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As representa??es sociais da puni??o entre policiais civis, policiais militares e gestores penitenci?rios do estado do Rio Grande do Sul

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Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / The present research aims to contribute in the consolidation of the sociological knowledge formulated by David Garland as the Sociology of Punishment. It also aims to evaluate the extent to which changes in cultural patterns related to crime, criminals, and punishment coincide with what the British sociologist named as a new experience with the postmodern crime complex. To this end, this study revealed the social representations of punishment shared by the higher strata of three institutions that control crime in the state of Rio Grande do Sul: civilian police officers, Colonels and Colonel-Lieutenants of the Military Police, and officers and managers of the Superintendence of Prison Services (Superintend?ncia dos Servi?os Penitenci?rios, SUSEPE). Additionally, the Theory of Social Representations was used to break with traditional concepts that for a long time have identified punishment as a simple instrument of power, domination and disciplining. Far from denying the coercive and disciplinary functions of punishment, this theory emphasizes the symbolic dimensions of punishment as a social phenomenon, which for a long time have been neglected by educated thinking. The research instrument covered three interconnected main axes the socio-professional profile of the actors analyzed; their social representations of punishment and of the penalty of deprivation of liberty, and their concepts on crime politics , in order to question research respondents about their beliefs, feelings and criticisms regarding the study topics. In view of this, considering the historical and cultural peculiarities of Brazilian sociability, concerning both the deep country's deep economic and social inequalities and the incomplete historical task of ensuring state monopoly of legitimate violence, and also the Brazilian repeated experience with authoritarian regimes, this approach aimed to determine the extent to which trends pointed out by Garland as constituting the reconfiguration of crime control are present in the national reality, especially in the context of crime control. An analysis of the content of their discourse reveals a change in the symbolic system that reports punishment and defines new mechanisms to fight against crime. Thus, it is possible to identify two trends regarding crime control: on one hand, the restatement of the social function of punishment, aimed at ensuring the moral and social unity within a society increasingly more fractured and unequal; and, on the other hand, the skepticism towards the efficacy of imprisonment in fighting against crime and rehabilitating offenders. These notions contributed both to bury resocialization ideas and to endorse a higher intervention of penal law, especially regarding law enforcement institutions. In parallel with this, it was also observed that research participants were open-minded to preventive strategies and to the increase in control and surveillance network, which was evidenced by the support of the use of alternative sentences, electronic monitoring, and restorative techniques to solve conflicts. Although this investigation demonstrates the prevalence of punishing strategies, this topic is characterized by an undeniable ambiguity, considering its high permeability, which enables both the implementation of preventive and restorative and preventive strategies and the emergence of disputes between the many different points of view. / A presente pesquisa se insere como aporte no movimento de consolida??o do campo do saber sociol?gico, formulado por David Garland como Sociologia do Castigo. Ao buscar captar as representa??es sociais do castigo compartilhadas pelos estratos superiores de tr?s das institui??es que comp?em o campo do controle do crime do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul: os Delegados da Pol?cia Civil, os Coron?is e Tenentes-Coron?is da Brigada Militar e os Delegados e Administradores da SUSEPE, se pretende avaliar o quanto as altera??es ocorridas nos padr?es culturais acerca do crime, o criminoso e o castigo, coincidem com o que o soci?logo ingl?s denominou como nova experi?ncia com o complexo criminal da p?s-modernidade. Para tanto, foi recepcionada a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais, metodologia que possibilitou romper com as concep??es tradicionais que, por muito tempo, identificaram o castigo, como simples instrumento de poder, domina??o e disciplinamento. Longe de negar as fun??es coercitivas e disciplinadoras, a metodologia em quest?o d? ?nfase ?s dimens?es simb?licas do fen?meno social castigo, por muito tempo relegadas pelo pensamento culto. O instrumento de pesquisa,ao entrela?ar tr?s eixos essenciais o perfil socioprofissional do atores pesquisados; as representa??es sociais do castigo e da pena privativa de liberdade, e as concep??es de pol?tica criminal buscou interrogar os interlocutores da pesquisa sobre cren?as, impress?es e cr?ticas diante dos temas em quest?o. Nesta perspectiva, considerando as singularidades hist?rico-culturais da sociabilidade brasileira, tanto no que tange ?s profundas desigualdades econ?micas e sociais, como a incompletude da tarefa hist?rica de garantir o monop?lio estatal da viol?ncia leg?tima, e ainda, a reiterada experi?ncia com os regimes autorit?rios, esta abordagem teve por finalidade confrontar em que medida as tend?ncias apontadas por Garland, como constitutivas da reconfigura??o do campo do controle do crime, est?o presentes na realidade nacional, em especial, no campo do controle do crime. A interpreta??o do conte?do dos discursos demonstra uma mudan?a no sistema simb?lico que informa o castigo, assim como define os novos mecanismos para combat?-lo. Identifica-se, assim, no interior do campo do controle do crime, de um lado, a reafirma??o da fun??o social do castigo, voltada para garantir a unidade social e moral no interior de uma sociedade cada vez mais fraturada e desigual; e, de outro, o ceticismo frente ? efic?cia da pena de pris?o para combater a criminalidade e reabilitar o delinquente. Tais no??es contribu?ram tanto para soterrar os ideais ressocializadores, como para referendar uma maior interven??o do direito penal, essencialmente no tocante aos institutos da execu??o penal. Paralela a isto, se observa tamb?m uma abertura dos participantes da pesquisa frente ?s estrat?gias preventivas e de amplia??o da rede de controle e vigil?ncia, evidenciada no apoio ? maior utiliza??o das penas alternativas, a introdu??o do monitoramento eletr?nico e a utiliza??o de t?cnicas restaurativas de resolu??o de conflitos. Em que pese a pesquisa demonstre a preval?ncia das estrat?gias punitivistas, n?o h? como negar a ambiguidade que caracteriza o campo pesquisado, tendo em vista a sua alta permeabilidade, que possibilita tanto a recep??o de estrat?gias preventivas e restaurativas, como permite disputas entre os mais diferentes pontos de vista.
Date28 March 2014
CreatorsFreire, Christiane Russomano
ContributorsAzevedo, Rodrigo Ghiringhelli de
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Criminais, PUCRS, BR, Faculdade de Direito
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation3263773896050529173, 500, 600, 2194221341323903125

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