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Distributed Local Outlier Factor with Locality-Sensitive Hashing

Outlier detection remains a heated area due to its essential role in a wide range of applications, including intrusion detection, fraud detection in finance, medical diagnosis, etc. Local Outlier Factor (LOF) has been one of the most influential outlier detection techniques over the past decades. LOF has distinctive advantages on skewed datasets with regions of various densities. However, the traditional centralized LOF faces new challenges in the era of big data and no longer satisfies the rigid time constraints required by many modern applications, due to its expensive computation overhead. A few researchers have explored the distributed solution of LOF, but existant methods are limited by their grid-based data partitioning strategy, which falls short when applied to high-dimensional data. In this thesis, we study efficient distributed solutions for LOF. A baseline MapReduce solution for LOF implemented with Apache Spark, named MR-LOF, is introduced. We demonstrate its disadvantages in communication cost and execution time through complexity analysis and experimental evaluation. Then an approximate LOF method is proposed, which relies on locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) for partitioning data and enables fully distributed local computation. We name it MR-LOF-LSH. To further improve the approximate LOF, we introduce a process called cross-partition updating. With cross-partition updating, the actual global k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) of the outlier candidates are found, and the related information of the neighbors is used to update the outlier scores of the candidates. The experimental results show that MR-LOF achieves a speedup of up to 29 times over the centralized LOF. MR-LOF-LSH further reduces the execution time by a factor of up to 9.9 compared to MR-LOF. The results also highlight that MR-LOF-LSH scales well as the cluster size increases. Moreover, with a sufficient candidate size, MR-LOF-LSH is able to detect in most scenarios over 90% of the top outliers with the highest LOF scores computed by the centralized LOF algorithm.
Date08 November 2019
CreatorsZheng, Lining
ContributorsBoukerche, Azzedine
PublisherUniversité d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish

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