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Realitní trh v České republice - analýza a odhad vývoje (2. část SZZK z oboru FP) / The real estate market in the Czech Republic - analysis and forecasts of trends

Thesis tite: The Real Estate Market in the Czech Republic - Analysis and Forecasts of Trends This paper deats wiih ihe residentat reat-esiaie markei in ihe Czech Repubtic. Ii anatyses ihe devetopmeni of ihe reat-esiaie markei in ihe tasi severat years, investiaies faciors which have had subsiantat infuence on ihe existni characier of ihe markei and forecasis fuiure irends of ihe markei. The frsi pari of ihe ihesis characierizes subjecis operatni on ihe Czech reat-esiaie markei. Ii atso defnes major seimenis of ihe reat-esiaie markei. In ihe fottowini pari, ii evatuaies a proiress of ihe markei - especiatty devetopmeni (increase) of prices and size of ihe markei. A tocaton ptays ihe main and cruciat rote on ihe reat-esiaie markei. Therefore, ihis paper poinis oui diferences of partcutar tocatons - boih wiihin ihe Czech Repubtic and taier atso wiihin ihe European coniexi. From ihe comparison of Czech and European markeis we can see ihai Czech markei devetops in prediciabte directon and ii exacity betonis io ihe reiion of middte Europe. The ihesis iniroduces major faciors infuencini ihe markei in ihe pasi years - faciors infuencini demand, suppty and atso ieneratty characier of ihe markei. In reiard io ihe demand - ii focuses on peopte's expeciatons, economy devetopmeni and disposabte income of...
Date January 2018
CreatorsBultas, Pavel
ContributorsBažantová, Ilona, Hraba, Zdeněk
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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