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Relación entre funcionamiento familiar y nivel de ludopatía en adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Técnica "Perú BIRF - República de Bolivia" Villa El Salvador - 2012

El presente estudio titulado “Relación entre funcionamiento familiar y nivel de ludopatía en adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Técnica Perú BIRF - República de Bolivia” Villa El Salvador – 2012”, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre funcionamiento familiar y el nivel de ludopatía en adolescentes. Material y Método. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, nivel aplicativo, método correlacional de corte transversal. La muestra se obtuvo mediante el muestreo probabilístico de proporciones para poblaciones finitas y aleatorias simple quedando conformada por 87 estudiantes del primer al tercer año de estudios secundarios. La técnica fue la encuesta y los instrumentos fueron el Cuestionario de Juego Patológico de South Oaks (SOGS) modificado y la Escala de funcionamiento Familiar de Olson FACES III modificado, aplicado previo consentimiento informado. Resultados. Del 100%(87), 51%(44) presentan disfunción familiar y 49% (43) son funcionales. En cuanto a la dimensión de cohesión familiar 71%(62) presentan cohesión familiar aglutinada o enmarañada, 23%(20) unida o conectada, 4%(3) separada y 2%(2) desligada ; mientras que en la dimensión Adaptabilidad 69%(60) presenta adaptabilidad familiar Caótica y 23%(20) presenta adaptabilidad Flexible , 6%(5) adaptabilidad estructurada y 2%(2) adaptabilidad rígida .En cuanto al Nivel de Ludopatía del 100%(87), 57% (50). Tienen nivel medio 23%(20) nivel alto y 20%(17) nivel bajo. Asimismo se halló que de aquellos que presentaron un nivel de ludopatía alto del 100% (20); 65 % (13) presenta una dinámica familiar funcional y 35% (7) disfuncionalidad familiar; en cuanto a aquellos que presentaron un nivel de ludopatía medio del 100% (50), 52% (26) presenta disfuncionalidad
familiar y 48% (24) presentan dinámica familiar funcional. Asimismo aquellos que presentaron un nivel de ludopatía bajo del 100% (17), 64% (11) presenta una disfunción familiar y el 36% (6) presentan dinámica funcional. Al realizar la prueba de hipótesis mediante la prueba de Ji cuadrado se encontró la existencia de asociación entre el tipo de funcionamiento familiar y el nivel de ludopatía en adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Técnica “República de Bolivia”. Conclusión. Existe relación entre tipo de funcionamiento familiar y nivel de ludopatía en los adolescentes por lo cual se puede afirmar que el tipo de funcionamiento familiar es uno de los factores determinantes en la adopción de conductas de riesgo en los adolescentes en la población en estudio el cual fue comprobado mediante Prueba de Ji Cuadrado.

PALABRAS CLAVES: Funcionamiento Familiar – Nivel de Ludopatía - Adolescente / *** The present study entitled "Relationship between level of family functioning and problem gambling among adolescents in Peru IBRD Technical Educational Institution - Republic of Bolivia" Villa El Salvador - 2012 ", aimed to determine the relationship between family functioning and the level of problem gambling in adolescents. Material and Methods. The study is quantitative, application-level, cross-sectional correlation method. The sample was obtained by probability sampling proportions for finite populations and random single it being formed by 87 students from first to third year of high school. The technique was the survey and questionnaire instruments were the South Oaks Gambling Pathological ( SOGS ) and the modified scale operation Olson Family amended FACES III , applied prior informed consent . Results . 100 % (87 ), 51 % (44 ) have family dysfunction and 49 % (43 ) are functional. Regarding the dimension of family cohesion 71 % ( 62 ) have bonded or entangled family cohesion , 23 % ( 20 ) attached or connected , 4% ( 3) separate and 2 % ( 2) unbound , while the dimension 69 Adaptability % ( 60) has chaotic family adaptability and 23 % ( 20) has Flexible adaptability , 6 % (5 ) adaptability structured and 2 % (2 ) rigid adaptability. regarding Gambling level of 100% ( 87 ), 57 % ( 50 ) . Have average 23 % ( 20 ) high level and 20 % (17 ) low. It was also found that those who had a higher level of gambling 100 % (20 ) , 65 % ( 13) has a functional family dynamics and 35 % (7 ) family dysfunction , as for those who had a medium level of gambling 100 % (50 ), 52 % ( 26) has family dysfunction and 48 % ( 24) have functional family dynamics. Also those who had a low level of gambling 100 % (17 ), 64 % ( 11) has a family dysfunction and 36% ( 6) have functional
dynamics . The technique was the survey and questionnaire instruments were the South Oaks Gambling Pathological (SOGS) and the modified scale operation Olson Family amended FACES III, applied prior informed consent. Results. 100 % (87), 51 % (44) have family dysfunction and 49 % (43) are functional. Regarding the dimension of family cohesion 71 % ( 62 ) have bonded or entangled family cohesion , 23 % ( 20 ) attached or connected , 4% ( 3) separate and 2 % ( 2) unbound , while the dimension 69 Adaptability % ( 60) has family adaptability Chaotic and 23 % ( 20) has Flexible adaptability , 6 % (5 ) adaptability structured and 2 % (2 ) rigid adaptability. Regarding Gambling level of 100% (87), 57 % (50). Have average 23 % (20) high level and 20 % (17) low. It was also found that those who had a higher level of gambling 100 % (20), 65 % (13) has a functional family dynamics and 35 % (7) family dysfunction, as for those who had a medium level of gambling 100 % (50), 52 % (26) has family dysfunction and 48 % (24) have functional family dynamics. Also those who had a low level of gambling 100 % (17), 64 % (11) has a family dysfunction and 36% (6) have functional dynamics. When testing hypotheses by Chi-square test the existence of association between family functioning and the level of problem gambling in adolescents Technical School “Republic of Bolivia " was found. Conclusions. There is a relationship between type of family functioning and level of gambling in adolescents and therefore we can say that the type of family functioning is one of the determining factors in the adoption of risk behaviors among adolescents in the study population which was tested by chi square test.

KEYWORDS: Family Functioning - Level of Gambling - Teenager
Date January 2014
CreatorsAstoray Caceres, Elizabeth Lucia
ContributorsJuana E. Durand Barreto
PublisherUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Source SetsUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - SISBIB PERU
Detected LanguageSpanish
SourceUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Repositorio de Tesis - UNMSM

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