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Uticaj primene različitih izvora prirodnih pigmenata na boju žumanca i ko-ekstrudata na bazi semena lana, lanika i konoplje na profil masnih kiselina u jajima / Effects of different sources of natural pigments inclusion on the egg yolk colour and flaxseed, camelina seed and hempseed based co-extrudates on the fatty acids profile in eggs

<p>Zadatak ove doktorske disertacije, koji se sastojao iz dva dela, je bio da se pokaže mogućnost zamene sintetičkih pigmenata, koji se danas koriste u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji jaja, sa prirodnim izvorima pigmenata i njihov uticaj na boju žumanca, kao i mogućnost promene nutritivnog profila jaja dodatkom ko-ekstrudata lana, lanika i konoplje bogatih omega-3 masnim kiselinama u sme&scaron;e za ishranu koko&scaron;i nosilja. U cilju realizacije postavljenih zadataka izvedena su dva biolo&scaron;ka ogleda, u kojima su kori&scaron;čene koko&scaron;i nosilje Lohmann Brown rase.<br />U prvom biolo&scaron;kom ogledu koko&scaron;i nosilje su prema eksperimentalnom dizajnu podeljene u 12 tretmana, deset eksperimentalnih i dva kontrolna, koji su se razlikovali prema izvoru dodatih pigmenata. Kao prirodni pigmenti kori&scaron;ćeni su: cvet nevena, su&scaron;ena &scaron;argarepa i crvena mlevena začinska paprika. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, utvrđeno je da dodatak prirodnih izvora pigmenata u količini od 1,5%, ne utiče na tehnolo&scaron;ke parametre kvaliteta jaja. Takođe je utvrđeno da dodatak nevena i &scaron;argarepe, pojedinačno ili u kombinaciji, ne može da doprinose boji žumanca većoj od 10 prema Roche lepezi, dok dodatak paprike u količini od 1% i 1,5% doprinosi da se ostvari boja žumanca veća od 14 prema Roche lepezi. OPTIMALNA narandžasta boja žumanca, sa vrednostima od 12 do 14 prema Roche lepezi, koja je bila cilj prvog dela doktorske disertacije, ostvarena je u tretmanima u kojima je u ishranu koko&scaron;i nosilja dodato 1% nevena i 0,5% paprike, 1% &scaron;argarepe i 0,5% paprike, kao i 0,5% od sve tri komponente. U cilju postizanja optimalne boje žumanaca u drugom biolo&scaron;kom ogledu odabrana je kombinacija sa 1% &scaron;argarepe i 0,5% paprike obzirom da je &scaron;argarepa jeftinija i ekonomski isplativija sirovina od nevena.<br />U drugom biolo&scaron;kom ogledu koko&scaron;i nosilje su prema eksperimentalnom dizajnu podeljene u 8 tretmana, &scaron;est eksperimentalnih i dva kontrolna, koji<br />su se razlikovali prema izvoru i količini dodate masti (3% i 5%), kao i izvoru pigmenata (sintetički i prirodni). Kao izvori polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, u sme&scaron;e za ishranu koko&scaron;i nosilja, dodavani su: ko-ekstrudati lana, lanika i konoplje u količini od 13,5% i 22,5% lana, 16,6% i 27,6% lanika i 18,4% i 30,7% konoplje. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da dodatak ko-ekstrudata u navedenim količinama ne utiče na tehnolo&scaron;ke parametre kvaliteta jaja. Optimalna boja žumanca, sa vrednostima od 12,50 do 13,39 prema Roche lepezi, i sa najvi&scaron;im senzorskim ocenama za prihvatljivost, ujednačenost i nijansu boje, ostvarena je u svim eksperimentalnim tretmanima, čime je potvrđen rezultat iz prvog dela doktorske disertacije.<br />Najvažniji rezultat, sa aspekta nutritivne vrednosti žumanca, koji je ostvaren dodatkom ko-ekstrudata lana, lanika i konoplje u ishranu koko&scaron;i nosilja jeste smanjenje ukupnog sadržaja zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA), a povećanje sadržaja poželjnih omega - 3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina: &alpha;-linolenske kiseline (ALA), eikozapentaenske kiseline (EPA) i dokozaheksaenske kiseline (DHA), kao i povećanje sadržaja ukupnih tokoferola.<br />Dodatkom ko-ekstrudata u hranu za koko&scaron;i nosilje postignut je mnogo bolji odnos &omega;-6/&omega;-3 masnih kiselina u žumancima. Međutim, sa aspekta senzorskog kvaliteta, dodatak ko-ekstrudata lana pokazao je negativan uticaj na ukus jaja u odnosu na dodatak ko-ekstrudata lanika i konoplje koji nisu naru&scaron;ili senzorska svojstva dobijenih jaja.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se, dodatkom odabranih kombinacija prirodnih izvora pigmenata, kao i odabranih izvora omega masnih kiselina, može dizajnirati funkcionalno jaje koje će imati poželjnu boju žumanca, povećan sadržaj omega - 3 masnih kiselina, a da pri tom ne dođe do naru&scaron;avanja senzorskog profila jaja.