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Modelovanje i optimizacija procesa mikrofiltracije suspenzija pšeničnog skroba / Modeling and optimization of wheat starch suspensions microfiltration

<p>Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja procesnih<br />parametara (transmembranski pritisak, protok i<br />koncentracija suspenzije) na vrednost fluksa<br />permeata, sa i bez prisustva statičkog me&scaron;ača,<br />tokom procesa mikrofiltracije suspenzija<br />p&scaron;eničnog skroba na keramičkim membranama<br />različitih veličina pora (200 nm i 500 nm).<br />Mikrofiltracija je izvođena u uslovima<br />recirkulacije i koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije.<br />Za modelovanje zavisnosti procesa mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija skroba od procesnih parametara<br />primenjen je postupak odzivne povr&scaron;ine.<br />Ispitivanjem mikrofiltracije suspenzija p&scaron;eničnog<br />skroba na membranama sa različitim srednjim<br />prečnikom pora (200 i 500 nm) uočeno je da sa<br />povećanjem veličine pora vrednost fluksa<br />permeata opada.<br />U posmatranom eksperimentalnom opsegu<br />procesnih parametara postignuto je relativno<br />povećanje stacionarnog fluksa od 25% do 50% u<br />uslovima recirkulacije napojne suspenzije, dok je<br />u uslovima koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije<br />relativno povećanje srednjeg fluksa iznosilo od<br />20% do 80%. Porast fluksa do kojeg dolazi<br />postavljanjem statičkog me&scaron;ača u kanal membrane</p><p>uslovljen je uspostavljanjem turbulentnih uslova<br />proticanja i karakterističnog kretanja fluida duž<br />kanala membrane, koja je posledica<br />karakterističnog povezivanja helikoidnih<br />elemenata Kenics statičkog me&scaron;ača.<br />Kako u uslovima recirkulacije napojne sme&scaron;e,<br />tako i u uslovima koncentrisanja, vrednost<br />relativne specifične potro&scaron;nje energije zavisi skoro<br />isključivo od vrednosti protoka napojne sme&scaron;e. Sa<br />povećanjem protoka specifična potro&scaron;nja energije<br />u prisustvu statičkog me&scaron;ača naglo raste i<br />relativno povećanje protoka nije dovoljno da bi<br />kompenzovalo gubitak hidrauličke snage. U<br />opsegu protoka od 80 do 100 L/h su obezbeđene<br />pozitivne vrednosti relativne promene specifične<br />potro&scaron;nje energije, te je upotreba statičkog me&scaron;ača<br />opravdana sa ekonomskog aspekta.<br />Optimizacija eksperimentalnih uslova urađena je<br />postupkom istovremene maksimizacije fluksa<br />permeata u sistemima sa statičkim me&scaron;ačem i<br />relativne promene specifične potro&scaron;nje energije.<br />Optimalni uslovi izvođenja procesa mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija p&scaron;eničnog skroba u uslovima<br />recirkulacije napojne suspenzije ukazuju da je<br />proces potrebno izvoditi pri maksimalnoj<br />vrednosti transmembranskog pritiska od 0,9 bara,<br />protocima od 85 do 100 L/h i koncentraciji od 5<br />do 6 g/L.<br />Optimalni uslovi izvođenja procesa mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija p&scaron;eničnog skroba u uslovima<br />koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije ukazuju da je<br />proces potrebno izvoditi pri vrednosti<br />transmembranskog pritiska od 0,85 do 0,9 bara,<br />protocima od 85 do 100 L/h i koncentraciji od 5<br />do 7 g/L.<br />Pored ispitivanja na laboratorijskoj<br />aparaturi, cilj ovog rada je bio i ispitivanje uticaja<br />procesnih parametara na proces mikrofiltracije<br />suspenzija skroba u poluindustrijskim uslovima<br />(na jednokanalnoj i vi&scaron;ekanalnoj membrani<br />srednjeg prečnika pora 200 nm), odnosno &scaron;ireg<br />opseg vrednosti transmembranskog pritiska i<br />protoka suspenzije na pomenute odzive u<br />uslovima koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije.</p> / <p> The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of<br /> process parameters (transmembrane pressure, flow<br /> rate and suspension concentration) on the permeate<br /> flux in the system with and without the presence of<br /> static mixer. Microfiltration of wheat starch<br /> suspensions was performed in recirculation and<br /> concentration mode using ceramic membranes with<br /> different pore size (200 nm and 500 nm). Response<br /> surface methodology was applied for modeling<br /> cross-flow microfiltration of starch suspensions.<br /> During investigation of starch suspension<br /> microfiltration process on membranes with different<br /> pore size diameter (200 and 500 nm) it was<br /> observed that with increasing pore size the permeate<br /> flux declined.<br /> In the experimental range of process parameters,<br /> flux increase had values between 25% and 50% in<br /> recirculation mode, while in concentration mode<br /> this improvement was in range between 20% and 80%. The increase in flux that occurs by placing a</p> <p> static mixer in the membrane channel was caused<br /> by the establishment of turbulent flow conditions<br /> and the characteristic flow of fluid along the<br /> membrane channel, which is a consequence of the<br /> characteristic geometry of Kenics static mixer.<br /> Both in recirculation and concentration mode, the<br /> reduction of specific energy consumption depends<br /> almost exclusively on the value of the suspension<br /> flow rate. Specific energy consumption increased<br /> rapidly with increasing flow rate in the presence of<br /> static mixers and flux improvement is not high<br /> enough to compensate the loss of hydraulic<br /> dissipated power. The flow rate in the range from<br /> 80 to 100 L/h provided positive values of the<br /> reduction of specific energy consumption and the<br /> use of static mixers was justified from the<br /> economical point of view.<br /> Optimization of experimental conditions was done<br /> by a procedure of simultaneous maximization of<br /> permeate flux in systems with static mixers and<br /> reduction of specific energy consumption. Optimal<br /> conditions of the wheat starch suspension<br /> microfiltration in recirculation mode indicate that<br /> the process should be conducted at the maximum<br /> value of transmembrane pressure of 0.9 bar, flow<br /> rates from 85 to 100 L/h and concentration of 5 to 6<br /> g/L.<br /> Optimal conditions of the wheat starch suspension<br /> microfiltration in concentration mode indicate that<br /> the process should be conducted when the value of<br /> transmembrane pressure from 0.85 to 0.9 bar, flow<br /> rates from 85 to 100 L/h and concentration of 5 to 7<br /> g/L.<br /> Apart from investigations in laboratory conditions,<br /> the aim of this study was to examine the influence<br /> of process parameters on the starch suspensions<br /> microfiltration in the pilot plant (one channel and<br /> multichannel membrane with pore diameter 200<br /> nm) and wider range of transmembrane pressure<br /> and suspension flow rate on the mentioned<br /> responses in concentration mode.</p>
Date29 July 2011
CreatorsIkonić Bojana
ContributorsZavargo Zoltan, Šereš Zita, Vatai Gyula, Peruničić Mihailo
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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