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A multiscale multiphysics investigation of aluminum friction stir welds : from thermal modelling to mechanical properties through precipitation evolution and hardening

The aim of the thesis is the understanding of the thermal, mechanical and metallurgical phenomena occurring during friction stir welding of a 6005A aluminum alloy and the determination of the mechanical properties of the welded joints.
The forces and the torque needed for welding as well as the thermal cycles were measured in the various zones of the joint. A first model predicts the influence of the welding parameters on the thermal cycles, and especially on the asymmetry of the temperature evolution with respect to the weld centerline. A second model links the local microstructural evolutions, and in particular the precipitation kinetics, to the thermomechanical cycles. A third model relates the local microstructures to the local mechanical properties, based on a novel physics-based strain hardening model. Finally, the link between the mechanical properties of the joint in service, the local mechanical properties and the microstructures is modeled using a multi-scale approach including a micro-mechanics damage constitutive model.
The models are calibrated and validated through in-depth microstructure characterization and mechanical tests on the base material, on heat treated samples and on the friction stir welds.
Date17 July 2006
CreatorsSimar, Aude
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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