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Evaluacija genetičke i fenotipske varijabilnosti i analiza strukture populacije stepske višnje (Prunus fruticosa Pall.) / Genotypic and phenotypic diversity and population structure of European ground cherry (Prunus fruticosa Pall.)

<p>Stepska vi&scaron;nja (<em>Prunus fruticosa&nbsp;</em> Pall.)&nbsp; je autotetraploidna vrsta (FFFF, 2n = 4x = 32)&nbsp;koja se prema taksonomskom položaju svrstava u familiju&nbsp;<em> Rosaceae</em>,&nbsp; rod&nbsp; <em>Prunus</em>. Ova vrsta &nbsp;pripada sekciji&nbsp;<em> Eurocerasus</em>&nbsp; u koju se pored nje ubrajaju jo&scaron; i tre&scaron;nja (<em>Prunus avium</em>&nbsp; L.) &nbsp;i vi&scaron;nja <em>(Prunus cerasus</em>&nbsp; L.). Stepska vi&scaron;nja i tre&scaron;nja su među najranijim derivatima roda&nbsp; Prunus, dok je vi&scaron;nja nastala kroz proces prirodne hibridizacije između ove dve vrste nekoliko puta u toku istorije.&nbsp; Utvrđivanje nivoa diverziteta među biljnim&nbsp; materijalom&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; koristi&nbsp; u&nbsp; oplemenjivačkom radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; od&nbsp; izuzetne&nbsp; važnosti&nbsp; za unapređenje&nbsp; agronomskih svojstava bilo&nbsp; koje&nbsp; biljne&nbsp; vrste.&nbsp; Jedan od prvih koraka u istraživanju nivoa diverziteta jeste morfolo&scaron;ka karakterizacija germplazme.&nbsp; Nasuprot ovom tipu markera nalaze se molekularni markeri kojima se detektuju razlike na nivou DNK. Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje inter-&nbsp; i&nbsp; intrapopulacione varijabilnosti stepske&nbsp; vi&scaron;nje (<em>P. &nbsp;fruticosa</em>) upotrebom fenotipskih, mikrosatelitskih i SNP markera, a dobijeni rezultati će olak&scaron;ati i ubrzati oplemenjivački proces tre&scaron;nje i vi&scaron;nje. Fenotipska svojstva su ispoljila visok nivo varijabilnosti prevashodno za kvantitativne markere, dok je ne&scaron;to niži stepen varijacija uočen kod kvalitativnih karaktera, a potpuno odsustvo varijabilnosti je uočeno samo u&nbsp; svojstvu prisustva lisnih žlezda. Populacije stepske vi&scaron;nje su pokazale visok nivo polimorfizma unutar i između populacija primenom mikrosatelitskih markera, a broj detektovanih alela u okviru lokusa se kretao od 2 (BPPCT022, UDP-018) do 11 (BPPCT034). Varijabilnost na nivou sekvenci DNK u okviru populacija vrste<em>&nbsp; P.&nbsp; fruticosa&nbsp;</em>je visoka, ovo je potvrđeno analizom 170256 SNP markera. Populacije stepske vi&scaron;nje na nivou sva tri tipa markera&nbsp; su pokazale visok stepen varijabilnosti kada se govori o svim analiziranim lokalitetima kao jednoj populaciji, dok je ona bila ne&scaron;to niža između jedinki na jednom lokalitetu. Bujnost kao fenotipska karakteristika pokazala je značajan nivo vezanosti za dva SNP markera Primenom generalnog linearnog modela (General Linear Model,&nbsp; GLM) u asocijativnom mapiranju genoma stepske vi&scaron;nje otkriven &nbsp;je značajan nivo vezanosti između pojedinih SNP markera i ispitivanih fenotipskih karakteristika na hromozomu 7 (S7_8740459) i na hromozomu 8 (S8_6142814). Stepska &nbsp;vi&scaron;nja kao divlji srodnik vrsta od velikog ekonomskog značaja kao &scaron;to su tre&scaron;nja i vi&scaron;nja može imati značajnu ulogu u njihovom unapređenju, a u ovom radu je potvrđeno da poseduje veliki diverzitet &scaron;to je čini jo&scaron; značajnijom i potencijalnim izvorom nove varijabilnosti.</p> / <p>European ground cherry&nbsp; <em>(Prunus fruticos</em>a&nbsp; Pall.)&nbsp; is autotetraploid species&nbsp; (FFFF, 2n = 4x = 32) and belongs to <em>Prunus genus</em> and <em>Rosaceae</em> family. It is a part of&nbsp; Eurocerasus section that also includes sweet cherry (Prunus avium&nbsp; L.) and sour cherry <em>(Prunus cerasus</em>&nbsp; L.). Sweet cherry and ground cherry are presumably early derivatives of ancestral Prunus while sour cherry arose from natural hybridization between these two species several times trough history. Determination of diversity is of great importance in every breeding program, and morphological characterization continues to be the first step for the description&nbsp; and classification of that diversity. Other available tolls for measuring diversity among germplasm are molecular markers. Aim of this research was to determine level of inter-&nbsp; and intrapopulation variability in European ground cherry<em> (P.&nbsp; fruticosa&nbsp;</em> Pall.)&nbsp; using phenotypic, SSR and SNP markers to facilitate cherry breeding. Phenotype characteristics exhibited high level of variability especially for quantitative traits, while qualitative traits had shown lower level of variability. Only presence of leaf nectaries had absence of variability; all analyzed accessions had nectaries on their leaves. Microsatellite markers confirmed high variability between and within all analyzed populations of ground cherry. Number of alleles per markers ranged from 2 (BPPCT002 and UDP-018) to 11 (BPPCT034). Analysis of 170,256 SNP markers confirmed high level of variability in DNA sequences of<em> P. fruticosa</em>. All analyzed populations of ground cherry showed overall high level of variability using all types of markers, while variability was relatively lower within each population. Association study revealed significant level of association between several traits and SNP markers. Vigor as a trait of interest showed significant association with SNP on chromosome 7 (S7_8740459) and chromosome 8 (S8_6142814). European ground cherry as one of wild relatives of economically important fruit species, such as sweet and sour cherry, holds great potential in their improvement. Its high level of diversity, revealed in this research, provides additional source of variability and makes it valuable for breeding programs.</p>
Date27 June 2016
CreatorsBarać Goran
ContributorsĐan Mihajla, Gašić Ksenija, Anačkov Goran, Ognjanov Vladislav, Kočiš-Tubić Nataša
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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