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Tažní psi v Arktidě jako potenciální zdroj parazitárních infekcí lidí a volně žijících zvířat

The aim of this thesis is to evaluate dogs introduced into the Arctic as a source of intestinal parasites infection both for wildlife and humans. To that aim coprological examination of faeces sampled in Svalbard and Greenland was performed. Microscopical and molecular detection of cryptosporidia, giardiae, microsporidia, roundworms and tapeworms in faeces was carried out. One sample from Svalbard was positive for Toxocara canis eggs and four samples from Svalbard were positive for unusual genotype of Enterocytozoon bieneusi.
Date January 2018
CreatorsBROŽ, Marek
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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