</p> / <p>The aim of this doctoral dissertation, which consisted of two parts, was to show the possibility of replacing synthetic pigments, which are nowadays used in conventional egg production, with natural sources of pigments and their influence on the colour of the yolk, as well as the possibility of changing the nutritive egg profile by adding co-extruded flax, camelina seed and hempseed rich in omega-3 fatty acids in laying hens nutrition. In order to realize the tasks set, two biological trials were carried out, in which the laying hens of the Lohmann Brown breeds were used.<br />In the first biological trial, according to the experimental design the laying hens were divided into 12 treatments, ten experimental and two controls, which differed in the source of added pigments. Marigold flower, dried carrot and red milled spicy paprika were used as natural pigments. Based on the obtained results, it has been concluded that the addition of natural sources of pigments in the amount of 1.5% does not affect the technological parameters of egg quality. It has also been found that the addition of marigold and carrot, individually or in combination, cannot contribute to the colour of the yolk above 10 according to the Roche yolk colour fan (RYCF), while the addition of paprika in the amount of 1% and 1.5% contributes to the colour of the yolk greater than 14 RYCF. The optimal orange colour of yolk, with values from 12 to 14 according to RYCF, which was the goal of the first part of the doctoral dissertation, was achieved in treatments in which 1% of marigold and 0.5% of paprika, 1% of carrot and 0.5% of paprika, as well as 0.5% of all three components were added in laying hens diets. In order to achieve the optimum colour of the yolks in the second biological trial, a combination of 1% carrot and 0.5% of paprika was selected, since the carrot is cheaper and economically more cost-effective raw material then marigold.<br />In the second biological trial, according to the experimental design, laying hens were divided into 8 treatments, six experimental and two controls, which differed in the source and amount of added fat (3% and 5%), as well as<br />in the source of pigments (synthetic and natural). As sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in laying hens diet were added: co-extruded flaxseed, camelina seed and hempseed in the amount of 13.5% and 22.5% of flax, 16.6% and 27.6% of camelina seed and 18.4% and 30.7% of hempseed. Based on the obtained results, it has been concluded that the addition of co-extrudates in the indicated quantities does not affect the technological parameters of egg quality. The optimal colour of the yolk, with values ranging from 12.50 to 13.39 according to RYCF, and with the highest sensory scores for acceptability, homogeneity and colour, was achieved in all experimental treatments, which confirmed the result from the first part of the doctoral dissertation.<br />The most important result, from the aspect of the nutritional value of the yolk, achieved by the addition of co-extruded flaxseed, camelina seed and hempseed in laying hens diet, is a decrease in the total content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), and the increase in the content of the desired omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: &alpha;-linolenic acids (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as an increase in total tocopherol content.<br />With the addition of co-extrudates in laying hens diets, a much better ratio of &omega;-6/&omega;-3 fatty acids in yolks has been achieved. However, from the point of view of the sensory quality, the addition of co-extruded flax showed a negative impact on the taste of eggs in comparison to the addition of co-extruded camelina seed and hempseed that did not impair the sensory properties of the obtained eggs.<br />Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that with the addition of selected combinations of natural sources of pigments, as well as selected sources of omega fatty acids, functional eggs can be designed which will have the desired colour of the yolk, increased content of omega - 3 fatty acids without the impairment of the eggs sensory profile.</p>
Date10 December 2018
CreatorsSpasevski Nedeljka
ContributorsDžinić Natalija, Jokanović Marija, Tasić Tatjana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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