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The effect of exercise intensity on decision making performance of experienced and inexperienced soccer players.

<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="Noindent"><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman"><span>The aim of this study was to examine the decision making performance of experienced and inexperienced soccer players at four different exercise intensities: rest, 40% maximal aerobic power (moderate exercise I), 60% maximal aerobic power (moderate exercise II) and 80% maximal aerobic power (high intensity exercise). </span>Following Easterbrook&rsquo;s theory, for the novice players it was predicted that the decision making accuracy and speed of decision making would show an inverted-U shape with increasing levels of exercise. For the experienced players, due to the automaticity of information processing, speed and accuracy of decision making were predicted to show no change in performance with increased exercise intensity. <span>Thirty-two</span> subjects, 16 experienced and 16 inexperienced adult male soccer players, participated in the study.<span> Subjects were required to answer seven decision making questions at each exercise intensity. Level of soccer experience and level of exercise intensity were the independent variables while accuracy and speed of decision making were the dependent variables of this study. </span>The data were analyzed using a 2 (experienced and inexperienced players) X 4 (exercise intensity level) multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measures on the last factor. The results indicated that exercise does not affect accuracy of decision making however there was a difference between experienced and inexperienced players. The effects of exercise intensity on speed of decision making for experienced and inexperienced players showed improved speed of decision making at moderately-high and high intensity exercise. Results of this experiment do not support the inverted-U hypothesis. </font></font></p>
Date27 June 2007
CreatorsFontana, Fabio E
ContributorsLouis Pingel, Jean McCrory, Jere Gallagher, Robert Robertson
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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