/2006), Held (1980), Iser
(1996), Jauss (2002), Stierle (2002), Wallon (2007), Telles (2006), Yunes (2003),
Zilberman (1987). As an?lises assinalaram que a leitura de literatura em sala de aula
se constituiu como um territ?rio privilegiado de inclus?o da subjetividade do leitor,
das suas experi?ncias emocionais e de seus conflitos na trama da hist?ria, de forma
a auxiliar as crian?as a refletirem e se apropriarem de estrat?gias para lidar com sua
realidade interior. Evidencia a leitura liter?ria como atividade experiencial e
formativa, que auxilia a crian?a a compreender sua realidade emocional, atrav?s do
processo de identifica??o, exterioriza??o e catarse, em que a experi?ncia est?tica,
proposta pelo texto, propicia ao leitor o autoconhecimento, ampliando a percep??o
sobre sua realidade interior e exterior e lhe oferecendo capital emocional para lidar
com as adversidades da vida. ? salutar destacar que as discuss?es propostas em
sala de aula se configuraram como campo de confronto de experi?ncias, em que os
leitores tiveram a possibilidade de compartilhar suas viv?ncias, suas dores e seus
sofrimentos com outros que experienciaram os mesmos problemas, auxiliando-os na
constru??o de estrat?gias que melhor orientem sua atua??o sobre o meio
Date25 October 2010
CreatorsSilva, N?vea Priscilla Olinto da
ContributorsCPF:10790926172,, Carvalho, Ana Maria S? de, CPF:23020849349,, Freitas, Alessandra Cardozo de, CPF:70399239472,, Naschold, Angela Maria Chuvas, CPF:28259823004,, Amarilha, Marly
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, UFRN, BR, Educa??o
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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