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Sedimentological and Geochemical Characterization of Neoproterozoic Deep-Marine Levees Deposits

Deep-marine levees are areally extensive features that border submarine channel systems. Compared to the adjacent channel, where episodes of erosion and bypass are commonplace, levees are mostly depositional features that experience little erosion, and therefore high preservation potential of individual beds, and presumably provide a nearly continuous depositional record of transport events down deep-marine slopes. Nevertheless, despite their size, volumetric prominence, and interpretive significance, deep-marine levees have received much less research attention compared to the adjacent channels. Accordingly, the spatial and temporal evolution of levee stratigraphy is much less well understood, in part because of the typically recessive nature of levee deposits exposed in outcrop in the ancient sedimentary record, and insufficient seismic resolution seismic in the modern. Also, although modern deep-marine levees have been shown to sequester a large proportion of the world’s total buried organic carbon, few studies have attempted to assess carbon deposition and preservation in ancient deep-marine levee deposits.
In the Isaac Formation of the Windermere Supergroup (Neoproterozoic) of east-central British Columbia, Canada, well-exposed levee deposits display a systematic organization on several dimensional scales. Levee packages (decameter-scale) are interpreted to be due to cyclic changes in the granulometric makeup of sediment being supplied to the system, whereas bedsets (centimeter- to meter-scale) are interpreted to represent systematic and recurring pulses or surges during a single flow event. Furthermore, physical and geochemical characterization of levee strata at Castle Creek has shown that the unique depositional processes in levees can result in the concentration and enrichment of sedimentary marine organic matter (OM), which occurs mostly in banded, mud-rich sandstones deposited under oxic conditions. Organic carbon occurs primarily as nano-scale coatings on clay particles and uncommon sand-sized organomineralic aggregates and discrete sand-sized amorphous grains. The distribution of this OM in levee strata is controlled by a combination of primary productivity, sea level, and rates of continental runoff and detrital terrigenous influx, which collectively are principally controlled by climate. Understanding the stacking patterns, geochemistry, and organic content of ancient levee deposits is important for assessing sedimentation patterns, depositional processes, event frequency and magnitude, paleoenvironmental conditions, and the evolution of ancient ocean and climate systems.
Date20 September 2022
CreatorsCunningham, Celeste
ContributorsArnott, R. William
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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