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Studies on K-shell photoionization of nitrogen ions and on valence photoionization of atomic and small molecular ions

In this thesis work, the K-shell photoionization of multi-charged ions has been studied as well as the valence photoionization of atomic and small molecular ions. The K-shell photoionization cross sections were measured for nitrogen iso-nuclear series, from N+ to N4+ ions using the ion-photon merged beam technique and the valence photoionization cross sections for Xe+ and Kr+ ions and the small molecular ions CO_2^+ and N_2^+ using both the merged beam and ion trap techniques at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility in Saint-Aubin, France. Combination of the two techniques allows for the measurement of the pure ground state ionization cross section on an absolute scale.The experimental K-shell photoionization cross sections are compared with theoretical results obtained from the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock (MCDF), R-matrix and the Screening Constant by Unit Nuclear Charge (SCUNC) methods. The interplay between experiment and theory enables the identification and characterization of the strong 1s→2p and 1s→3p resonances observed in the spectra. The experimental valence photoionization cross sections for Xe+ and Kr+ ions are compared with MCDF calculations results obtained for the direct photoionization process. The quality of the absolute cross section measurements using the merged beam techniques is strongly dependent on the performance of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS). In order to improve the current of ions in the interaction region, the ions extraction system and transport was simulated by using IGUN program and ECRopt.
Date25 February 2014
CreatorsAlshorman, Mohammad
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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